Jack Smith could face indictment

Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
I used to have respect for Deshowitz, but I think he doing this from a belief that MAGA's aren't very smart, and will believe anything. Trumps argument that Jack Smith is violating Trumps 6th amendment right to counsel, by going after Trumps lawyers. They may not remember Trumps legal history, from Roy Cohen to Michael Cohn, Trump uses his lawyers to do his dirty work.

Dershowitz's 1st amendment argument is equally flawed, because he didn't go after Trump for what he said, but what he did. Like create slates of fake electors so that Mike Pence could count the fake electors instead of the real electors.

BTW: Giuliani isn't Trumps lawyer, he isn't anybodies lawyer. Lin Wood, can no longer practice law. And that list is growing.
Sure it is. If you want an army that is more interested in pronouns and operations for conversion, you are correct. If you want an army that will actually fight, well, skippy, you are shit out of luck.
No military is required to deal with magafucks. They are cowards.
Smith looks so constipated and creepy.....


I guess you prefer public figures who can't shut up, tell lies and call people nasty names even when their lawyers are BEGGING them to keep quiet. Be sure to follow the trials, toots. And hold on to your seat because Smith is going to blow Trump right out of his.
I guess you prefer public figures who can't shut up, tell lies and call people nasty names even when their lawyers are BEGGING them to keep quiet. Be sure to follow the trials, toots. And hold on to your seat because Smith is going to blow Trump right out of his.
Aw, someone sounds triggered….
Ok, I’m waiting for one honest liberal in here to admit that Biden is compromised….Are you that one? Considering your history here, I’d say, not….On to your next meaningless post/deflection….
The OP is about Jack Smith. The prosecutor who isn't playing games. Capiche?
RWingers and their conspiracies.

Every time Comer bleeps out another accusation, Jack counters it with something real.
What you really mean is every time we learn more about how widespread the Biden family influence peddling was...and how Joe has blatantly lied about it for three years now...Jack Smith comes out the next day with another indictment.
Cool non-sequitur. I ask you if any prosecutor has ever been indicted for losing a case, but instead of answering my question, you repeat Dershowitz's opinion.

Dershowitz's opinion answers your question, you pathetic dung heap.

From what I can ascertain, if your feigned curiosity even has a pinch of integrity - you're about to understand no uncompromised prosecutor would be dumb enough to bring this case to begin with.

It basically hinges on, well "Experts"* told Trump the election was fair - and then relies on that as the inexorable evidence that inside Trump's mind he could not have possibly doubted them; and must have believed he was engaging in a nefarious plot when he dared question the veracity of the election's results.

In other words, the Jackoff purports to have some kind of insight into the inner workings of Orange Man's brain - which is unfalsifiable.

Ergo, you have yourself a shit case.

*Please note that "Experts" have had an utterly horrible track record amidst the era of COVID, Russia Collusion, and interventionist wars initiated based on specious reasons.
What you really mean is every time we learn more about how widespread the Biden family influence peddling was...and how Joe has blatantly lied about it for three years now...Jack Smith comes out the next day with another indictment.
No. Please read the following... Jack Smith didn't indict Trump for nothing. Your GOP idiots in the House are a joke. You parrot lies.
No. Please read the following... Jack Smith didn't indict Trump for nothing. Your GOP idiots in the House are a joke. You parrot lies.
Jack Smith's indictments are a joke, OK! They'll be tossed on appeal but he knows that and doesn't care. This is all about going after Donald Trump to hamper his campaign. The Biden DOJ is using the power of the Federal Government against his largest political opponent...something so sleazy...so out of bounds it strains belief.
Jack Smith's indictments are a joke, OK! They'll be tossed on appeal but he knows that and doesn't care. This is all about going after Donald Trump to hamper his campaign. The Biden DOJ is using the power of the Federal Government against his largest political opponent...something so sleazy...so out of bounds it strains belief.
Blah blah blah. The fatman is in deep doo doo, Ok?
Oooh...still buying into that shit. Trump also said that thousands of ballots were dumped "in a river" but he failed to state which river and where. Remember that?
Goddamn you people are stooopid.
Jack Smith just opened the door to investigating election fraud. Jack Smith has to prove that Trump does not believe the election was stolen, Trump's defense is proving the election was stolen.

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