Jake Tapper Accuses Elon Musk of "Sabotage" Over Not Allowing Ukraine to Use Starlink to Attack Russian Fleet in Crimea

No, you're just a propaganda casualty who failed to address/acknowledge anything I just fucking said.
No. I am just a long retired Cold Warrior that doesn't like the Russian government, and it's attempt to invade and take over it's neighbor, as it is bad for Europe and ultimately the United States.
Do people not realize the idiotic precedent they want to set here? Expecting private industry to open their technology to conduct war operations could have serious consequences for us in the future.
Do people not realize the idiotic precedent they want to set here? Expecting private industry to open their technology to conduct war operations could have serious consequences for us in the future.

And meanwhile Musk lent his assets toward humanitarian necessities, but Leftists decry his reluctance to involve his private company in a very public kinetic war.

And they delude themselves into believing they're "moderates".

I think we're currently experiencing peak Boomer stupid.

What a sad end to such a wanton generation.
You bore me.
You should not have asked. So you support Russia. OK. I don't, but it's not like you live next door to me and fly a Russian flag, and are going to try to sell me on supporting Russia with you.
You didn't get anything about hijack starlink from me. The system being there, and operational, I just consider Musk, acting purposely against US interests involving Ukraine, so since he is an American citizen, I consider him a dick. But, I do not support hijacking anything.
You mean Bidens interests.
Naturally, I support Ukraine, so disapprove of Musk for not letting Ukraine access all of starlink in the region, not limited to just over Ukraine. There really is very little about the man that impresses me, be it social media management to his autonomous driving Tesla.
So you support Ukraine bombing Russian people in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
I guess US vital interests and national foreign policy are out of your hands comrade.
Who gets to determine what is of US “vital interests”?

Do you want to send in US troops to take Crimea from the Russians?
Naturally, I support Ukraine, so disapprove of Musk for not letting Ukraine access all of starlink in the region, not limited to just over Ukraine. There really is very little about the man that impresses me, be it social media management to his autonomous driving Tesla.
If you support Ukraine, you must be very upset that the USG is using it as a slaughter house to weaken Russia, and must want the USG-caused butchery to end.
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No. I am just an American, that support Ukraine against the invading Russian military and Putin attempt to take over that country that sits on the border of Poland, an ally and NATO country. If putin wins and takes Ukraine, the Russians will not stop with Ukraine. Fuck them and anybody that supports them. I take it you are a Russian supporter?
Putin was deliberately pushed into this by years of calculated US provocation.

And not only will they stop in Ukraine, they’ll stop once they get the Russian part of Ukraine back.
No. I am just a long retired Cold Warrior that doesn't like the Russian government, and it's attempt to invade and take over it's neighbor, as it is bad for Europe and ultimately the United States.
The USG shouldn’t have deliberately provoked this then.

Same thing for the USG provocation of China.
You should not have asked. So you support Russia. OK. I don't, but it's not like you live next door to me and fly a Russian flag, and are going to try to sell me on supporting Russia with you.
It’s not a question of supporting Russia.

It’s a question of opposing genocidal USG actions that for YEARS led up to this inevitability.

Calling those who oppose USG-driven genocide Russia supporters is a cop out.
I was already aware, Musk did not allow full use of his starlink system over that entire region, already. I didn't see the Jake Tapper thing. I take it you are a big time Elon supporter?
I support ANYONE who is willing to stand in the way of escalating this slaughter. At first, I was as pro-Ukraine as any but then it began to dawn on me that the same entities that were supporting Ukraine were, to a man, supporting the destruction of Trump between 2016 and today.

He chose not to be complicit in potentially causing a catastrophic escalation. The only unknown about this war right now is WHEN Ukraine will come to the table. They had a pre-war population of about 40 million. Russia has a population of about 143 million. Ukraine can be bled white before Russia even has to call a general mobilization. Should NATO's efforts lead to a serious chance that Russia will be pushed out of Ukraine, Putin is going to have a surprise for the world. If he loses Crimea, he also loses his life. Anyone who thinks he'll risk that without using a nuke, is delusional.

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