Jake Tapper Accuses Elon Musk of "Sabotage" Over Not Allowing Ukraine to Use Starlink to Attack Russian Fleet in Crimea

Starlink plays a significant role in providing communication services in Ukrainian regions where mobile operators can't guarantee steady connection. Also, Ukrainian servicemen use Starlink near the frontline to communicate with each other.

One may agree or disagree with Musk's decision about the Crimea issue, but his role in 'supporting' Ukraine shouldn't be underestimated.
If attacking the Russians at Sevastopol is US policy it shows how deranged and bonkers they are.
The US supports Ukraine's battle to free itself from Russian aggression and attacking the Russian forces occupying Ukrainian territories is the way to do it. If Musk took action to protect Russian forces from Ukrainian attacks, then it may be tine to take a look at all those government contracts that keep SpaceX afloat.
He pretty much did. After calling Putin, Musk decided to foil a Ukrainian attack that the US supported. One might even wonder if he conspired with Putin to undermine US policy on Ukraine.
Even though you appear to be an idiot, can you tell me what vital US national interest is in play in this war?
Good for Elon Musk for not letting his satellites being used to help attack Russian warships escalating the war. Jake Tapper is a warmonger propagandist.

The corporate media has become the red scare fearmongers they used to criticize. Jake Tapper is one of many little Joe McCarthys currently wasting oxygen on the air.
The US supports Ukraine's battle to free itself from Russian aggression and attacking the Russian forces occupying Ukrainian territories is the way to do it. If Musk took action to protect Russian forces from Ukrainian attacks, then it may be tine to take a look at all those government contracts that keep SpaceX afloat.
Russia would see it as a Nato attack, because thats what it would be, Pearl Harbour, and we know how the US reacted to that.
The US supports Ukraine's battle to free itself from Russian aggression and attacking the Russian forces occupying Ukrainian territories is the way to do it. If Musk took action to protect Russian forces from Ukrainian attacks, then it may be tine to take a look at all those government contracts that keep SpaceX afloat.
I would say that Musk would be guilty of contributing to war crimes if he allowed his company to assist in the slaughter of Ukrainian civilians
Good for Elon Musk for not letting his satellites being used to help attack Russian warships escalating the war. Jake Tapper is a warmonger propagandist.

To me it doesn’t matter which side he refuses to support. This war is none of his business and he understands that.

He knows that his company stands only to be harmed should he allow his company to become an active participant.
To me it doesn’t matter which side he refuses to support. This war is none of his business and he understands that.

He knows that his company stands only to be harmed should he allow his company to become an active participant.

If our military had focused on developing these types of systems, instead of on LGBT propaganda, they wouldn't need Musk's help at all.
I wouldn't call Elon treasonous, but I think given a choice between Russia and Putin and the United States, he would choose Russia, that's all. It's the same as some of you here.
Perhaps his behavior comes very close to treason. Musk consulted with the Russian ambassador to the US before making the decision to shut off Starlink. Support for Ukraine was official US policy, and Musk chose to back Russia against Ukraine after consulting with the Russian ambassador to the US, so he came about as close as possible to treason against the US as possible under the circumstances.

What is especially troubling is that Musk must have betrayed Ukraine's plans for the attack when he consulted with the Russian ambassador, which makes both Musk and Starlink security risks.

Russia chose, based on Putin's goals,
Goaded into it.
just like the leaders of that country chose to invade Afghanistan.
Wtf? Irrelevant.
The godless Russians
Okay - impossible to take you seriously.
will continue to see their own sons killed in their senseless onslaught,
The USG War Pigs are to blame.
and even counter harassment drone attack on their own country right up until they pull out and go home, not to return.
They are home. The regions in dispute are historically/culturally/ethnically Russian.
At that time Ukraine will quit killing Russians for invading. Sounds fair to me.
See above.
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