James Biden doesnt have any documentation for those supposed loans.

we arent talking about everyone,, we are talking about an elected officials lawyer giving his money to a politicians brother who then gave it to the politician,,
All I am saying is good luck having somebody produce records beyond state and federal statutory requirements. Destruction of old contracts beyond required legal retention time requirement no longer in effect and other business documents boxed away was something done every year in January. I could not possibly count the file carton after file carton purposely destroy and a company I worked for. It is a good idea for any business entity, due to space requirements, alone, not to mention possible legal reasons.
I don't have documentation on the loans I took for various cars I had for transportation over the years, either, but I definitely did take out loans in most instances.

Lending institutions didn't ask you to sign anything when getting a loan?

Or you went off the books with a loan shark or something?
Well now the truth finally comes out. Joe Biden was receiving money from "loans" that have no documentation. That my friends is fraud. His brother James has been giving Joe large sums of money that came from China.

Are oral contracts to difficult to understand?
All I am saying is good luck having somebody produce records beyond state and federal statutory requirements. Destruction of old contracts beyond required legal retention time requirement no longer in effect and other business documents boxed away was something done every year in January. I could not possibly count the file carton after file carton purposely destroy and a company I worked for. It is a good idea for any business entity, due to space requirements, alone, not to mention possible legal reasons.
all I am saying is I am tired of your constant duplicity and bullshit of trying to make it about you,,

why is joes lawyer giving joes brother 200K out of his personal account and joes brother giving it to joe,,

if this was trump you cock suckers would lose your collective minds screaming fraud and money paundering like you did with the russia pee tapes,,
Lending institutions did ask you to sign anything when getting a loan?

Or you went off the books with a loan shark or something?
Yep. Have always been on the up and up. If you try to prove otherwise, it would have to be with a search warrant, somewhere other than any property I own, as it probably does not exist, as I am not required to have it.
Oh, Sorry. I thought you thought everybody should keep that sort of stuff past business requirement statutes. Some companies file old business records by date in dated file boxes, so they know when they can be destroyed, on purpose. Good practice, in my opinion.
Four years old, $240K loans. Any company would keep records
Yep. Have always been on the up and up. If you try to prove otherwise, it would have to be with a search warrant, somewhere other than any property I own, as it probably does not exist, as I am not required to have it.

If that was in English, what would it say.
Also, why so defensive?
all I am saying is I am tired of your constant duplicity and bullshit of trying to make it about you,,

why is joes lawyer giving joes brother 200K out of his personal account and joes brother giving it to joe,,

if this was trump you cock suckers would lose your collective minds screaming fraud and money paundering like you did with the russia pee tapes,,
Just saying, if past the legal retention of business records time limits, you are not likely to lay your hands on it. Surely, lil' old podunk me, down in Tennessee, is not the only person to take multiple semesters of business law.
Four years old, $240K loans. Any company would keep records
4 years on a business loan? I agree. I am not sure what the retention time is on personal loans. Is there one?
Well now the truth finally comes out. Joe Biden was receiving money from "loans" that have no documentation. That my friends is fraud. His brother James has been giving Joe large sums of money that came from China.

except they aren't really large sums of money, are they?

For people with values of 8 figures, a 50K loan isn't that much.

Do you ask your family members for paperwork when they loan you petty cash?
Are oral contracts to difficult to understand?
Wouldnt it be nice if all criminals had to do was say, "i had an oral contract" in order to get away with committing fraud and money laundering? It doesnt work that way in the real world, obviously.
except they aren't really large sums of money, are they?

For people with values of 8 figures, a 50K loan isn't that much.

Do you ask your family members for paperwork when they loan you petty cash?
It was hundreds of thousands of dollars.
lol Democrats here think there is nothing wrong with Federal officials taking bribes and think it's legal. Hilarious. Very enlightening. No wonder they think Biden's extortion rackets are also legal.

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