James Brady, former White House press secretary, has died

WHO has ever said, ever anywhere, that guns fire of their own volition?

Every freedom hating automaton that insists guns kill people and refuse to acknowledge the fact that if guns didn't exist, people would still be murdered.

Apparently the key to utopia is the destruction of firearms to gun control nuts.


Your answer is "I got nothin'".
It's a shame that a frothing lunatic leftist shot him and I do hope he is at rest, but that doesn't mean he or Gabby Giffords or anyone else has more say over my 2nd Amendment rights than I do.
It seems that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady had their rights curtailed. At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances.

Imagine if those shootings, along with the hundreds of thousands since them, could have been prevented.

What rights did they have curtailed? Yeah, none.
Imagine if those shootings had been prevented by an armed citizen at the scene.
Both were grievously wounded. Do you realize what head trauma is? Do you care? Or are you just another in a long line of heartless scum that revel in the disasters wrought by gunplay? Are the rights of the shooters greater than the rights of the victims? Does packing heat regardless of the circumstance trump the right of individuals to live lives uninterrupted by the carelessness of just another idiot with a piece strapped to his waist?

Tell us, idiot. Tell us how the lives of the victims don't matter and how they can keep on keepin' on with a bullet grazing their brains. Tell us how the rights of the victims don't matter so long as everyone who can get their hands on a gun, you know, for their safety's sake.
The Japanese have a society where they have the same kind of music, games and movies. some of them are even more gonzo than what we have in the States.

And they had all of 11 gun murders in 2010.

Nope. Easy access to guns is really the problem.

Gun crime is only a problem for the minority. Americans love their guns and Bill of Rights.


Gun ownership is down to 35% of households... down from 50% back in the 1980's.

It's really going out of style.

You can tell this by the fact that gun sales are at an all time low.

{More than 8.57 million guns were produced in 2012, up 31 percent from 6.54 million in 2011, according to data released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which has been tracking the statistics since 1986. }

Record U.S. Gun Production During Obama Term as Buyers Stock Up - Businessweek

i mean, you of the Khmer Rouge would never blatantly lie, would you Comrade Stalin?
Look, I don't care if you were shot, stabbed, castrated, beaten, verbally abused or whatever. It doesn't give you the right to deprive me or anyone else of our rights.
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Your opinion, which I do not share. But it shows how inhumane you are.

It's a shame that a frothing lunatic leftist shot him and I do hope he is at rest, but that doesn't mean he or Gabby Giffords or anyone else has more say over my 2nd Amendment rights than I do.
It seems that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady had their rights curtailed. At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances.
Oh look -- a lie.
Look, I don't care if you were shot, stabbed, castrated, beaten, verbal lot abused or whatever. It doesn't give you the right to deprive me or anyone else of our rights.
It's as if you are saying "I don't care if you get trampled, gored, suffer broken bones or a heart attack, nothing is going to stop me from exercising my 1st amendment right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater!"

Once your right to own a gun, carry a gun and fire a gun in public has been extended to wounding and killing someone else, your rights don't count for a bucket of spit.
It's a shame that a frothing lunatic leftist shot him and I do hope he is at rest, but that doesn't mean he or Gabby Giffords or anyone else has more say over my 2nd Amendment rights than I do.
It seems that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady had their rights curtailed. At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances.
Oh look -- a lie.
What's stopping you? The NRA? Gunmakers? Your fellow gun lovers?

Certainly in this political climate, responsible people have no voice in the debate. We're all loons, remember?
It's as if you are saying "I don't care if you get trampled, gored, suffer broken bones or a heart attack, nothing is going to stop me from exercising my 1st amendment right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater!"

Once your right to own a gun, carry a gun and fire a gun in public has been extended to wounding and killing someone else, your rights don't count for a bucket of spit.

You are waging war on civil rights. You toss out Brady and Giffords to support your war against civil rights, but your dedication to stripping Americans of civil liberty are not based on Giffords or Brady, they are just convenient to your cause.
It's because gun nutz like the couple we have seen here don't give a flying fuck about people at all.
Oh look.... emotion, ignorance, dishonesty. Surprise.

If our founding fathers could see how batshit crazy the 2nd amendment crew has become, I bet they would have worded that amendment very differently.
If they could see how batshit crazy the anti-gun loons have become, they would have far more strongly worded the protection afforded by it.
It seems that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady had their rights curtailed. At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances.
Oh look -- a lie.
What's stopping you? The NRA? Gunmakers? Your fellow gun lovers?
Certainly in this political climate, responsible people have no voice in the debate. We're all loons, remember?
Not sure how any of this is supposed to change the fact that your statement - "At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances" - is a lie.
Liars, such as yourself, are not responsible people.
It's as if you are saying "I don't care if you get trampled, gored, suffer broken bones or a heart attack, nothing is going to stop me from exercising my 1st amendment right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater!"

Once your right to own a gun, carry a gun and fire a gun in public has been extended to wounding and killing someone else, your rights don't count for a bucket of spit.

You are waging war on civil rights. You toss out Brady and Giffords to support your war against civil rights, but your dedication to stripping Americans of civil liberty are not based on Giffords or Brady, they are just convenient to your cause.
Others have demonstrated their irresponsibility in claiming that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady lost NO RIGHTS after being wounded by one of their fellow gun loving nuts. I maintain that the Congresswoman and the Press Secretary lost their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness after bullets ripped through their skulls.

The liberty of free speech can be curtailed for public safety reasons. The 2nd amendment holds no immunity in the same vein. Once public safety is compromised, the right to own, carry and fire a gun is worthless and SHOULD be curtailed.
Oh look -- a lie.
What's stopping you? The NRA? Gunmakers? Your fellow gun lovers?
Certainly in this political climate, responsible people have no voice in the debate. We're all loons, remember?
Not sure how any of this is supposed to change the fact that your statement - "At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances" - is a lie.
Liars, such as yourself, are not responsible people.
Move to Georgia where guns are welcome in church. Or a bar, Or a school.

Now, what's responsible about that bit of legislation?
It's as if you are saying "I don't care if you get trampled, gored, suffer broken bones or a heart attack, nothing is going to stop me from exercising my 1st amendment right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater!"

Once your right to own a gun, carry a gun and fire a gun in public has been extended to wounding and killing someone else, your rights don't count for a bucket of spit.

You are waging war on civil rights. You toss out Brady and Giffords to support your war against civil rights, but your dedication to stripping Americans of civil liberty are not based on Giffords or Brady, they are just convenient to your cause.
Others have demonstrated their irresponsibility in claiming that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady lost NO RIGHTS after being wounded by one of their fellow gun loving nuts.
More lies - you know that no one has ever made that claim.

The liberty of free speech can be curtailed for public safety reasons...
...when someone engages in speech that harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger

The 2nd amendment holds no immunity in the same vein.
Now, show how simple ownership/possession of a firearm harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger
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What's stopping you? The NRA? Gunmakers? Your fellow gun lovers?
Certainly in this political climate, responsible people have no voice in the debate. We're all loons, remember?
Not sure how any of this is supposed to change the fact that your statement - "At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances" - is a lie.
Liars, such as yourself, are not responsible people.
Move to Georgia where guns are welcome in church. Or a bar, Or a school.
Now, what's responsible about that bit of legislation?

Not sure how any of this is supposed to change the fact that your statement - "At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances" - is a lie.

Liars, such as yourself, are not responsible people.
Others have demonstrated their irresponsibility in claiming that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady lost NO RIGHTS after being wounded by one of their fellow gun loving nuts.

Yes, you are dishonest - we know this.

However, Giffords and Brady were VICTIMS OF CRIME, they lost no rights. No laws or public officials stripped them of anything - CRIMINALS viciously attacked them.

Now I know you are not so stupid that you don't grasp this - sadly, you are so dishonest that you pursue it anyway,

I maintain that the Congresswoman and the Press Secretary lost their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness after bullets ripped through their skulls.

No, they sure didn't. They lost ability, due to the acts of criminals. The criminals violated their rights.

Now you anti-liberty loons claim that more laws will stop this, so was what John Hinkley did legal? Was what Jared Loughner did legal?

If not, then explain why the existing laws didn't stop them?

You you aren't interested in the occasional criminal - you seek to crush civil rights, and not just the 2nd amendment. You of the left have been very active in assaulting the 1st amendment as well.

You wage war on civil rights in general.

The liberty of free speech can be curtailed for public safety reasons.

You Obamunists seek to end free speech period.

The 2nd amendment holds no immunity in the same vein. Once public safety is compromised, the right to own, carry and fire a gun is worthless and SHOULD be curtailed.

Utter bullshit. Explain "gun free zones" if the 2nd isn't curtailed at times?

Look, you of the Khmer Rouge seek to revoke the bill of rights, you just lack the power to succeed.
You are waging war on civil rights. You toss out Brady and Giffords to support your war against civil rights, but your dedication to stripping Americans of civil liberty are not based on Giffords or Brady, they are just convenient to your cause.
Others have demonstrated their irresponsibility in claiming that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady lost NO RIGHTS after being wounded by one of their fellow gun loving nuts.
More lies - you know that no one has ever made that claim.

The liberty of free speech can be curtailed for public safety reasons...
...when someone engages in speech that harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger

The 2nd amendment holds no immunity in the same vein.
Now, show how simple ownership/possession of a firearm harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger

post #18 this thread.
Look, I don't care if you were shot, stabbed, castrated, beaten, verbal lot abused or whatever. It doesn't give you the right to deprive me or anyone else of our rights.
It's as if you are saying "I don't care if you get trampled, gored, suffer broken bones or a heart attack, nothing is going to stop me from exercising my 1st amendment right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater!"

Once your right to own a gun, carry a gun and fire a gun in public has been extended to wounding and killing someone else, your rights don't count for a bucket of spit.

Shouting "fire" in a theater endangers others. My right to own a firearm endangers no one. Huge difference.
Others have demonstrated their irresponsibility in claiming that Congresswoman Giffords and Press Secretary Brady lost NO RIGHTS after being wounded by one of their fellow gun loving nuts.
More lies - you know that no one has ever made that claim.

...when someone engages in speech that harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger

The 2nd amendment holds no immunity in the same vein.
Now, show how simple ownership/possession of a firearm harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger

post #18 this thread.
Post #18.... what?

Proves that your "At least you can still proudly pack heat, regardless of the circumstances" - statement is NOT a lie? How?

Illustrates how simple ownership/possession of a firearm harms others or places them in a condtition of clear, present and immeidate danger? How?

I'm sorry, but you'll have to be more clear.

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