James Carville: I want to punch 'piece of s--t' unvaccinated people in the face

mRNA are snake oil bitch. Now Covaxin is actually one that is traditional and trains your immune sydtem.

YEAH. I call mRNA vaccines.....lol....Snake oil.

Why do the spike proteins leave the injevtion site and what does that do,?? We'll be watching those issues over thr next few years. Good luck. You are gonna need it. Just remember. Mo one made you do it. Your new theme in the future.
You definitely give off the vibe of someone who‘s biology education consists of internet videos from whackos.

Spike proteins leave the injection site. Sounds like you think that’s scary. Why?
You denied cheap drugs by being Pfizers bitch. The cheap drugs stop the cytokine storm.

You and your ilk killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with your Lies.

Hell you didnt even see your own patients if they had covid.

You are the virus
Name the drug that stops the cytokine storm.

Assuming you even know what a cytokine storm is.
No one is forcing him to get vaccinated.

He’s free to make whatever decision he wants. That doesn’t mean he’s free of consequences.

That is a cop out. He is being forced to survive another condition.

That you don't see it as force is because you lack the cognitive ability to see any viewpoint beyond your own.
Name the drug that stops the cytokine storm.

Assuming you even know what a cytokine storm is.
Ntz. And ive shown countless studies showing the success in many countries that you ignore.

You by your own posts in the past ptedcribe nothing until they are low oxygen. All over the world they prescribed cheap drugs that prevented this.

Why do we have the worst stats on planet earth Doc????
Yawn. It worked in orher countries same as Ivermectin.

You cherry pick to suit your narratuve.

I again ask you why we have the worst stats on planet earth???
Read your study. Lol

Shows reduced viral load and stops replication of SARS covid 2
Yawn. It worked in orher countries same as Ivermectin.

You cherry pick to suit your narratuve.

I again ask you why we have the worst stats on planet earth???
Other countries like Brazil?

The country from where I posted the study?

The answer to your question is that we have a combination of a good testing and record keeping and a generally unhealthy population.
Im not at my computer where I have saved studies in this that the Doc will ignore anyway. If he is a Dic at all.
Im not at my computer where I have saved studies in this that the Doc will ignore anyway. If he is a Dic at all.
Are you sure your dog didn’t eat them?

Just curious where you got training on biology or how to read medical literature?
Are you sure your dog didn’t eat them?

Just curious where you got training on biology or how to read medical literature?
Stfu quack. Im at work and just read your article. You actually posted one that supports my argument.

Again. Why the Fuck do we have the worst stats on planet earth??? The question you refuse to answer.
Stfu quack. Im at work and just read your article. You actually posted one that supports my argument.

Again. Why the Fuck do we have the worst stats on planet earth??? The question you refuse to answer.
How does it support your argument? By showing a nonclinically significant difference in viral load?

What happened to all the bullshit about stopping a cytokine storm?
Bottom Line Quack. We have the worst stats on planet earth. And prople pushing thd Govt line like you are the reason.
That is a cop out. He is being forced to survive another condition.

That you don't see it as force is because you lack the cognitive ability to see any viewpoint beyond your own.
We all have choices to make and choices come with consequences. It’s part of life. Sorry you haven’t learned that lesson.

No one is forcing anything on him. He’s the one making the decisions for his own health. It’s in his hands.
Are you playing dumb?

Are you denying that you're spreading Biden's lie about vaccinated people not being able to contract or transmit covid? It's clear for anyone to see, you repeat that lie here nearly every day.

Let's put it to the test: Did Joe Biden lie when he said "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."?
We’d have a lot better stats if people got vaccinated and didn’t listen to crazy shit from ignorant wannabes like yourself.
How about early treatments used all over the world and not waiting til their lungs are Hamburger meat by Quacjs like you.

Again why the fuck do we have the worst stats on pkanet earth?? That you continue to refuse to answer

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