James Carville: I want to punch 'piece of s--t' unvaccinated people in the face

We’d have a lot better stats if people got vaccinated and didn’t listen to crazy shit from ignorant wannabes like yourself.
Why did you refuse to see your own patients if they had covid?? Why did you then say you prescribed Nothing to them when you didnt even see them by your own words???

You area Liar. And are a jab pusher for Pfizer.
Why did you refuse to see your own patients if they had covid?? Why did you then say you prescribed Nothing to them when you didnt even see them by your own words???

You area Liar. And are a jab pusher for Pfizer.
I don’t see my own patients who are having heart attacks. Know why? Because they belong somewhere else to get care for that problem.

You’re a clueless wannabe with an overinflated sense of yourself.
I don’t see my own patients who are having heart attacks. Know why? Because they belong somewhere else to get care for that problem.

You’re a clueless wannabe with an overinflated sense of yourself.

Yet you're still spreading the lie that vaccinated people can't get or transmit Covid. You've killed thousands with that lie.
I don’t see my own patients who are having heart attacks. Know why? Because they belong somewhere else to get care for that problem.

You’re a clueless wannabe with an overinflated sense of yourself.
Again you dont answer the question. Why do we have the worst stats on planet earth??

And you dont treat covid. Thanks for reminding us oh hi Bob. Oh you have covid. Sorry Bob find another Doctor. I dont do covid.

You are the virus
"I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s---, OK? I just want to punch you in the god----ed face. That’s the way I look at these people," Carville said.

"Agreed," Hunt replied.

Pathetic watching the Jim Jones Vax cultists live in such morbid fear of the virus they’ve been allegedly been vaccinated against.
I think its cute how he thinks he will be winner in these fist fights with random strangers. In what world does that skinny old man not get his teeth smashed in? :laugh:
"I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s---, OK? I just want to punch you in the god----ed face. That’s the way I look at these people," Carville said.

"Agreed," Hunt replied.

Pathetic watching the Jim Jones Vax cultists live in such morbid fear of the virus they’ve been allegedly been vaccinated against.
Carville reminds me of the sleestacks from Land of the Lost.
Again you dont answer the question. Why do we have the worst stats on planet earth??

And you dont treat covid. Thanks for reminding us oh hi Bob. Oh you have covid. Sorry Bob find another Doctor. I dont do covid.

You are the virus
I already answered a while ago. A combination of more accurate statistics and a generally unhealthy population plagued by disinformation from people like you.

I don’t treat COVID in my clinic. I try to get them monoclonal antibodies. Otherwise they’re treated in hospitals.
Still waiting for proof of this. So far, you’re afraid to do so.

Every vaccinated person who dies from covid and every person who became infected from a vaccinated person, is a death that happened because of the lie you're telling.

Are you going to tell another big lie now and claim no vaccinated people have died, and no one who was infected by a vaccinated person has died?
Every vaccinated person who dies from covid and every person who became infected from a vaccinated person, is a death that happened because of the lie you're telling.
Very illogical. The lie you’re referring to doesn’t make unvaccinated people catch COVID from vaccinated people. That would be happening regardless or any such lie.

You may want to try again. Or just give up because you know this is bullshit.
We all have choices to make and choices come with consequences. It’s part of life. Sorry you haven’t learned that lesson.

No one is forcing anything on him. He’s the one making the decisions for his own health. It’s in his hands.

This was arbitrary virtue signaling you approve of because you are a ghoul.
Very illogical. The lie you’re referring to doesn’t make unvaccinated people catch COVID from vaccinated people. That would be happening regardless or any such lie.

You may want to try again. Or just give up because you know this is bullshit.

When that vaccinated person hears the lie you tell and thinks they can't transmit covid, it very much leads to infection of others, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. That's why your lie has killed tens of thousands of people.

How many people have you infected and subsequently killed, running around believing you can't spread the virus? I'll bet it's a lot.

Just as you're doing, by running around thinking they can't infect anyone, because they believed the lie you're telling. It seems you don't understand how viruses are transmitted between people, which makes you even more dangerous.

How many people have you infected and subsequently killed because you believe you can't transmit the virus? I'm sure it's a lot.
"I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s---, OK? I just want to punch you in the god----ed face. That’s the way I look at these people," Carville said.

"Agreed," Hunt replied.

Pathetic watching the Jim Jones Vax cultists live in such morbid fear of the virus they’ve been allegedly been vaccinated against.
Carville might be wise to be careful with that. He looks a bit feeble
The whole thing is fucking arbitrary. COVID is treated as a risk above and beyond all other risks.
You didn’t answer the question. How did you determine it was arbitrary? And how did you determine it was a risk above and beyond all other risks?

You keep adding to your bullshit rather than explaining the last piece of bullshit.
You didn’t answer the question. How did you determine it was arbitrary? And how did you determine it was a risk above and beyond all other risks?

You keep adding to your bullshit rather than explaining the last piece of bullshit.

It's the way YOUR SIDE treats anyone who doesn't want to get vaccinated, its the way YOUR SIDE ignores all other risks.
Just as you're doing, by running around thinking they can't infect anyone, because they believed the lie you're telling. It seems you don't understand how viruses are transmitted between people, which makes you even more dangerous.
If someone did believe they can catch COVID after being vaccinated how would they prevent themselves from spreading it?

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