James Comey House was RAIDED by the FBI

The word "raided" is probably an exaggeration. Chances are that Agents had coffee with their former boss and asked him politely to return the documents.

The “secret documents” were his handwritten memos from his one-on-one visits with Trump.
Was he supposed to take it home?
they were not classified until after the fact... thus no charges...

plus the article in the op explains that they collected his contemporaneous memos to verify whether Trump told the truth on the questions they asked him...

The filing acknowledged that Comey maintained a far more detailed and lengthy private paper trail than was previously known, and that federal investigators apparently hoped to use Comey's contemporaneous, secretive writings to test the truthfulness of Trump's comments as part of a then-ongoing obstruction-of-justice inquiry.
Time to pay the Barr tab

I know you did, it was funny to see Trump standing blocks from ground zero and then claim he was actually at ground zero with the first responders
He was

The video lied?

The video was not taken at ground zero. It as taken blocks away where all the other people were standing around watching. Do try and keep up.
What street was it on?
Feel free to post more videos of Trump blocks away from ground zero, they are funny to watch

So now you admit he was there. Nice backpedal there. Now prove your claim he wasn't there. You assholes are all about having to prove negatives so get busy boy.

Yes, I admit he was blocks away from ground zero, which is not the same thing as being at ground zero with the first responders. Thousands of people stood around and watched from blocks away, just like your god in the White House did.

Yep, keep believing the leftist shills, not the videos , including from NBC. Are they suddenly now pro-Trump? Damn these lefties have some mighty thick skulls....

I saw the video, in the NBC video he is standing blocks from ground zero in a nice clean suit.
And you KNOW he didn't do anything because you're an idiotic TDS sufferer who can't stand that he's had his ass handed to him for 3 days on this subject. I'm sure NBC wanted him looking presentable for their telecast. He never claimed he did a ton of heavy lifting. But anything he did was a lot more than you did.
I served Your yellow punk weaseled out
no charges will ever be brought against Comey.... even if he did commit a crime, which imo, is unlikely that he did....

evidence of Trump's doings would be brought up in the court trial and no way does president Trump want that to happen is my best guess...
no charges will ever be brought against Comey.... even if he did commit a crime, which imo, is unlikely that he did....

evidence of Trump's doings would be brought up in the court trial and no way does president Trump want that to happen is my best guess...
Haha just wait. Few weeks
no charges will ever be brought against Comey.... even if he did commit a crime, which imo, is unlikely that he did....

evidence of Trump's doings would be brought up in the court trial and no way does president Trump want that to happen is my best guess...
Haha just wait. Few weeks
seriously! do you really think Trump wants to come out in Comey's trial all the evidence on him that Comey would present to defend himself? no way, Jose'!
no charges will ever be brought against Comey.... even if he did commit a crime, which imo, is unlikely that he did....

evidence of Trump's doings would be brought up in the court trial and no way does president Trump want that to happen is my best guess...
Haha just wait. Few weeks
seriously! do you really think Trump wants to come out in Comey's trial all the evidence on him that Comey would present to defend himself? no way, Jose'!

No shit!!! Comey's got evidence?
Unfortunately they were not classified as secret and they were his personal notes that he made

Also this raid happen 2017
Unfortunately they were not classified as secret and they were his personal notes that he made

Also this raid happen 2017
Considering the IG report, from what I understand, recommended indictment.

Clearly the IG thought he committed a crime. Barr refused to prosecute. It is rather interesting that Trump is not accused of a crime but so many are convinced he should be prosecuted yet Comey is recommended for indictment and generally the same people are convinced he did nothing wrong.
Unfortunately they were not classified as secret and they were his personal notes that he made

Also this raid happen 2017
Considering the IG report, from what I understand, recommended indictment.

Clearly the IG thought he committed a crime. Barr refused to prosecute. It is rather interesting that Trump is not accused of a crime but so many are convinced he should be prosecuted yet Comey is recommended for indictment and generally the same people are convinced he did nothing wrong.

They were his personal notes detailing discussions with Trump. The 4 memos were given to a third party months later after he was fired. As the FBI director he made the decision that they were not classified and he even redacted one of the memos. The IG said that another memo contained the lowest level of classification.Yet it is unclear when it was classified as such

Michael Horowitz, IG report was released last year and prosecutors have determined the case did not warrant criminal charges.

It is a weak case as he said with clinton, she was careless but there was no clear intent to purposely release classified information.

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