James Madison - Factions - Political Parties

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
There seems to be a concerted movement here and elsewhere, to give credibility, and to lend authority to weak and specious, academic arguments by hijacking the founders and framers. What is more deceitful and despicible is the tactic is being used in order to silence and marginalze opposing voices.

Imagine these people getting their grubby little paws on the US Constitution? A palace coup dressed up as reform? No thank you. Better the shit we are familiar with than shit disguised as pudding:eusa_whistle:
Madison spoke of "factions" but what was he talking about? What was the context and what was it referencing, as political parties as we know them had yet to exist...we had to wait for Maxison and crazy ole Tom to help invent them.

There are factions in each party that are dangerously demented.
You are so incredibly naive. Not only have both parties gotten their hands on our Constitution, they have ripped and torn it to shreds. We've been fed that shit pudding for so long now that we ourselves have become full of shit. Get the picture?
You are so incredibly naive. Not only have both parties gotten their hands on our Constitution, they have ripped and torn it to shreds. We've been fed that shit pudding for so long now that we ourselves have become full of shit. Get the picture?

Attacking the current party system is like yelling fire in the middle of a forest fire. Solutions, ideas, fixes based on reason and rationality is needed, not a throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater shitfit
The GOP lost the last 2 national elections because they have not gotten people to vote for them. They win in safe gerrymandered Congressional districts as do the Dems. We get the govenment we vote or don't vote for, we get what we deserve
Yes, and this thread is vitriol disguised as concern. Just another political attack from you as always. I saw right through it instantly. Your speech pattern for instance "The GOP lost the last 2 national elections because they have not gotten people to vote for them" for example. Since when have you ever been concerned about what the GOP does? You are merely concerned about stirring the pot instead of settling it. It is you who are yelling fire in the middle of a crowded room and blaming the stranger standing next to you. How utterly despicable. Please, try that on someone else.
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Yes, and this thread is vitriol disguised as concern. Just another political attack from you as always. I saw right through it instantly. Your speech pattern for instance "The GOP lost the last 2 national elections because they have not gotten people to vote for them" for example. Since when have you ever been concerned about what the GOP does? You are merely concerned about stirring the pot instead of settling it. It is you who are yelling fire in the middle of a crowded room and blaming the stranger standing next to you. How utterly despicable. Please, try that on someone else.

Anyone who professes to like and who defends the two party system as Dante has consistently done must care deeply about the GOP. When the right wing in the middle and late 1970s, laid out their blueprint for hijacking the GOP, Dante got onboard sounding the alarm, but with the Reagan 1984 landslide it was evident we were in for aong haul.

The right wing had surfaced in the 1950s and the 1960s only to be thrown back into their dark and dank stinkholes, however with the Democratic and Republican parties in disarray after the election of Carter, America entered a dark agein politics thanks to the failure of liberals, moderates, and conservatives of good faith being willing to see straight and continue the vigilant struggle against the dark side
neither party seems to have any care for the long term operation of the US and it's citizens
Madison spoke of "factions" but what was he talking about? What was the context and what was it referencing, as political parties as we know them had yet to exist...we had to wait for Maxison and crazy ole Tom to help invent them.

There are factions in each party that are dangerously demented.

Who's to say you aren't the one hijacking Madison?
Madison spoke of "factions" but what was he talking about? What was the context and what was it referencing, as political parties as we know them had yet to exist...we had to wait for Maxison and crazy ole Tom to help invent them.

There are factions in each party that are dangerously demented.

Who's to say you aren't the one hijacking Madison?

Who? Any sentient being. To hijack Madison, I would have to be using him as an/the authority in an ideological argument. I am not.

Please do try and keep up?

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