James Woods to sue over DNC for telling Twitter to ban him from Twitter

It’s not just that their socialist policies are designed to APPEAL to the lowest IQ rung. They DEPEND on the lowest IQ rung to get their destructive policies through. Nobody stands in their way more than an intelligent, tenacious conservative who points out how destructive they are.

Republicans are not intelligent. Republicans rely on morons. Intelligent, tenacious conservatives oppose the fascist, hateful Republican Party.

Disney circulated a memo to employees opposing Florida's attacks on transgenders and gays. DeSantis went after Disney for exercising their free speech rights with their employees. Now Republicans are seeking a way out.

"Keeping Reedy Creek in place will also let lawmakers avoid a potentially hefty tax burden from being put on Florida residents. Orlando-area officials said after Reedy Creek was targeted that dissolving it could be “catastrophic” for local taxpayers near Walt Disney World, as the special district allowed Disney to directly fund things like road improvements, fire department services, and other infrastructure costs that taxpayers would now instead have to shoulder. Unless the policies governing Reedy Creek were restructured before the special district was dissolved, its dissolution would also force Orange and Osceola counties—where Walt Disney World is located—to assume the special district’s debts, which total nearly $1 billion. “I don’t think [DeSantis] understood how badly this could go for the state of Florida and the counties and the cities” when he moved to get rid of Reedy Creek, Stewart told the FT."
What law
Freedom of speech is for twitter to support whoever they want. He should fucking sue Fox News for not giving him a show. What a moron.

Not when they collude to censor people with outside entities and the government. It's been made clear that Twitter was a knowing, willing participant in efforts to defraud the American people and effect elections.

FFS Clayton are you really trying to get over with that nonsense? OF COURSE Twitter "isn't the government". What Elon Musk's release of twitter data reveals is the CLEAR COLLUSION of government WITH the very powerful Social Media platform Twitter. You are just blowing smoke, I know you are smart enough to understand this.

There is no collusion. You people never run out of conspiracy theories. Everyone is conspiring against Trump and Republicans. You are the one who uses smoke in place of your brains to think.
NOTE: I’m the OP of this thread, and I cannot participate. I am so sickened by the hypocrisy being spewed forth from liberals, and their acceptance and/or defense of censorship from Democrats - including the White House - as long as the people being censored disagree with them, that I find I must remove myself from active engagement.

I have, however, been following along. Thanks to my fellow patriots here who are fighting back against these communist-like tactics and supporting others who do so.

Because your lie is being exposed.

He is an award winning actor that had a great career before he was blacklisted for not being a Libtard and the DNC played a role in that.

I hope he sues the pants off the despicable bastards.

More conspiracies. He is not going to get anything.
Republicans are not intelligent. Republicans rely on morons. Intelligent, tenacious conservatives oppose the fascist, hateful Republican Party.
That’s really all you got? Fking insults to support your nonsense?

Hey, simply said, fk off
And that is perfectly fine that this is your opinion, as you are entitled to it.
But, again, you dodge the point.
Twitter 1.0 targeted him and virtually every other conservative poster within weeks of each other all as the 2020 election was ramping up.
That is the point. And I see why you avoid it.

There is absolutely no evidence of that. A phony right wing investigation is is not proof of anything. Musk is a right wing loon and a liar.

‘Free speech’ is not ‘restricted’ because there are ample other opportunities for one to self-express – that Woods is being discussed on USMB, which is social media, and likely other online venues, is proof of that, having nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

Now, if Congress were to pass a law penalizing social media for discussing Woods, or penalizing Woods himself for accessing social media, that would be preempting and restricting free speech because there would be no other online venue for Woods to use, since all social media would be equally subject to the same penalties and refuse to accommodate Woods in an effort to avoid being penalized by government.

Indeed, that’s a criterion the courts use to determine if government has acted contrary to the First Amendment – are there ample other channels of communication afforded to the speaker with this government restriction in place, and if not, then the courts would invalidate the government’s restriction.

The right to free speech is not ‘absolute,’ it is not a right to say anything you want anywhere you want and at any time – the right is subject to reasonable limits and restrictions by government consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence; and with regard to the private sector – private social media, private political parties, and private individuals – the doctrine of free speech doesn’t apply at all.

If all my posts are deleted this site is curtailing my speech even if I can post elsewhere.

I never said you can say anything you want anywhere without something being done.
No he has a case because prior to his ban, his name was in an email in communication between Twitter and the DNC. In that email the DNC specifically asks him to be looked at. Shortly after he was banned. Twitter then claimed it was over a single Tweet in which he copied a meme that proved to be inaccurate.
Innacurate memes are everywhere. If Twitter was to ban people for putting up memes that are not provably accurate - there would be no one left. It is pretty damning indeed that he was clearly singled out shortly after this email was sent.

He has no case. The DNC has every right to complain about a post. They have free speech rights as well. Twitter has every right to look at it and if it is accurate, act on it. There were no threats made.
Social media can also. Social media can't violate the 1st Amendment as it does not apply to them.

If you say something and a social media site deletes it, they have restricted your free speech. Legally they may.
If a social media platform censors at the best of or in coordination with government, they are acting as an agent government. They then are indeed violating the first amendment.
That’s really all you got? Fking insults to support your nonsense?

Hey, simply said, fk off

Why don't you try fking off instead of giving us your right wing nonsense. Exit polls support my statement. The more education that you have, the less likely you are to support Republicans. The dumber you are, the more likely you are to support Republicans. That is fact.

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