James Woods to sue over DNC for telling Twitter to ban him from Twitter

FFS Clayton are you really trying to get over with that nonsense? OF COURSE Twitter "isn't the government". What Elon Musk's release of twitter data reveals is the CLEAR COLLUSION of government WITH the very powerful Social Media platform Twitter. You are just blowing smoke, I know you are smart enough to understand this.
Woods isn’t being ‘oppressed’ by government, that’s ignorant nonsense and a lie – private social media aren’t government, private political parties aren’t government.
Free speech is the sole purview of government, not private persons or entities, such as social media.

Only government has the potential to violate free speech, not social media.

Social media can also. Social media can't violate the 1st Amendment as it does not apply to them.

If you say something and a social media site deletes it, they have restricted your free speech. Legally they may.
A Private Company Does Not Have the Rights It Tells Us It Has

Some people still believe in the American Way, though that was tossed into the wayside long ago by the self-appointed Guardians.

Republicans do not believe in the American Way. Twitter does have property rights. They make money through advertising on their site. Advertisers do not want to see their messages next to right wing hate speech. That damages their property. Try to go to a store like Walmart and start preaching or selling stuff on their property. They can kick you out and even have you arrested.

He is an award winning actor that had a great career before he was blacklisted for not being a Libtard and the DNC played a role in that.

I hope he sues the pants off the despicable bastards.

No, not bullshit.

His career has been on the decline for years. The last live action film he did was in 2014. Everything else, with the exception of two episodes of Andrew "Dice" Clay's Showtime television show DICE, has been a voice work for one poorly received animated film, cartoons and video games. Except for one video game in 2019, all that predates the Hunter Biden fiasco.

Look, I am and have been a fan of James Woods for decades. But the truth is, he was a very good actor with a handful of very good starring roles to his credit. Except for those, his resume consists of secondary roles in some television movies and some not so good films. As for being an award winning actor, with the exception of a couple of Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe, the rest of his awards are from competitions no one has ever heard of.

Yes, he was a very good actor at one time. But a series of poor role choices, primarily, combined with his open conservatism are the reasons for the decline of his career. Not some posts on Twitter that offended the DNC. A conservative in Hollywood must steer the waters carefully in order to succeed. It's not right, but it is what it is. Nothing you or I or anyone else will say or do is going to change that any time soon.
No, not bullshit.

His career has been on the decline for years. The last live action film he did was in 2014. Everything else, with the exception of two episodes of Andrew "Dice" Clay's Showtime television show DICE, has been a voice work for one poorly received animated film, cartoons and video games. Except for one video game in 2019, all that predates the Hunter Biden fiasco.

Look, I am and have been a fan of James Woods for decades. But the truth is, he was a very good actor with a handful of very good starring roles to his credit. Except for those, his resume consists of secondary roles in some television movies and some not so good films. As for being an award winning actor, with the exception of a couple of Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe, the rest of his awards are from competitions no one has ever heard of.

Yes, he was a very good actor at one time. But a series of poor role choices, primarily, combined with his open conservatism are the reasons for the decline of his career. Not some posts on Twitter that offended the DNC. A conservative in Hollywood must steer the waters carefully in order to succeed. It's not right, but it is what it is. Nothing you or I or anyone else will say or do is going to change that any time soon.
No matter what happened in his career there is no excuse for targeting anyone for their political opinions. period.
Free speech is the sole purview of government, not private persons or entities, such as social media.

Only government has the potential to violate free speech, not social media.
Then why would government demofks send emails to ban people. That’s called government interference
Social media can also. Social media can't violate the 1st Amendment as it does not apply to them.

If you say something and a social media site deletes it, they have restricted your free speech. Legally they may.

‘Free speech’ is not ‘restricted’ because there are ample other opportunities for one to self-express – that Woods is being discussed on USMB, which is social media, and likely other online venues, is proof of that, having nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

Now, if Congress were to pass a law penalizing social media for discussing Woods, or penalizing Woods himself for accessing social media, that would be preempting and restricting free speech because there would be no other online venue for Woods to use, since all social media would be equally subject to the same penalties and refuse to accommodate Woods in an effort to avoid being penalized by government.

Indeed, that’s a criterion the courts use to determine if government has acted contrary to the First Amendment – are there ample other channels of communication afforded to the speaker with this government restriction in place, and if not, then the courts would invalidate the government’s restriction.

The right to free speech is not ‘absolute,’ it is not a right to say anything you want anywhere you want and at any time – the right is subject to reasonable limits and restrictions by government consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence; and with regard to the private sector – private social media, private political parties, and private individuals – the doctrine of free speech doesn’t apply at all.
Why do you call him a moron? Did you listen to his interview? He sounds like a patriot fighting back against an oppressive government to me. Just because he doesn't goose step in unison with you Leftists hardly makes him a moron.

He is a moron the same as you. He is no patriot. He is a enemy of this country. Nazis goosestepping describes you and him to a tea.

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