Jan 6 Profiteers Who Shook Foundations of American Democracy - From Political Prisoners to Profiteers

Class: "In November 1828, Jackson won an overwhelming victory over Adams, capturing 56 percent of the popular vote and 68 percent of the electoral vote. As in 1800, when Jefferson had won over the Federalist incumbent John Adams, the presidency passed to a new political party, the Democrats. The election was the climax of several decades of expanding democracy in the United States and the end of the older politics of deference."

IDIOT. Quit confusing the generic use of the word when I was referring to a system of government.
Who exactly founded BLM. What legal entity and who were the actual founders? Then who has been arrested and prosecuted?

Stop conflating things. It only parades your ignorance and poor ignorance to a wider crowd.

You didn't know that Black Lives Matter is a 501c3 organization?

Their website is still operational and the organization is insolvent...lol
Some rioters did, but the BLM protesters were not rioters. Like the Jan 6 crowd that went to the Capitol after the sicko Trump rally, protesters cannot control the rioters that hide within their ranks.
Billions of dollars in damage, 20 + murders from the BLM protesters. Looks like you out did yourself with peacefulness. January 6 people were patriots and will be pardoned by the next president.
How did the FIB turds identify so many Jan. 6th Patriot protesters from the crappy, grainy surveillance footage?

How come they don’t try this hard when it comes to identifying BLM/Antifa scum who pillages and burns innocent businesses and government buildings?
"The Justice Department now wants Goodwyn to give up more than $25,000 he raised — a clawback that is part of a growing effort by the government to prevent rioters from being able to personally profit from participating in the attack that shook the foundations of American democracy."

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3rd person present: profiteers
make or seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally

Similar: overcharge, racketeer, make a fast/quick buck, make a quick killing, extortion, racketeering, exploitation
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These people are so despicable: just like the Trump family. We have Trump & Friends scamming people on 'Build the Wall' we have "Trump Supporters Scammed By Novelty Items—‘Trump Bucks’—Advertised As Legal Tender" and there are many other scams surrounding Individual-1, Defendant, America's #1 Sex Abuser

History will record this ear as The Era of the Scams

The pleas and defenses of the traitorous Jan 6 rioters, of being political prisoners was laughable. This attempting to profit on their crimes, playing the fools who who primed and played by FOX for so long? Sad, sick, pathetic...
Shook the foundations of American Democracy ? ROTFLMBO 🤣

If you think that the American people are going to continue to fall for the radical Democrat's bull shite (which they haven't fallen for it yet, the most of us), then I got a nice piece of Ocean front property in AZ to sell to ya. Stop making a fool of yourself, the lying game's are over.
They ruined their own lives by participating in an armed insurrection against the federal government on January 6th. They were ignorant followers of Trump at best, and criminals at worst.
Not according to the house hearings, otherwise where the very instigators and rabble rousers who are the cause of the nations on going collapse, are finally being put on notice that they absolutely won't get away with the lie's and bull shite that they did to our nation's citizen's and government while it was under a great president Mr.Trump. They hated Trump so bad that they attempted to take the nation by an on going storm that has no let up or end.
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Not according to the house hearings, otherwise where the very instigators and rabble rousers who are the cause of the nations on going collapse, are finally being put on notice that they absolutely won't get away with the lie's and bull shite that they did to our government while it was under Trump.
More lies from you.
They try to say that it's somehow weaponizing government, when in fact it's more like defending our government against the want to radicalize it by leftist rebels. We are all still in the battle to this very day. The left is trying to steal the government, and radicalize it against the survivers of world war two, and the Korean war, the Vietnam war, and from many war's since and it's veteran's who fought them after that.
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How did the FIB turds identify so many Jan. 6th Patriot protesters from the crappy, grainy surveillance footage?

How come they don’t try this hard when it comes to identifying BLM/Antifa scum who pillages and burns innocent businesses and government buildings?
Great points, but to go farther than that - it's amazing that they can pin point a parent for not wanting their kids indoctrinated, but somehow they can't stop scammer's scamming Americans everyday with almost impunity out of India etc.... It's really amazing that it's been going on so long now, and worse they can't stop violent gang's by targeting their leaders, but somehow they can attack non-violent political leader's by knocking down their doors in raids etc. The political hypocrisy is off the chain with the bull crap.
J6'rs you are an embarrassment to my Republican party.
How did the FIB turds identify so many Jan. 6th Patriot protesters from the crappy, grainy surveillance footage?

How come they don’t try this hard when it comes to identifying BLM/Antifa scum who pillages and burns innocent businesses and government buildings?
This is one of those "DUH!" moments.
If I were planning a riot, here's the advice given to guarantee or avoid getting caught.

1) Wear a mask, BLM mostly did, Jan 6th mostly didn't
2) Use the cover of darkness, BLM mostly at night, Jan 6th in broad daylight
3) Avoid surveillance cameras, BLM mostly did, Jan 6th caught on camera
4) Don't make it a federal crime, BLM mostly state, Jan 6th federal crimes.
Somebody drinking one of Nancy's beers shook the foundations of American democracy?

Goodness, who could have ever predicted it was that easy?

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