Jane Fonda

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?

I get it, you are just repeating what I say. A 10 year old in my son's class does that.

So.....how close is your relationship with that 10-year-old....
...and what am I to make of this.....confession?

WE lost that war and so did Vietnam.

And your hinting that NoNukes is a pedophile is low - even for you.
Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay


I respect her about as much as she respected american soldiers and POW's
So.....how close is your relationship with that 10-year-old....
...and what am I to make of this.....confession?

WE lost that war and so did Vietnam.

And your hinting that NoNukes is a pedophile is low - even for you.

I do not know about Vietnam losing, it is a fabulous country today.

I've never been there so will defer to those who know more about it.

but -

I object to the US's habit of crushing tiny backward countries and then going back to "rebuild" them.

JMO but I think we should leave them alone and invest in our country.
I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

1. "We" didn't lose....Liberals made sure we left on terms that made it appear that the United States was humbled.
And it didn't stop there. The Liberals emasculated the intelligence community and this led to 9/11.

2. After they cost the loss of the Viet Nam war, liberals in Congress turned the blame against the intelligence agencies hoping to discredit them and further weaken this nation.

Idaho Democrat Senator Frank Church, explaining he had learned “the lessons from Vietnam,” told David Broder in the Washington Post, “…we pursued stupid policies in Asia, based on ignorance and an irrelevant ideological view of the world. …trying to ‘contain’ China, a pygmy nation…Until we learn to live with revolution, we will continue to blunder…” Frank Gregorsky, “What’s Wrong With Democratic Foreign Policy,” House Republican Study Committee paper, p. 12, 13.

a. In a series of highly publicized hearings, Senator Church excoriated the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the Army, hobbling them with ‘reform’ and oversights that plague the country to this day.

b. “They were very specific about their effort to destroy American intelligence [capabilities]," remembers Robert Ellsworth, a U.S. diplomat. "It was Senator Church who said our intelligence agencies were 'rogue elephants.'” Timeline - The Life And Times Of Donald Rumsfeld | Rumsfeld's War | FRONTLINE | PBS

c. Early on, critics such as Bing Crosby and Paul Harvey accused the Democrat committee of treasonous activity. The 1975 assassination of Richard Welch, a CIA station chief in Greece, intensified the public backlash against its mission. The Committee's work has more recently been criticized after the September 11th attacks, for leading to legislation reducing the ability of the CIA to gather human intelligence. History News Network | Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA

We lost the war. Quit with the revisionist history. And you do not even have the class or guts to reply to my previous post.

We spent 60,000 lives to get back to the point we were before the war started

What a waste
If you don't endorse the opinions stated in the article you linked to why did you link? Oh, I get it, you saw a couple of lines you thought supported your theme and click-click copy and paste. Random out of context C&P's get you into a corner so often you should have learned by now. But maybe you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

At the time if I remember right I was more concerned with Barbarella's ass than I was with her politics.
Jane Fonda did more to save lives in Viet Nam than all the Generals combined

That must be why she issued several apologies for her atrocious behavior.

She realised how dumb some of her actions were, (espescially being photographed with the NV anti-aircraft weapon.) she never apologised for being anti-war and taking actions to oppose that war. How many mea culpas would satisfy you to the point her demonization would be irrelevant? Yeah, I know, none, any understanding of complexity beyond black and white doesn't exist in that very narrow, very small judgemental world you inhabit.
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong

It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.

In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?

The war hawks? Nope. Jane Fonda. Some people can admit mistakes, some can't.
Jane Fonda did more to save lives in Viet Nam than all the Generals combined

That must be why she issued several apologies for her atrocious behavior.

She realised how dumb some of her actions were, (espescially being photographed with the NV anti-aircraft weapon.) she never apologised for being anti-war and taking actions to oppose that war. How many mea culpas would satisfy you to the point her demonization would be irrelevant? Yeah, I know, none, any understanding of complexity beyond black and white doesn't exist in that very narrow, very small judgemental world you inhabit.

She said it was unforgivable. She was right

She also tried to make like she was a victim of a set up for the photo. Stupid lie
That must be why she issued several apologies for her atrocious behavior.

She realised how dumb some of her actions were, (espescially being photographed with the NV anti-aircraft weapon.) she never apologised for being anti-war and taking actions to oppose that war. How many mea culpas would satisfy you to the point her demonization would be irrelevant? Yeah, I know, none, any understanding of complexity beyond black and white doesn't exist in that very narrow, very small judgemental world you inhabit.

She said it was unforgivable. She was right

She also tried to make like she was a victim of a set up for the photo. Stupid lie

Yea,,,maybe so

But the guys who made up a reason to go into Vietnam and got 60,000 Americans killed never showed the dignity of Jane Fonda to admit they were wrong

That is unforgivable
She realised how dumb some of her actions were, (espescially being photographed with the NV anti-aircraft weapon.) she never apologised for being anti-war and taking actions to oppose that war. How many mea culpas would satisfy you to the point her demonization would be irrelevant? Yeah, I know, none, any understanding of complexity beyond black and white doesn't exist in that very narrow, very small judgemental world you inhabit.

She said it was unforgivable. She was right

She also tried to make like she was a victim of a set up for the photo. Stupid lie

Yea,,,maybe so

But the guys who made up a reason to go into Vietnam and got 60,000 Americans killed never showed the dignity of Jane Fonda to admit they were wrong

That is unforgivable
so you mean the democrats kennedy and johnson?
WE lost that war and so did Vietnam.

And your hinting that NoNukes is a pedophile is low - even for you.

I do not know about Vietnam losing, it is a fabulous country today.

I've never been there so will defer to those who know more about it.

but -

I object to the US's habit of crushing tiny backward countries and then going back to "rebuild" them.

JMO but I think we should leave them alone and invest in our country.

so you are saying we should have kept our noses out of Egypt, libya nad Syria?
Actually what she did, Joe, was to betray the Prisoners of War by handing little scraps of paper they had handed to her in secrecy. She earned her name Hanoi Jane. She handed the little bits of paper to the communists right in front of the american prisoners of war and didn't show any sign of conscience for what she'd done.

In fact, she denied she'd done anything wrong. So now she is having a crisis of conscience and it could very well be that God is dealing with her heart about having been a part in the torture that resulted to those men for her turning them in. That is probably something she is beginning to feel the weight of as time draws to a close for her.

I'm praying for Jane Fonda that she will repent publicly - for her part in assisting the communists - it doesn't matter whether anyone accepts her apology or not - it only matters that she does it because there are many people she harmed by her actions. Also there is no forgiveness without repentance. It has to be done so she can be reconciled back to God.

Do I believe Jane Fonda could be saved? Most definitely. I prayed for Kirsten Powers everytime she came to my mind or I saw her on tv - she was a fox news correspondent for the democratic party. I could look at her and tell she was utterly lost. One day I am reading on the internet and she has publicly confessed Jesus Christ as her savior and today she is a completely different woman! She even looks different!

How many other people felt led to pray for Kirsten who never met her? Probably many. I hope that this story leads to Jane Fonda's conversion. It would be great news to have a former communist who could be used by God to witness to Hollywood & other lost people. ........before it's too late for them also.

Good God :eek:

Why do you guys still tell that lie?

Because it isn't a lie. It's the truth. She did it and the prisoners of war who were there are the ones who told us she did it. Who am I going to believe? My own soldiers who were there or a communist? I'll believe the American POW's. Thank you. Note* I'm well aware of the attempt to bury the truth with false fact checking sites set up by people with an agenda. Americans have a memory. They haven't forgotten, RW. Perhaps Jane will grow a conscience and admit this before she dies. An unrepented sin of that magnitude will guarantee her more tears to come. It's her guilty conscience.

From the Urban Legends Web Site (not a pro-Fonda article)

"Ex-POW: 'None of us are members of the Jane Fonda Fan Club'

A good cause is never well served by lies, and that's how all of the ex-POWs I spoke or corresponded with about the falsehoods in this message felt. Paul Galanti said: "None of us are members of the Jane Fonda Fan Club, but these fabrications are something she just did not do."

No one had an answer to the question, "Who made up these stories, and why?" but both Carrigan and McGrath expressed serious doubt that it was a POW.

"She did enough to place her name in the trash bin of history," McGrath explained. "None of us need to make up stories on her."


Claim: Fonda betrayed POWs by turning over slips of paper they gave her to their captors. POWs were beaten and died as a result.
Status: FALSE.

"It's a figment of somebody's imagination," said Ret. Col. Larry Carrigan, whom I reached by phone at his home in Arizona. Carrigan, who was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967, says he has no idea why this story was attributed to him. "I never met Jane Fonda," he told me. It goes without saying he never handed her a secret message.

"He said he did see Jane Fonda once while he was a POW — on film. The occasion was a night when Carrigan and the other 80 or so men he was interned with were called out into the prison courtyard — "the first time we'd been outside under the stars in 5 or 6 years." As the men stood there wondering what was in store for them, a movie projector began whirring behind them. Their captors were showing them footage of Fonda's 1972 visit to Hanoi."

LINK: This is not a pro-Fonda article. Its actually pretty damning of her trip to Hanoi and the overall POW story. But it affirms without doubt that the tale of her passing secret communiques to the NVA is fiction.
Just an aside.

"The lot of American prisoners in Hanoi was in many ways worse than that of other pows in the 20th century. The enemy, pointing to America’s refusal to declare war, declared themselves outside the requirements of the Geneva Conventions" That's a quote from PC's linked article


"in accordance with the principles laid down by the Nuremberg Court of Justice shall not benefit from the present Convention, as specified in Article 85".

"Citing that clause, the North Vietnamese took the position that U.S. pilots who dropped bombs on their soldiers and civilians in an undeclared war were war criminals, preventing them from the protections of the convention. While the North Vietnamese asserted publicly that their treatment of American POWs was humane, they tortured the majority of American POWs during the war".

I post that to recall current events and a reminder that "do unto others..." is a valuable admonition. Especially if you abhor torture.
Just an aside.

"The lot of American prisoners in Hanoi was in many ways worse than that of other pows in the 20th century. The enemy, pointing to America’s refusal to declare war, declared themselves outside the requirements of the Geneva Conventions" That's a quote from PC's linked article


"in accordance with the principles laid down by the Nuremberg Court of Justice shall not benefit from the present Convention, as specified in Article 85".

"Citing that clause, the North Vietnamese took the position that U.S. pilots who dropped bombs on their soldiers and civilians in an undeclared war were war criminals, preventing them from the protections of the convention. While the North Vietnamese asserted publicly that their treatment of American POWs was humane, they tortured the majority of American POWs during the war".

I post that to recall current events and a reminder that "do unto others..." is a valuable admonition. Especially if you abhor torture.

Then people wonder why we loathe Liberals

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