Jane Fonda

As it is, we gave 60,000 lives for that victory

If we ignored the warmongers we would not have lost any

We DID ignore the "warmongers" and instead heeded the hand wringers who demanded we not venture north, that we act as a police force and not prosecute the war.

And 60,000 dead lay at THEIR feet.

Now I am sure that you would have sought a surrender of the United States to be occupied by the NVA. But absent that, there is ZERO chance that you did not side with those hand wringers.
As it is, we gave 60,000 lives for that victory

If we ignored the warmongers we would not have lost any

We DID ignore the "warmongers" and instead heeded the hand wringers who demanded we not venture north, that we act as a police force and not prosecute the war.

And 60,000 dead lay at THEIR feet.

Now I am sure that you would have sought a surrender of the United States to be occupied by the NVA. But absent that, there is ZERO chance that you did not side with those hand wringers.
Honest people....if we were only willing to give up 10,000 to 20,000 more dead we would have won that war

The damned hippies wouldn't let us
vietnam was our enemy. Jane sided with our enemy.

She sided with what was right, which would have made America doing the right thing. Like many of us, she did not want America committing these atrocities which turned the world's opinion of us.

Fonda and the antiwar activists recognized something the government and military didn't. We had no business being there and no realistic plan to win

And its 1, 2, 3 what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam
vietnam was our enemy. Jane sided with our enemy.

She sided with what was right, which would have made America doing the right thing. Like many of us, she did not want America committing these atrocities which turned the world's opinion of us.

Fonda and the antiwar activists recognized something the government and military didn't. We had no business being there and no realistic plan to win

And its 1, 2, 3 what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam

And it's 5, 6, 7 open up the pearly gates
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee!!! we're all gonna die
She said it was unforgivable. She was right

She also tried to make like she was a victim of a set up for the photo. Stupid lie

Yea,,,maybe so

But the guys who made up a reason to go into Vietnam and got 60,000 Americans killed never showed the dignity of Jane Fonda to admit they were wrong

That is unforgivable
so you mean the democrats kennedy and johnson?

Yes, we protested heavily against Johnson

Hey Hey LBJ
How many kids did you kill today?
Yea,,,maybe so

But the guys who made up a reason to go into Vietnam and got 60,000 Americans killed never showed the dignity of Jane Fonda to admit they were wrong

That is unforgivable
so you mean the democrats kennedy and johnson?

Yes, we protested heavily against Johnson

Hey Hey LBJ
How many kids did you kill today?

Johnson worked his way between a rock and a hard place

As a President in the 60s, he could not be viewed as soft on Communism. Couldn't let Vietnam fall to the Commies on his watch

But he was afraid to escalate VietNam and get China or Russia involved

So he fell for the old....Give us 100,000 troops and we will win in six months
Give us 150,000 more troops and we will win by Christmas
We killed 100,000 VC so that means we are winning
Lets bomb the hell out of them and they will beg for peace

All it did was get him deeper and deeper into an unwinnable war
Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Nah, because she engaged in treason as defined by the United States Constitution - which is why you love her, Comrade Stalin.

The actual treason is from those who lie to start wars not those who engage in photo-ops
Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Nah, because she engaged in treason as defined by the United States Constitution - which is why you love her, Comrade Stalin.

The actual treason is from those who lie to start wars not those who engage in photo-ops

Outright murder is okay but exercising one's First Amendment right is not.

We get the same crap about GW and Iraq/Afghanistan.

Oh wait, I forgot, Iraq and Afghanistan have magically morphed into Obama's wars.

We have to thank Jane for saving thousands of Communists and for the subsequent murder of millions of civilians by her Communists
We have to thank Jane for saving thousands of Communists and for the subsequent murder of millions of civilians by her Communists

But she saved the Galaxy in Barbarella

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Honest people....

That leaves you out.

if we were only willing to give up 10,000 to 20,000 more dead we would have won that war

democrat Johnson involved us in a war that he refused to fight.

Republican Nixon was elected to end the madness.

SAY, you LOVE Johnson and HATE Nixon, nyet Comrade traitor?

The damned hippies wouldn't let us

Did you hang out at the airport and spit on returning soldiers?

You know you did!
She sided with what was right,

She sided with the Communists who were killing American soldiers.

To you and the democrats, that is what's right.

And that's pretty much the point, the left are enemies of America

which would have made America doing the right thing. Like many of us, she did not want America committing these atrocities which turned the world's opinion of us.

America had a responsibility to the troops that were risking life and limb on behalf of the nation.

This is a matter of honor, so you have no way of grasping the concept - nor does any other leftists.

Regardless of political questions, this nation put men and women in harms way - because of that, this nation had a reponsibilty to defend those men and women in every way possible.

When a traitor works to cause the death of those men and women, they are not "heroes," they are scumbags - as you are.
Gulf of Tonkin

Did they give you a fish?

And they call Jane Fonda a traitor

That's because Jane Fonda is a traitor.

The irrefutable fact that Fonda is a traitor, in no way alters the high crimes of Lyndon Johnson.

Let me ask you, if you had a chance to put Ho Chi Mihn on U.S. currency, would you take Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson off?
Gulf of Tonkin

Did they give you a fish?

And they call Jane Fonda a traitor

That's because Jane Fonda is a traitor.

The irrefutable fact that Fonda is a traitor, in no way alters the high crimes of Lyndon Johnson.

Let me ask you, if you had a chance to put Ho Chi Mihn on U.S. currency, would you take Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson off?

Why of course not, they are great American patriots

But if I had a chance to stay the fuck out of Ho Chi Mihns civil war and save 60,000 Americans, I would do it
We have to thank Jane for saving thousands of Communists and for the subsequent murder of millions of civilians by her Communists

Well, no, those millions were killed because we toppled the government of NOrodom Sihanouk, who was respected by the Cambodian people, and replaced him with Lon Nol, a guy who pretty much stood by while we illegally bombed the Eastern Half of the Country.

And when the folks from the Eastern half got their hands on Lon's followers in the Western Half...

Hilarity ensued.

But, hey, it was because Communism warped their minds, not that they were subjected to bombings and rapes and destruction on a daily basis for years.

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