Jane Fonda

"...destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand."

I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Let's see how simple....the operative term when dealing with you.....it is to reveal you to be a moron.

Here, more about the 'lovely lady' you endorse....

1. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:

“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return…

People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

2. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

You imbecile....her stand is and was pure pro-communism.

I've seen a few of your posts....she's not the only pro-communist anti-American you endorsed, is she.

Your opinion of who is anti American is simply that, an opinion. You are excellent at posting opinions. Name calling is another of your weaknesses.

Guess who else's opinion it incorporates?

2000: "I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft carrier, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless."

2005: "I will go to my grave regretting that. The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter, just a woman sitting on a enemy aircraft gun, was a betrayal," said Fonda.

"It was like I was thumbing my nose at the military. And at the country that gave me privilege. It was the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine. I don't thumb my nose at this country. I care deeply about American soldiers."

Read more at snopes.com: Jane Fonda and American POWs in North Vietnam

Right now you’re probably trying to brush something off your face…you didn’t realize it was the floor.

In your face, boyyyyyeeeeee!

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?
It was the Jane Fondas who stood up to the War Machine and the "My Country Right or Wrong" crowd

The anti-war movement asked a simple question...Why are we here?

The Generals trumped up a reason to get involved in Viet Nam, lied about how we were doing and failed to admit that they really didn't have a plan for winning

The Jane Fondas of the time got us out of that hellhole and saved tens of thousands of American lives. It is a shame we could not have saved 60,000 lives by not getting involved in the first place

Perhaps you've heard the phrase "aid and comfort."

Perhaps not.

Yea, yea...I remember it well

My country right or wrong and the warmongers screeching that those hippies were giving aid and comfort to the enemy

America, love it or leave it. That was another 'patriotic' saying.
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong

It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.
Your opinion of who is anti American is simply that, an opinion. You are excellent at posting opinions. Name calling is another of your weaknesses.

Guess who else's opinion it incorporates?

2000: "I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft carrier, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless."

2005: "I will go to my grave regretting that. The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter, just a woman sitting on a enemy aircraft gun, was a betrayal," said Fonda.

"It was like I was thumbing my nose at the military. And at the country that gave me privilege. It was the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine. I don't thumb my nose at this country. I care deeply about American soldiers."

Read more at snopes.com: Jane Fonda and American POWs in North Vietnam

Right now you’re probably trying to brush something off your face…you didn’t realize it was the floor.

In your face, boyyyyyeeeeee!

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong

It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.

In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?
Guess who else's opinion it incorporates?

2000: "I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft carrier, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless."

2005: "I will go to my grave regretting that. The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter, just a woman sitting on a enemy aircraft gun, was a betrayal," said Fonda.

"It was like I was thumbing my nose at the military. And at the country that gave me privilege. It was the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine. I don't thumb my nose at this country. I care deeply about American soldiers."

Read more at snopes.com: Jane Fonda and American POWs in North Vietnam

Right now you’re probably trying to brush something off your face…you didn’t realize it was the floor.

In your face, boyyyyyeeeeee!

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?

You were totally unable to reply to what I posted. Why does this not surprise me?

I get it, you are just repeating what I say. A 10 year old in my son's class does that.
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong

It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.

In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?

Yeah.....I see your point.

So....if Franklin Roosevelt flew the Hammer and Sickle flag over the White House....that really wouldn't have gotten anybody killed, either.

Actually....I wasn't telling the whole truth: I didn't see your point, 'cause, you know...you had a hat on.
Too bad they weren't American lives. If there had been a formal declaration of war, Hanoi Jane would have been tried and convicted as a traitor.

I don't wish her to die, and I know it won't be possible, but if it was, I would gladly piss on her grave.

Actually, it was the Generals who should have been prosecuted

They lied about the need for a war
They lied about their prospects of winning
They lied about how the US was doing

Those Generals cost 60,000 US lives to fight a silly "Cold War" that was actually a Civil War

I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

LMSM had a monopoly and lied to us about Tet for one
It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.

In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?

Yeah.....I see your point.

So....if Franklin Roosevelt flew the Hammer and Sickle flag over the White House....that really wouldn't have gotten anybody killed, either.

Actually....I wasn't telling the whole truth: I didn't see your point, 'cause, you know...you had a hat on.

Derailing your own thread so soon?

You usually don't give up so easily
Actually, it was the Generals who should have been prosecuted

They lied about the need for a war
They lied about their prospects of winning
They lied about how the US was doing

Those Generals cost 60,000 US lives to fight a silly "Cold War" that was actually a Civil War

I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

LMSM had a monopoly and lied to us about Tet for one

How many Americans died in Tet?
Too bad they weren't American lives. If there had been a formal declaration of war, Hanoi Jane would have been tried and convicted as a traitor.

I don't wish her to die, and I know it won't be possible, but if it was, I would gladly piss on her grave.

Actually, it was the Generals who should have been prosecuted

They lied about the need for a war
They lied about their prospects of winning
They lied about how the US was doing

Those Generals cost 60,000 US lives to fight a silly "Cold War" that was actually a Civil War

I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

1. "We" didn't lose....Liberals made sure we left on terms that made it appear that the United States was humbled.
And it didn't stop there. The Liberals emasculated the intelligence community and this led to 9/11.

2. After they cost the loss of the Viet Nam war, liberals in Congress turned the blame against the intelligence agencies hoping to discredit them and further weaken this nation.

Idaho Democrat Senator Frank Church, explaining he had learned “the lessons from Vietnam,” told David Broder in the Washington Post, “…we pursued stupid policies in Asia, based on ignorance and an irrelevant ideological view of the world. …trying to ‘contain’ China, a pygmy nation…Until we learn to live with revolution, we will continue to blunder…” Frank Gregorsky, “What’s Wrong With Democratic Foreign Policy,” House Republican Study Committee paper, p. 12, 13.

a. In a series of highly publicized hearings, Senator Church excoriated the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the Army, hobbling them with ‘reform’ and oversights that plague the country to this day.

b. “They were very specific about their effort to destroy American intelligence [capabilities]," remembers Robert Ellsworth, a U.S. diplomat. "It was Senator Church who said our intelligence agencies were 'rogue elephants.'” Timeline - The Life And Times Of Donald Rumsfeld | Rumsfeld's War | FRONTLINE | PBS

c. Early on, critics such as Bing Crosby and Paul Harvey accused the Democrat committee of treasonous activity. The 1975 assassination of Richard Welch, a CIA station chief in Greece, intensified the public backlash against its mission. The Committee's work has more recently been criticized after the September 11th attacks, for leading to legislation reducing the ability of the CIA to gather human intelligence. History News Network | Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA
Actually, it was the Generals who should have been prosecuted

They lied about the need for a war
They lied about their prospects of winning
They lied about how the US was doing

Those Generals cost 60,000 US lives to fight a silly "Cold War" that was actually a Civil War

I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

1. "We" didn't lose....Liberals made sure we left on terms that made it appear that the United States was humbled.
And it didn't stop there. The Liberals emasculated the intelligence community and this led to 9/11.

2. After they cost the loss of the Viet Nam war, liberals in Congress turned the blame against the intelligence agencies hoping to discredit them and further weaken this nation.

Idaho Democrat Senator Frank Church, explaining he had learned “the lessons from Vietnam,” told David Broder in the Washington Post, “…we pursued stupid policies in Asia, based on ignorance and an irrelevant ideological view of the world. …trying to ‘contain’ China, a pygmy nation…Until we learn to live with revolution, we will continue to blunder…” Frank Gregorsky, “What’s Wrong With Democratic Foreign Policy,” House Republican Study Committee paper, p. 12, 13.

a. In a series of highly publicized hearings, Senator Church excoriated the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the Army, hobbling them with ‘reform’ and oversights that plague the country to this day.

b. “They were very specific about their effort to destroy American intelligence [capabilities]," remembers Robert Ellsworth, a U.S. diplomat. "It was Senator Church who said our intelligence agencies were 'rogue elephants.'” Timeline - The Life And Times Of Donald Rumsfeld | Rumsfeld's War | FRONTLINE | PBS

c. Early on, critics such as Bing Crosby and Paul Harvey accused the Democrat committee of treasonous activity. The 1975 assassination of Richard Welch, a CIA station chief in Greece, intensified the public backlash against its mission. The Committee's work has more recently been criticized after the September 11th attacks, for leading to legislation reducing the ability of the CIA to gather human intelligence. History News Network | Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA

If we only had 100,000 more troops and six more months we could have won that war
In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?

Yeah.....I see your point.

So....if Franklin Roosevelt flew the Hammer and Sickle flag over the White House....that really wouldn't have gotten anybody killed, either.

Actually....I wasn't telling the whole truth: I didn't see your point, 'cause, you know...you had a hat on.

Derailing your own thread so soon?

You usually don't give up so easily

I go where ever it takes me.

And I'll continue to smack you when you deserve such.

You're lying when you suggest....hope.....that I 'gave up.'
Actually, it was the Generals who should have been prosecuted

They lied about the need for a war
They lied about their prospects of winning
They lied about how the US was doing

Those Generals cost 60,000 US lives to fight a silly "Cold War" that was actually a Civil War

I believe the 'body count' had us wiping out a good bit of the population. How did we lose?

1. "We" didn't lose....Liberals made sure we left on terms that made it appear that the United States was humbled.
And it didn't stop there. The Liberals emasculated the intelligence community and this led to 9/11.

2. After they cost the loss of the Viet Nam war, liberals in Congress turned the blame against the intelligence agencies hoping to discredit them and further weaken this nation.

Idaho Democrat Senator Frank Church, explaining he had learned “the lessons from Vietnam,” told David Broder in the Washington Post, “…we pursued stupid policies in Asia, based on ignorance and an irrelevant ideological view of the world. …trying to ‘contain’ China, a pygmy nation…Until we learn to live with revolution, we will continue to blunder…” Frank Gregorsky, “What’s Wrong With Democratic Foreign Policy,” House Republican Study Committee paper, p. 12, 13.

a. In a series of highly publicized hearings, Senator Church excoriated the US intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the Army, hobbling them with ‘reform’ and oversights that plague the country to this day.

b. “They were very specific about their effort to destroy American intelligence [capabilities]," remembers Robert Ellsworth, a U.S. diplomat. "It was Senator Church who said our intelligence agencies were 'rogue elephants.'” Timeline - The Life And Times Of Donald Rumsfeld | Rumsfeld's War | FRONTLINE | PBS

c. Early on, critics such as Bing Crosby and Paul Harvey accused the Democrat committee of treasonous activity. The 1975 assassination of Richard Welch, a CIA station chief in Greece, intensified the public backlash against its mission. The Committee's work has more recently been criticized after the September 11th attacks, for leading to legislation reducing the ability of the CIA to gather human intelligence. History News Network | Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA

We lost the war. Quit with the revisionist history. And you do not even have the class or guts to reply to my previous post.
In the final analysis...

Jane Fonda got it right about VietNam.....the Generals got it wrong

It wasn't Fonda who got more than 50K Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or maimed.

The story of her passing pieces of paper to others is apparently untrue but it has been repeated so often, its taken on a life of its own.

In the final analysis

Jane Fondas ill-conceived picture behind an anti-aircraft gun got nobody killed
The war-mongers who trumped up a reason to get involved in VietNam and then lied about our prospects of winning got 60,000 Americans killed

Guess who got the medals?

Count the number of threads where rw's are critical of Robert McNamara.

And, more recently, the dick who ran the country when GW was prez.

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