January 6 ‘was a coup organized by the president’, says Jamie Raskin

Oh, this guy...

One of the idiots that impeached a president based on opinion, instead of facts.

NO thanks.
They made the case against trump. Sadly the jury comprised of partisan pygmies.

“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.
Raskin is just another groomer.
Rep. Raskin is an ultraliberal Democrat congresscreep of high rank.

Of course they are going to abide by the cult's doctrines concerning the myth of 6 January.

It would be shocking if he held to a different point of view.

“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.

And yet another comedy skit put in the political section!!!
They made the case against trump. Sadly the jury comprised of partisan pygmies.
They made the case against trump.

they made their case?

House impeached him 6 days after the 'coup'.

They didn't have time to do research, or hold discussion to make a competent decision.

"All those in favor of impeaching Trump again, raise your hand."

Sadly the jury comprised of partisan pygmies.

Yes, and they were the ones that raised their hands.
They don't get much more liberal than Sanders closet socialist, Jamie Raskin who co-chairs something called the "Freethought caucus" and led the charge in Trump's 2nd impeachment based on nothing.
Actually, it was a set up by Pelosi. Cops let them in, manned machine guns to mow them down. She was setting up a blood bath to result in the demonizing of Trump for good. She wasn't allowed to have the machine guns she requested and had to make do with a few people wandering around to try to convince us it was a threat...

“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.
Raskin? Is he related to the lady that got away with killing her husband and feeding him to their tigers?
Actually, it was a set up by Pelosi. Cops let them in, manned machine guns to mow them down. She was setting up a blood bath to result in the demonizing of Trump for good. She wasn't allowed to have the machine guns she requested and had to make do with a few people wandering around to try to convince us it was a threat...

J6 Reichstag Fire

“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.
Don't care for Raskin's politics, his word alone doesn't mean much. Let's see what happens with the hearings.
Jamie Raskin is a TDS idiot....
Congressman Raskin is most emphatically NOT....one of the Trump's Duped & Snookered.

Doesn't anybody read good newspapers anymore?

He's a democrat, of course he's going to say Trump is guilty.
Jamie Raskin taught Constitutional law for 25 years.
And you poster? What did you teach?

Raskin is head and shoulders above the duped & snookered, and their cheerleaders like Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and FratBoy Gaetz. And, without drawing too fine a point, head & shoulders above anonymous fake named posters on the internet. IMHO

My poor avatar considers his views have far more gravitas than those named above.

Just sayin'.

"Raskin was a constitutional law professor at American University Washington College of Law for more than 25 years...... He co-founded and directed the LL.M. program on law and government and co-founded the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project ."

Was Trump at the capitol?...did you hear him say break into the capitol?...did you hear him say go and start a riot?...this whole thing is perposterous.....
Was Osama Bin Ladin at the World Trade Center? Did you see him flying the planes?
The idea that he instigated it, encouraged it, advanced it, and did nothing to stop it while he watched it on TV.......is preposterous.

It was a coup...led by the FBI and Pelosi to try and convict Trump for a false flag operation....
Well, that make it interesting.
How's your 'proof'-thingy coming on that one, poster Rambunctious?

Nonetheless, despite his failure to prove his assertion.....the good poster Rambunctious does pose for us a binary choice:

On the one hand, we have an anonymous poster asserting Pelosi & the FBI beat up the Capitol cops, spread their poo on the walls, wrecked furniture, stole laptops, and threatened our legislators.....and all that without no credible proof whatsoever.

On the other hand.....which gets us to the binary part.....is that

  • Don Trump told his millions of followers to travel to DC on January 6th....because "it will be wild".
  • And Don Trump, with dozens and dozens of rallies under his belt used his well used rhetoric and tactics to rile & anger his followers....and instructed them to march to the Capitol, despite knowing there was no permit for a march, no pre-arranged security along the route, and that the Capitol would be lightly defended.
  • And then he sat watching the criminal assaults on the police, the vandalism, and thefts......and did zero to put a stop to it, discourage or instruct his followers to cease and desist.....despite being the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America.
  • The attack on the Captiol and our uniformed police would not have occurred without the instigation and encouragment of Don Trump. Betcha.

The Duped & Snookered and those Jackass Patriots would NOT have beat up the police simply because Rudy G. and Kimberly Guilfoyle were cheerleading for their team.


“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.
No one gives a shit about what Jamie Raskin says.

“This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

Public hearings is the way forward.

I do like Mr Raskin. There are many films of him schooling dopey goppers like Gym Jordan.
It looks like we are starting to get to the meat of the matter. All Americans will welcome this.
Trump is absolutely poison to our democracy.

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