Jamie Raskin (D) Maryland opposes Jan 6 transparency

so what is it you're worried about if it's nothing? you certainly feel obligated to shuck and jive in here for what reason?
I'm NOT.
Release the footage.
Promise you will post a "summary"?
why are you afraid of showing the inners of our federal buildings? I've seen many rooms on videos of the WH, photos, things presidents and wives have taken in fact. Are you hiding in a hole somewhere where you never saw the inside of the WH? Or the Pentagon? NASA? Apollo 13 much? come on friend, explain what you're afraid of? Why are you limp dick about your concern? Still ain't got the choana's.
"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Mark Twain

My job of proving you too stupid to compete is complete.
Carry on without me. LOLLOOLLL

Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 10.26.38 AM.png
Biden won. Trump lost. January 6 was an attempted coup.

That is how the history books will record the reality, no matter how hard Putin's bitch boi Tucker Carlson tries to spin it.

In public, Tucker knows his rube viewers are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square, so he lies to them to keep them angry.

In private, Tucker Carlson considers Trump a "demonic force", along with everyone else at Fox News from top to bottom.

But the tards keep lining up to be lied to again. What's a propagandist like Tucker to do if he wants to keep making money?

He has to keep lying. The rubes DEMAND to be lied to, or they will leave!

Fox News puts their bottom line ahead of the country. It's that simple, folks.

They are not a "news" outlet. They are full-on propagandists.
J6 was a planned Fedsurrection. The videos will prove it. Will we see the truth? Those in power will do anything to stop it from coming out. Look for all kinds of excuses aimed at censoring the truth.
Carlson, is likely, as usual, proclaiming another "bombshell" out of this video, just to keep his cult ln a tizzy.
I love it, release everything.
It will likely put meth heads to sleep.

I watch him every night and I don't recall him even mentioning it.
"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Mark Twain

My job of proving you too stupid to compete is complete.
Carry on without me. LOLLOOLLL

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Hahaha, I love owning demofks like you on the board. Your tactic is so blase you concede you can’t explain why the inner workings is dangerous, although it is your claim. And that you think your demofk raskin and Jeffrey’s are not intelligent people.

Keep deflecting it proves you weak
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Hakeem Jeffries slammed his Republican colleagues for what he called their “egregious security breach” by providing Fox News host Tucker Carlson with security footage of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol Building.

In a letter to his Democratic House colleagues, Jeffries argued that the transfer of some 44,000 hours of video footage from the day of the riot to Carlson and his producers “endangers” Capitol Police, members of Congress, and staff at the Capitol Building.

“I write with respect to public reports that extreme MAGA Republicans in the House have provided tens of thousands of hours of sensitive Capitol security footage to a FOX News personality who regularly peddles conspiracy theories and Pro-Putin rhetoric,” Jeffries states in the letter.

Hakeem is a liar, a racist, a propagandist and far left extremist Insurrection Conspiracy Theorist.
He doesn't care about security.
The Dirty Democrats fear that their crazy insurrection conspiracy propaganda will be exposed.

Correct, it has nothing to do with it. Just a failed attempt to stop the videos from being aired.
I'm NOT.
Release the footage.
Promise you will post a "summary"?
Are you saying you won’t understand what would be exposed that you need me to explain it to you? Ahh wool at the whittle boy who can’t think for yourself!
I don’t know why Dems and lib loons are worried about the video. Video or audio Proof is dismissed by them via we heard or saw it incorrectly.
Same thing here.
I don’t know why Dems and lib loons are worried about the video. Video or audio Proof is dismissed by them via we heard or saw it incorrectly.
Same thing here.
It takes away their narrative
Are you saying you won’t understand what would be exposed that you need me to explain it to you? Ahh wool at the whittle boy who can’t think for yourself!
I won't watch it, I'll watch the highlights.
Worse than Trump , Carlson or Hannity ever could.

"What would be exposed"?
Like what?

Capitol Police said Friday that they are investigating allegations by Democratic members of Congress that Republican lawmakers gave tours of the Capitol to supporters of President Donald Trump a day before a pro-Trump mob rioted there.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J. had said Tuesday that on Jan. 5 she saw “members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol ... a reconnaissance for the next day.”

Sherrill vowed to hold accountable “those members of Congress that incited this violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy.”

She has said that tours were highly unusual both because of the timing just before the invasion of the halls of Congress, and because of Covid-19 restrictions that have limited public access to congressional buildings.
I won't watch it, I'll watch the highlights.
Worse than Trump , Carlson or Hannity ever could.

"What would be exposed"?
Like what?

Capitol Police said Friday that they are investigating allegations by Democratic members of Congress that Republican lawmakers gave tours of the Capitol to supporters of President Donald Trump a day before a pro-Trump mob rioted there.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J. had said Tuesday that on Jan. 5 she saw “members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol ... a reconnaissance for the next day.”

Sherrill vowed to hold accountable “those members of Congress that incited this violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy.”

She has said that tours were highly unusual both because of the timing just before the invasion of the halls of Congress, and because of Covid-19 restrictions that have limited public access to congressional buildings.
Ordinary everyday tours suddenly the witch hunt boogey man for lib loons.
For those who are mad that Tucker has the videos, are you mad that Tucker has them, or are you mad that they've been released at all? Who should've McCarthy give the videos to that would make you feel better about things? I mean, I'll all for transparency, and having all the videos out there for us to see will separate the truth from a false narrative. What's wrong with that?
Biden won. Trump lost. January 6 was an attempted coup.

That is how the history books will record the reality, no matter how hard Putin's bitch boi Tucker Carlson tries to spin it.

In public, Tucker knows his rube viewers are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square, so he lies to them to keep them angry.

In private, Tucker Carlson considers Trump a "demonic force", along with everyone else at Fox News from top to bottom.

But the tards keep lining up to be lied to again. What's a propagandist like Tucker to do if he wants to keep making money?

He has to keep lying. The rubes DEMAND to be lied to, or they will leave!

Fox News puts their bottom line ahead of the country. It's that simple, folks.

They are not a "news" outlet. They are full-on propagandists.
Good luck in your scam to over throw putin. LOL
For those who are mad that Tucker has the videos, are you mad that Tucker has them, or are you mad that they've been released at all? Who should've McCarthy give the videos to that would make you feel better about things? I mean, I'll all for transparency, and having all the videos out there for us to see will separate the truth from a false narrative. What's wrong with that?
Truth and proof are their enemy and that’s what is wrong.
Ordinary everyday tours suddenly the witch hunt boogey man for lib loons.
Weren't ordinary, moron.
The building was closed for tours because of COVID.

March 30 2022
On Monday, we stopped by the U.S. Capitol Building to join in as the doors were reopened to the public for the first time in over two years.

We're standing now in the Capitol Visitor Center, which opened up in 2008 and wound up costing over $620 million. The whole idea behind it was that it was supposed to be a place where the public could come through and have access to the Capitol and have a chance to kind of learn about democracy and progress. It has been closed for more than two years because of the coronavirus.

Before the pandemic, public access to the seat of American democracy was part of the beating heart of the Capitol. An average of 3 to 5 million people visit the building each year. The tour leads up a big flight of stairs to the Capitol Rotunda, where we met Jennifer Mitten (ph), who was visiting D.C. with her family.
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Monday evening that Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."

Raskin went on the racist TV host Joy Reid's show to make more crazy Democrat insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
Only crazy racist Wokey Dopey Democrats watch MSNBC.
Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
What are the Klanocrats so worried about?
Are they afraid that their Jan 6 hype and propaganda will be exposed?
If you are going to do an investigation then the entire investigation should be made public, not just the parts democrats want to make public. People like this will look foolish when it all comes out and it is obvious that the only reason he said this was to cover up anything that made Trump look good and nothing to do with "national security".
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Monday evening that Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."

Raskin went on the racist TV host Joy Reid's show to make more crazy Democrat insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
Only crazy racist Wokey Dopey Democrats watch MSNBC.
Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
What are the Klanocrats so worried about?
Are they afraid that their Jan 6 hype and propaganda will be exposed?

Isn't like the whole of the Republican Party (or at least the Trumpers) against scrutiny?

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