Jason Chaffetz To Poor: Your iPhone Or Your Doctor

Poor people DON'T have iPhones!!!!! The cheapest one is about $500. If the poor have any kind of cell phone it is probably a flip phone or a BushPhone.
If you believe that you're an idiot. Spend an afternoon in a grocery store in Compton. You can sit there and watch people on their newest version Iphones wearing Air Jordans while handing the cashier food stamps. Maybe follow them out to the parking lot and watch them load up all the groceries you paid for into their late model car with 20" wheels and low profile tires.
You've never been to Compton. You just spout Trumpian racist stereotypes.
Retard, I spent two weeks in Compton modernizing their computers. Spent the entire two weeks thinking I was getting paid to upgrade the systems of people that paid a fraction of their grocery bills that kept that store open. It was like working at a democrat convention of nobody producing shit but they had so much of other peoples money they needed top of the line accounting to keep track of it.

There's nothing Trumpian, racist or stereo typical about it. It's the fucking truth. Deal with it.

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?

They can always get two or three jobs and pay for their own health care.

I'm not interested in paying for anyone's healthcare anymore than I'm interested in paying their rent or paying for their food.

They need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."
Who are you to determine what is important for folks?
It's been pretty amusing listening to conservative talk radio over the last couple of days, as they pretend that Trump & Co have really delivered, that this is what we need, that this Frankenstein's Monster 2.0 is just boffo, great stuff.

Maybe "amusing" isn't the right word.
If a person's income qualifies them for healthcare assistance, then it's irrelevant what the income is spent on.

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."

You do realize Chaffetz comments were simply meant to describe American's spending habits and their priorities?
Poor people DON'T have iPhones!!!!!

lol, neither do smart people. Apple is a criminal enterprise. lolol

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."

You do realize Chaffetz comments were simply meant to describe American's spending habits and their priorities?

His comments were meant to express the conservative opinion that if your economic circumstances force you to go broke just to pay your doctor bills,

then so be it. Social Darwinism.

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."
Who are you to determine what is important for folks?

What part of my posts makes you think i believe I am the one to determine what is important to people? I simply posted a link showing the ridiculousness of the idea that iPhones are the reason people are not getting healthcare.

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."
Who are you to determine what is important for folks?

What part of my posts makes you think i believe I am the one to determine what is important to people? I simply posted a link showing the ridiculousness of the idea that iPhones are the reason people are not getting healthcare.
The words in your posts....

"Nevermind that smartphones are especially important for lower-income folks as a way to find jobs and do other essential tasks. Let’s say we’re all buying so many shiny new iPhones that we can forgo a few of them to afford our health care. Here’s how many you’ll need to not buy:

  • Employer-provided health insurance costs 25 iPhones for the average family, although the employer pays most of that. The family is only on the hook for about seven iPhones.
  • High deductible plans are common, and the average deductible for employees is two iPhones. If you have a smaller employer, you will probably pay more iPhones than that.
  • If you get your insurance from the Marketplace (in other words, you have what some call an “Obamacare plan”), your out-of-pocket cost is much lower. Here’s an example for a 40-year old non-smoker who makes $30,000 a year; depending on where this person lives, their premiums could be anywhere from
    three to 12 iPhones
    per year."

"Since Chaffetz mentioned the “latest” iPhone, I used an estimate of $749 for a 128GB iPhone 7. If your phone of choice is cheaper, you’ll need to forgo more of it to afford health care."
Who are you to determine what is important for folks?

What part of my posts makes you think i believe I am the one to determine what is important to people? I simply posted a link showing the ridiculousness of the idea that iPhones are the reason people are not getting healthcare.
The words in your posts....

That is pretty vague. You should be more specific. I don't recall making any posts that could be seen as me deciding what is important for other people.

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?
I believe most people would love it if their doctor/health care only cost as much as a new iPhone.

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?
I believe most people would love it if their doctor/health care only cost as much as a new iPhone.
The whole point is most so-called poor people in the United States do not live within their means… Fact

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?
I believe most people would love it if their doctor/health care only cost as much as a new iPhone.
The whole point is most so-called poor people in the United States do not live within their means… Fact
Fact, huh? Prove it then. Link your evidence.

Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn’t Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says millions of Americans who might lose health insurance need to “make a choice.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is proposing a quick fix for low-income Americans unable to afford coverage under President Donald Trump’s newly proposed health care law: Don’t buy an iPhone.

The American Health Care Act, unveiled by House Republican leaders Monday, offers less financial assistance to low-income people than former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, so it would likely result in millions of Americans losing the health coverage they have today.

But the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday that Americans who might struggle to afford insurance under the GOP plan simply need to make the choice to “invest in health care.”

“Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said Tuesday on CNN. “So rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They’ve got to make those decisions themselves.”

More: Jason Chaffetz: Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones If They Need Money For Health Care

Wow! Just wow! Why would anyone have to choose between healthcare and an iPhone? Most likely those who are on the financial edge don't have a home landline. Are they not supposed to have some form of electronic communication?
I believe most people would love it if their doctor/health care only cost as much as a new iPhone.
You mean insurance....Obamacare is ending soon....

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