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Jeb Bush Says We Should Phase Out Medicare


Sure, and this is based on your vast Constitutional scholarship???

Name ONE other industrialized country whose government feels the same as you......and before you say that our system is the best, check out what the World Health Organization (not Fox news) ranks the US in HC deliveries.

Sure, and this is based on your vast Constitutional scholarship???

Name ONE other industrialized country whose government feels the same as you......and before you say that our system is the best, check out what the World Health Organization (not Fox news) ranks the US in HC deliveries.
If the gop voters continue refighting lost battles ... they'll lose. And if they can't win in 16, we may need a new conservative party.
Just like the VA, which works so well.
Wow, you guys are melting down here.

Not to interfere with your ignorance, according to a Forbes' survey:

......... lost in the current rancor about the VA is the recognition that the VA healthcare system has consistently out-performed the non-VA/private sector in quality of care and patient safety.....
Yawn. Review the term "evidence" and get back to me.
If Paul Ryan does to Medicare what he has done to Tricare, then I wish he would take a flying leap off a cliff.
How many of you know the factual, honest and true answers to the following questions:

Who funds the VA?

Who funds Medicare?
Jeb Bush--Let's phase out medicare

GOP supporter--why does granny refuse to vote Republican?

You can't make this s$$t up!!!
Not to mention the 49% secret gaff made by Mittens during his presidential campaign, these guys just don;t know when to keep their mouths shut...
Not to mention the 49% secret gaff made by Mittens during his presidential campaign, these guys just don;t know when to keep their mouths shut...

Perhaps the GOP best candidate for the WH should be a deaf-mute? (lol)
As opposed to the left's plan, which is to keep robbing it until it goes broke. Gee, I thought once we had Obamacare, everyone would be covered, save lots of money and live happily ever after.

Whether you realize it or not (probably not) you've stumbled upon something that many of us have been saying for decades......Make Medicare available to EVERYONE.....you know who would come out "losing" in such a plan??? Private health insurances' and big pharma's CEOs and board members, and hospital administrators.

Amen! Sooner or later, America will evolve to Medicare for all - Single Payer. We are being fucked by the health insurance companies - not Medicare.
Just like the VA, which works so well.
Wow, you guys are melting down here.

The VA works quite well for me. I like it better than most private physicians and hospitals. So do most of my veteran friends.

Too bad they are going to be closing hospitals due to a 2.5 billion shortfall.
Actually, Obama's policies have been partially successful in containing the cost, and it's now solvent through at least 2030. That's why Jeb's more and more a "blast from the past."

Not that Hillary is looking too spry.

But so far, Jeb's resurrected his brother's failed tax cuts and now this. How about a middle class tax cut (Rubio and Ryan). And do a Reagan on medicare and JUST LIVE WITH IT.

Solvent? Not hardly. Prices go up in 2017 when their safety nets expire. Plus states are already in the negative numbers trying to fund it.
The VA and Medicare are funded differently:

The VA is funded by the same people who fund our military and wars - but sadly they under-fund the VA.

Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration - meaning it is funded by people who have worked and paid into it during their working years - meaning it was part of their working compensation package. Even so, retired people still must pay a monthly premium unless they are poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. Hence: earned entitlements. Conservatives often refer to these folks as "takers" - but that is not true. Social Security is the largest holder of U.S. debt, and Conservatives would love to get their hands on that pot of money. Wall Street salivates at the thought.

How Medicare is funded? Medicare.gov

Who pays for Medicare - Ultimate Guide to Retirement
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He also praises Paul Ryan's voucher approach.

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Wednesday that we ought to phase out Medicare, the federal program that provides health insurance to Americans once they're 65.

"We need to make sure we fulfill the commitment to people that have already received the benefits, that are receiving the benefits," Bush said. "But we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something, because they're not going to have anything."

Bush praised Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) for proposing to change Medicare to a system that gives seniors medical vouchers instead of paying their bills directly. He also lamented that "the left" reacted with an ad showing a Paul lookalike pushing an old lady's wheelchair off a cliff.

Since 2011, Ryan's name has been closely associated with his Medicare plan, which Democrats have said would "end Medicare as we know it." Nevertheless, the Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 didn't endorse the plan even after adding Ryan to the ticket as a vice presidential candidate.

More: Jeb Bush Says We Should Phase Out Medicare

This will scare many voters - especially older folks. Vouchers are scary. Paul Ryan is scary.


This will scare many voters - especially older folks. Vouchers are scary. Paul Ryan is scary.

Jeb just stepped on the proverbial 3rd rail......He'd have a hard time carrying even Florida's seniors.



Can you provide some "credible" facts and sources to support your claims?

Congress may not, under the guise of the taxing power, assert a power not delegated to it by the Constitution. U. Cf. Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton R. Co., supra; Hill v. Wallace, 259 U.S. 44; Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. 20. United States v. Doremus, 249 U.S. 86 and McCray v. United States, 195 U.S. 27, distinguished.,

A tax, in the general understanding of the term, and as used in the Constitution, signifies an exaction for the support of the Government. The word has never been thought to connote the expropriation of money from one group for the benefit of another. We may concede that the latter sort of imposition is constitutional when imposed to effectuate regulation of a matter in which both groups are interested and in respect of which there is a power of legislative regulation. But manifestly no justification for it can be found unless as an integral part of such regulation. The exaction cannot be wrested out of its setting, denominated an excise for raising revenue and legalized by ignoring its purpose as a mere instrumentality for bringing about a desired end. To do this would be to shut our eyes to what all others than we can see and understand. Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. 20, 37.UNITED STATES v. BUTLER ET AL., 56 S. Ct. 312, 297 U.S. 1 (U.S. 01/06/1936)


And people wonder why Trump is kicking the shit out of this idiot in the polls.

Who is advising this guy? First he says Americans don't work enough hours, major gaffe. Now he says we need to phase out entitlements people have paid into their whole lives. Then he goes and craps
on his own base supporting Amnesty to replace these "entitled " and "lazy" American workers who won't work for peanuts at 70 hours a week like an illegal would. He somehow thinks that position will sway independents and liberals to vote for him over the hildebeast.

The establishment GOP is so out of touch they think this is policy attached to the discredited Bush name is "electable".

Wouldn't be surprised if in a couple weeks Bush is only down to 10% in the polls and Trump us up to 30. Populism sells. This is why Trump and Sanders for that matter are gaining in the polls.
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(Inside Jeb Bush's brain) "Trump said something stupid and has gotten 95% of the media coverage ever since. I should do that..." :)
The VA and Medicare are funded differently:

The VA is funded by the same people who fund our military and wars - but sadly they under-fund the VA.

Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration - meaning it is funded by people who have worked and paid into it during their working years - meaning it was part of their working compensation package. Even so, retired people still must pay a monthly premium unless they are poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. Hence: earned entitlements. Conservatives often refer to these folks as "takers" - but that is not true. Social Security is the largest holder of U.S. debt, and Conservatives would love to get their hands on that pot of money. Wall Street salivates at the thought.

How Medicare is funded? Medicare.gov

Who pays for Medicare - Ultimate Guide to Retirement
That's what I meant to say ... or tried to say.

And medicare is now solvent through 2013, thanks in part to Obamacare and limits on provider reimbursement. And extending the age to 67 and requiring the more weathly retirees to pay more for care would also stretch it. In short, reports of Medicare's demise are greatly exaggerated .... for ideological purposes ... that are not politically popular.

Report Medicare Solvency Extended by Four Years Bolstered by ACA - California Healthline
And people wonder why Trump is kicking the shit out of this idiot in the polls.

Who is advising this guy? First he says Americans don't work enough hours, major gaffe. Now he says we need to phase out entitlements people have paid into their whole lives. Then he goes and craps
on his own base supporting Amnesty to replace these "entitled " and "lazy" American workers who won't work for peanuts at 70 hours a week like an illegal would. He somehow thinks that position will sway independents and liberals to vote for him over the hildebeast.

The establishment GOP is so out of touch they think this is polocy attached to the discredited Bush name is "electable".

Wouldn't be surprised if in a couple weeks Bush is only down to 10% in the polls and Trump us up to 30. Populism sells. This is why Trump and Sanders for that matter are gaining in the polls.

Populism , also known as parasitism, welfarism, gangsterism, demagoguery, fascism by the majority.


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