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Jeb Bush Says We Should Phase Out Medicare

And now the gov't has their filthy hands on the money and they'll be saying "Remember that money you paid in? We spent it all. HaHa!"
Hey, where's the lockbox?

For dimwitted right wingers like you, there is ZERO trust in government's social services, while having 100% trust in government's penchant for wars of aggression.
Oh yeah? Why arent you protesting what the federal government did to the Indians? Smarty.
Wall Street salivates at the thought.

Can you just imagine IF Wall Street had its greedy hands on SS and Medicare in 2008....and retirees were told, "sorry folks, Wall Street fucked up again.......would you mind surviving on $400 per month instead of your usual $1200???"
And now the gov't has their filthy hands on the money and they'll be saying "Remember that money you paid in? We spent it all. HaHa!"
Hey, where's the lockbox?

You're so fucking stupid, racist Rabbi Nathan Bedford Forrest. China is a major holder of U.S. debt - but Social Security is by far the biggest holder of U.S. debt.
Dont call anyone stupid, dumbshit. Social Security has actual money paid into it by workers and employers. Government empties that money, spends it, and in return writes IOUs that they'll pay later. Much later. Maybe never.
Your trust in government, which you can't fire, is matched by your distrust of corporations, which you can fire. That makes you the El Stupido of this site.
Oh yeah? Why arent you protesting what the federal government did to the Indians? Smarty.

Now, here's a bit of irony based on your statement......I have (and still are) spent half of my professional life working with tribal entities on economic development (beyond gaming) and in underscoring these entities' sovereignty vis-a-vis federal and state governments.
Expand the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to everyone.

Not a bad (if impractical) idea.......However, keep in mind that Medicare Advantage is a give-away to private insurers and big pharmaceuticals who had ALWAYS wanted to get their greedy hands on Medicare funds.........AND, the needs of Veterans are much more unique than the general public and that VA should never be eliminated as long as we have wars.
Oh yeah? Why arent you protesting what the federal government did to the Indians? Smarty.

Now, here's a bit of irony based on your statement......I have (and still are) spent half of my professional life working with tribal entities on economic development (beyond gaming) and in underscoring these entities' sovereignty vis-a-vis federal and state governments.
No wonder Indians suffer from such high levels of socio-economic ills.
Medicare delivers substandard crappy care at high prices to poor people. So of course Democrats support it.

LIAR ^^^

Of course the RabbiT lies (of course, he could also be just stupid).......Medicare is such "crappy care" that longevity has generally increased by a decade since its inception...and Medicare is NOT just for poor people......and the fact that some greedy doctors (who forgot their oaths) refuse care to Medicare patients does not jive with the RabbiT "high prices" claims.
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Actually, Obama's policies have been partially successful in containing the cost, and it's now solvent through at least 2030. That's why Jeb's more and more a "blast from the past."

Not that Hillary is looking too spry.

But so far, Jeb's resurrected his brother's failed tax cuts and now this. How about a middle class tax cut (Rubio and Ryan). And do a Reagan on medicare and JUST LIVE WITH IT.

Solvent? Not hardly. Prices go up in 2017 when their safety nets expire. Plus states are already in the negative numbers trying to fund it.

Where do you get your facts? Please name the source(s).
He also praises Paul Ryan's voucher approach.

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Wednesday that we ought to phase out Medicare, the federal program that provides health insurance to Americans once they're 65.

"We need to make sure we fulfill the commitment to people that have already received the benefits, that are receiving the benefits," Bush said. "But we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something, because they're not going to have anything."

Bush praised Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) for proposing to change Medicare to a system that gives seniors medical vouchers instead of paying their bills directly. He also lamented that "the left" reacted with an ad showing a Paul lookalike pushing an old lady's wheelchair off a cliff.

Since 2011, Ryan's name has been closely associated with his Medicare plan, which Democrats have said would "end Medicare as we know it." Nevertheless, the Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 didn't endorse the plan even after adding Ryan to the ticket as a vice presidential candidate.

More: Jeb Bush Says We Should Phase Out Medicare

This will scare many voters - especially older folks. Vouchers are scary. Paul Ryan is scary.


This will scare many voters - especially older folks. Vouchers are scary. Paul Ryan is scary.

Jeb just stepped on the proverbial 3rd rail......He'd have a hard time carrying even Florida's seniors.



Can you provide some "credible" facts and sources to support your claims?

Congress may not, under the guise of the taxing power, assert a power not delegated to it by the Constitution. U. Cf. Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton R. Co., supra; Hill v. Wallace, 259 U.S. 44; Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. 20. United States v. Doremus, 249 U.S. 86 and McCray v. United States, 195 U.S. 27, distinguished.,

A tax, in the general understanding of the term, and as used in the Constitution, signifies an exaction for the support of the Government. The word has never been thought to connote the expropriation of money from one group for the benefit of another. We may concede that the latter sort of imposition is constitutional when imposed to effectuate regulation of a matter in which both groups are interested and in respect of which there is a power of legislative regulation. But manifestly no justification for it can be found unless as an integral part of such regulation. The exaction cannot be wrested out of its setting, denominated an excise for raising revenue and legalized by ignoring its purpose as a mere instrumentality for bringing about a desired end. To do this would be to shut our eyes to what all others than we can see and understand. Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. 20, 37.UNITED STATES v. BUTLER ET AL., 56 S. Ct. 312, 297 U.S. 1 (U.S. 01/06/1936)


Reading your opinions always reminds me of Lord of the Flies
Even Howard Dean admitted back in 2004 that Medicare was a disaster.

Medicare is bankrupting us. It is rife with fraud and other cost overruns.

If someone can figure out a way to reform Medicare so that it's efficient and cost-effective, that'd be great. But a better solution would be to adopt a new system for senior care.

Start by putting doctors and administrators who cheat medicare and medicaid into prison, fine them to the max and ;upon release put them on parole until they make full restitution.
Actually, Obama's policies have been partially successful in containing the cost, and it's now solvent through at least 2030. That's why Jeb's more and more a "blast from the past."

Not that Hillary is looking too spry.

But so far, Jeb's resurrected his brother's failed tax cuts and now this. How about a middle class tax cut (Rubio and Ryan). And do a Reagan on medicare and JUST LIVE WITH IT.

So I said Medicare goes broke in 10 years and you say 15 years. Ah....why quibble? The key phrase is Medicare is going broke. So what is the Democrat plan other than the status quo and let the program fail?

Remember....eventually socialist run out of other people's money. Look at Greece as example one. :(

They predicted in the sixties that Medicare would go broke in the 70's.

All of those sort of predictions are meaningless because they are contingent on no one doing anything with Medicare except to maintain the status quo.

Okay....so what is the Democrat Plan? If Jeb is wrong than what is the correct solution per the left?

JEB wrong? LOL, he said to replace it with something new. I suppose you will find his comment sagacious.
Wall Street salivates at the thought.

Can you just imagine IF Wall Street had its greedy hands on SS and Medicare in 2008....and retirees were told, "sorry folks, Wall Street fucked up again.......would you mind surviving on $400 per month instead of your usual $1200???"
And now the gov't has their filthy hands on the money and they'll be saying "Remember that money you paid in? We spent it all. HaHa!"
Hey, where's the lockbox?

The lockbox was tossed out the window by the five members of the USSC who placed G. W. Bush in the White House./
A couple of things here.
First, it's Medicare Part A that is in danger to be insolvent in 2030, a not Parts B or D.
Secondly, the voucher plan on uses the CPI (inflation) to annually adjust the voucher value, yet the cost of healthcare in the US has consistently increased at a much greater annually rate than the CPI. So in other words, Seniors on fixed incomes would eventually not be able to afford to buy their healthcare insurance. So effectively, the voucher plan throws a majority of Seniors under the bus and drives the uninsured rate up.
The only reason Rabbi(t) is opposed to medicare and a host of other things is because he has been told by his handler what to believe.

The only question being which handler? Limbaugh? Norquist? "The Rabbit"

Troll thread....completely out of context. Medicare is due to go broke in less than 10 years. The nutters want to keep spending until no one has shit.

Great fucking plan. Morons....:(

Well, NaziCon psycho, we also have to bail out Wall Street. So, what's the fucking difference?
Thats because Democrats are in Wall St's pocket.

Rabbi sure has issues living in reality.
The GOP is determined to free Wall Street of consumer safeguards and accountability of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They want to back to the pre-season environment that led to millions of Americans to lose billions of dollars thanks to underhanded methods.
Since the reform that took place after the recession, Wall Street's (and banks) certainly haven't been hurting based on their record profits.

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