Jeb says he will pull away from the GOP pack

He's as stupid as hilary.
That's unfair. Jeb was actuallya pretty good governor and a conservative. If his name was anything different he'd probably be a shoo in. Unlike Hillary he has actual accomplishments. And I'd vote for him over any Democrat candidate I could think of.
He's as stupid as hilary.
That's unfair. Jeb was actuallya pretty good governor and a conservative. If his name was anything different he'd probably be a shoo in. Unlike Hillary he has actual accomplishments. And I'd vote for him over any Democrat candidate I could think of.

Ok, list his conservative accomplishments
Stand your ground gun laws.
Opposed protection of homosexuals as a class
Pro Capital punishment
Instituted malpractice caps
Vetoed high speed rail
Recused himself in the 2000 election.
He's as stupid as hilary.
That's unfair. Jeb was actuallya pretty good governor and a conservative. If his name was anything different he'd probably be a shoo in. Unlike Hillary he has actual accomplishments. And I'd vote for him over any Democrat candidate I could think of.

I just don't see any conservatism in him. He panders just like the dems. They all do that but he seems exceptional in that regard.
He's as stupid as hilary.
That's unfair. Jeb was actuallya pretty good governor and a conservative. If his name was anything different he'd probably be a shoo in. Unlike Hillary he has actual accomplishments. And I'd vote for him over any Democrat candidate I could think of.

I just don't see any conservatism in him. He panders just like the dems. They all do that but he seems exceptional in that regard.
See my previous post.
The RW loons on this board will deny reality until it slaps them dead in the face.

2008 America sees its first Black President

2016 America elects its first Woman President

2017 US funeral home industry sees huge boom as mass suicide among FOX News vierwers......:alcoholic::bang3::blowup:
exactly. Going to ba a lot of eXtreme rw'ers :blowup: in 2016 :D:mm: like rw crazy drunk cat lady for one.
A Bush/Clinton race might elect the first third party president. Where is Ross Perot when we need him?
The RW loons on this board will deny reality until it slaps them dead in the face.

2008 America sees its first Black President

2016 America elects its first Woman President

2017 US funeral home industry sees huge boom as mass suicide among FOX News vierwers......:alcoholic::bang3::blowup:
exactly. Going to ba a lot of eXtreme rw'ers :blowup: in 2016 :D:mm: like rw crazy drunk cat lady for one.

The one time the RW automatic weapons will come in handy.......:biggrin:
The RW loons on this board will deny reality until it slaps them dead in the face.

2008 America sees its first Black President

2016 America elects its first Woman President

2017 US funeral home industry sees huge boom as mass suicide among FOX News vierwers......:alcoholic::bang3::blowup:
exactly. Going to ba a lot of eXtreme rw'ers :blowup: in 2016 :D:mm: like rw crazy drunk cat lady for one.

The one time the RW automatic weapons will come in handy.......:biggrin:

dream on, dude. HRC will never be president. Never!
I would rather have Hillary than Jeb.

A republican house would obstruct Hillary but give Jeb everything he wants.
There is really not much question that he will eventually break away from the "pack." He will have good financial backing, an experienced team, he is a skilled politician, and unlike many others, he has a track record of executive accomplishments. Further, he has bona fides with Hispanics, which Republicans will want to take advantage of.

Barring a significant gaffe (real or invented), he will be one of three or four viable republicans nine months from now.

And let's face it, he would trounce Hillary among white people and most people with real jobs, so his chances are no worse than any other republican hopeful.
Not sure who the RWers on here are more afraid of, Hillary or Jeb? This is just TOOOOOO funny!

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