
That said I don't think that the Iraq war would hurt Jeb at all. In the middle of the affair Bush was reelected, no matter how close. Certainly the hate and smear thrown on GWB wouldn't help Jeb but those saying he doesn't stand a chance would never vote for any Republican let alone Jeb.

In 2004, it wasn't obvious that we had been lied into a war that was a terrible idea. Now only the most in denial republicans can claim that it was a good idea.

Jeb won't stand a chance because if you make this election Clinton vs. Bush, you are making it about Peace vs. War and Prosperity vs. Recession.

That's not an argument I would want to make.
Leaders? Bush, Christie, Clinton, maybe Warren.

No one else right now.
That said I don't think that the Iraq war would hurt Jeb at all. In the middle of the affair Bush was reelected, no matter how close. Certainly the hate and smear thrown on GWB wouldn't help Jeb but those saying he doesn't stand a chance would never vote for any Republican let alone Jeb.

In 2004, it wasn't obvious that we had been lied into a war that was a terrible idea. Now only the most in denial republicans can claim that it was a good idea.

Jeb won't stand a chance because if you make this election Clinton vs. Bush, you are making it about Peace vs. War and Prosperity vs. Recession.

That's not an argument I would want to make.

WHAT in the hell are you talking about? Hillary fully supported the war and the aftermath, until she didn't. She is more of a war hawk then Jeb Bush. Don't forget Billy terror bombed Serbia for 72 days and don't forget Hillary's involvement in WACO.

Billy is responsible for the mess we are in today. If he had not pushed for the "free" trade agreements they never would have been passed. The results were predicted then and we are seeing those results today.

So no, Hillary doesn't not mean Peace and Prosperity. Not by a long shot.
No, Obama is a failure because he is a failure at leadership. Not his fault, he doesn't have the qualitfications.

And Dubya did?

sorry, compared to the fuckup Bush made of everyone's life, I don't blame Obama because he didn't fix the problems fast enough.


Not Problem solver.

Of course you won't blame the democrats for the mess you say we are in, even though they have been in power for the last 8 years.
BTW, not one person I know stayed away from the last election because they were bigots against Mormons. That is a canard made up by the bigots on the left.

SOME might have stayed home because Romney was left of center but I don't know who were those people. Obama won because incumbents usually win as did Bush. There just wasn't a big enough difference between Obama and Romney. Oh, and in reality, Obama is black.
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electing more career politicians isn't the answer to solving problems that career politicians have caused.

At this point neither party is any different anyway but to keep sending the same people to washington year after year to do the same things year after year...and then act surprised when things get worse year after year...

The whole system has been infiltrated and corrupted at this point anyway. "electing" some "different" politicians won't correct anything.
WHAT in the hell are you talking about? Hillary fully supported the war and the aftermath, until she didn't. She is more of a war hawk then Jeb Bush. Don't forget Billy terror bombed Serbia for 72 days and don't forget Hillary's involvement in WACO.

Guy, nobody is crying over the Child Molesters at Waco other than you.

Billy is responsible for the mess we are in today. If he had not pushed for the "free" trade agreements they never would have been passed. The results were predicted then and we are seeing those results today.

Reagan passed FT agreement, so did Both Bushes, so did Obama and Clinton. While I agree free trade sucks, there's not a big political movement against it. Ross Perot tried and both parties dumped on him.

So no, Hillary doesn't not mean Peace and Prosperity. Not by a long shot.

Guy, perception is reality. What people remember about the 1990's is that we were all living pretty good. Now, I think Clinton gets too much credit for that, personally.

If this election becomes a referendum on Bush vs. Clinton, that's an argument the Republicans WILL lose.
BTW, not one person I know stayed away from the last election because they were bigots against Mormons. That is a canard made up by the bigots on the left.

Oh, no, I totally voted against Romney because I hate Mormons. But you are right, mostly that isn't true. The Funditard bigots would have voted for a follower of C'Thulhu.

"He's released the Great Old Ones! The world is doomed!"

"Yeah, but at least we got that Ni**er out of the white house."
Jeb can win.

He is personable, he will have to run from his brother, and the far right does not elect presidents, only the center does, and Jeb can pull the center.

I can't see how he runs from his brother and father.

In the primaries, yes, in the general he's the Republicans' best hope, IMO.
SOME might have stayed home because Romney was left of center but I don't who were those people. Obama won because incumbents usually win as did Bush. There just wasn't a big enough difference between Obama and Romney. Oh, and in reality, Obama is black.

And you just proved my point in the last post.

Romney lost because he lost the center, he lost women, he lost working people and he lost hispanics, mostly because he spent too much time appealling to the bigots and that he could out-bigot Rick Perry. (which I'll admit, is a tall order.)
Jeb can win.

He is personable, he will have to run from his brother, and the far right does not elect presidents, only the center does, and Jeb can pull the center.

I agree.
Jeb was a great Gov down here in Florida.

Was he perfect? Hell no but then who is. Does everything he does meet with my approval? Hell no but then who can please everyone. NO ONE.

He's his own man and I think he'd make a great POTUS. Certainly much better that fuck who currently occupies the WH.
No more Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys.

End this family entitlement crap.
This, this and more this.

I tire of the monarch like 'succession' that Americans seems to be getting far to comfortable with. Out of 300 million people you would think that we could find a single person that is qualified and does not have a close familial relationship with a previous president.

Of course Bush is the worst of those names to bear. It will be impossible to overcome the bitter resentment that the right has for what Bush did to them. He has exactly zero chance of actually sinning and it has nothing to do with being a RINO. His platform is actually irrelevant - it is the association with Bush Jr. that sinks him right off the bat. I cant fathom why the establishment would even be willing to let him put his name in the ring.
SOME might have stayed home because Romney was left of center but I don't who were those people. Obama won because incumbents usually win as did Bush. There just wasn't a big enough difference between Obama and Romney. Oh, and in reality, Obama is black.

And you just proved my point in the last post.

Romney lost because he lost the center, he lost women, he lost working people and he lost hispanics, mostly because he spent too much time appealling to the bigots and that he could out-bigot Rick Perry. (which I'll admit, is a tall order.)

Your projection is simply amazing. In every one of your posts you mention Romney being a Mormon. No one on the right I have ever seen posts a complaint about him being a Mormon, only you on the left. Seems to me that makes you a bigot, not anyone on the right.
WHAT in the hell are you talking about? Hillary fully supported the war and the aftermath, until she didn't. She is more of a war hawk then Jeb Bush. Don't forget Billy terror bombed Serbia for 72 days and don't forget Hillary's involvement in WACO.

Guy, nobody is crying over the Child Molesters at Waco other than you.

Billy is responsible for the mess we are in today. If he had not pushed for the "free" trade agreements they never would have been passed. The results were predicted then and we are seeing those results today.

Reagan passed FT agreement, so did Both Bushes, so did Obama and Clinton. While I agree free trade sucks, there's not a big political movement against it. Ross Perot tried and both parties dumped on him.

So no, Hillary doesn't not mean Peace and Prosperity. Not by a long shot.

Guy, perception is reality. What people remember about the 1990's is that we were all living pretty good. Now, I think Clinton gets too much credit for that, personally.

If this election becomes a referendum on Bush vs. Clinton, that's an argument the Republicans WILL lose.

So the children killed by Clinton at Waco were child molester? Really, I did not know that. How about the guy killed coming home from work, him too?

I see you avoided Hillary's war hawk support for the war in Iraq, how hard will you have to hold you nose to vote for her?

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