

Looking more like Jeb is gonna run, so let's look at some random facts.

1. As I understand it, he's a "RINO", so he'd have to overcome the more conservative elements of the GOP.

2. I've heard (haven't seen data on this) that 4 million GOP voters stayed home because Romney was a "RINO".

3. The party needs a presidential victory pretty badly right now.

So if Jeb somehow survived the nominating process, can he win without those 4 million votes, or would some or all of those voters suck it up and vote for him?

I guess the same question applies to Christie.


All I can say is that I have never voted for anyone named Bush in my life;

And I'm not going to start doing so now...
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First, Koresh killed those kids, not Hillary. Koresh started the fire. Three investigations concluded that.

Second, one less cult full of whacks - more food for the rest of us.

No they didn't you fucking liar.

I've rubbed your face in this dozens of times. CS gas fired into the compound started the fire.

What is your problem that you have to lie so much?
Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton.

Yes, American really is THAT Dysfunctional.



Well, we didn't have term limits for president until 1950 or so, when congressional republicans, so pissed off about FDR defeating them four times in a row, and Harry Truman also defeating them, making for 5 in a row, pushed through a constitutional amendment to limit presidential terms to TWO.

And of course, as history will have it, Dwight D. Eisenhower (one of my favorite presidents of all time) sad publicly and in at least 2 books, that he regretted it, that he would have gladly run for a third term.

It had more to do with an America sick of dictators.

FDR came very close to being a dictator.

Looking more like Jeb is gonna run, so let's look at some random facts.

1. As I understand it, he's a "RINO", so he'd have to overcome the more conservative elements of the GOP.

2. I've heard (haven't seen data on this) that 4 million GOP voters stayed home because Romney was a "RINO".

3. The party needs a presidential victory pretty badly right now.

So if Jeb somehow survived the nominating process, can he win without those 4 million votes, or would some or all of those voters suck it up and vote for him?

I guess the same question applies to Christie.


All I can say is that I have never voted for anyone named Bush in my life;

And I'm not going to start doing so now...

I'd go so far as to say you never even got any bush.
Not only that, the GOP is not attracting the unaffiliated vote. And we all know why. And that is what is killing their chances in a national election.
Which polls are you looking at?
ALL of them.
Yeah right. All the ones I've seen say otherwise.

Polls indicate lead for GOP in quest for Senate
WASHINGTON — Republicans hold a narrow but steady lead in the contest for control of the Senate, according to polls released Sunday.

Enough races remain extremely close that Democrats could still keep control of the chamber, but only if all the breaks go their way. So far, that’s not happening in the campaign’s closing weeks.
Well, we didn't have term limits for president until 1950 or so, when congressional republicans, so pissed off about FDR defeating them four times in a row, and Harry Truman also defeating them, making for 5 in a row, pushed through a constitutional amendment to limit presidential terms to TWO.

And of course, as history will have it, Dwight D. Eisenhower (one of my favorite presidents of all time) sad publicly and in at least 2 books, that he regretted it, that he would have gladly run for a third term.


You support a "president for life," but you're not a statest, eh Statist?


Still not seeing a lot of direct answers.

If a "RINO" like Jeb or Christie gets the nomination, will a lot of Republicans sit it out?

And I wonder: If a Tea Party favorite gets the nomination, would a lot of moderate Republicans sit it out?

Here's your direct answer:

Weak democrats, moderates, and independents elect presidents, not republicans – regardless their turn out. Now whom do you think weak democrats, moderates, and independents would likely vote for, JEB/Christie or a TPM extremist.
Fuck Jeb. No fire in the eyes. No blood in the mouth. I want a guy who will stay in the office. Make tough calls. Tell iran to GFY. Exterminate the muzzie radicals. Scare the shit out of the world. Build the USA. Not lie. Fix the borders. Kick ass. Lead the way. Looking still.
No more Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys.

End this family entitlement crap.
Sure Jeb runs wins then clinton runs wins then the children of jr euns and wins then clintons daughter runs and wins then the obama oldest daughter runs and wins grand kids on and on and on.
Well, if a Tea Partier gets it, than all former predictions get thrown out the window and Hillary climbs over 60% nationally.
Rand Paul would beat Hillary or Liz Warren by 10 million votes. Blacks will go 50% to the GOP

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Things become more complicated for republicans in 2016 should HRC be the nominee, as weak democrats, moderates, and independents will be more inclined to come out to vote that year, and likely vote for Mrs. Clinton, particularly if a TPM hardliner is the GOP nominee.

The proof of this will be evident next month, when weak democrats, moderates, and independents stay home and the GOP takes control of the Senate.
First, Koresh killed those kids, not Hillary. Koresh started the fire. Three investigations concluded that.

Second, one less cult full of whacks - more food for the rest of us.

No they didn't you fucking liar.

I've rubbed your face in this dozens of times. CS gas fired into the compound started the fire.

What is your problem that you have to lie so much?

CS isn't flammable, dude. And the fires didn't start until HOURS after the CS had been applied.
First, Koresh killed those kids, not Hillary. Koresh started the fire. Three investigations concluded that.

Second, one less cult full of whacks - more food for the rest of us.

No they didn't you fucking liar.

I've rubbed your face in this dozens of times. CS gas fired into the compound started the fire.

What is your problem that you have to lie so much?

CS isn't flammable, dude. And the fires didn't start until HOURS after the CS had been applied.
It can start a fire because it has a fuse
Well, it a Tea Partier gets it, than all former predictions get thrown out the window and Hillary climbs over 60% nationally.

Here's what I don't think I get: The Tea Party side of the GOP appears to think (and I may be getting this wrong) that a candidate who does not appear to be terribly fond of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the very existence of any number of government agencies can attract enough votes to win the White House.

Admittedly, I'm not very good at this prediction stuff, but I just don't see it.


Me thinks you are wrong and have no idea what the Tea Party is all about.
So the children killed by Clinton at Waco were child molester? Really, I did not know that. How about the guy killed coming home from work, him too?

First, Koresh killed those kids, not Hillary. Koresh started the fire. Three investigations concluded that.

Second, one less cult full of whacks - more food for the rest of us.

I see you avoided Hillary's war hawk support for the war in Iraq, how hard will you have to hold you nose to vote for her?

War's over, buddy.

Not according to 95 percent of your posts, pal.
No more Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys.

End this family entitlement crap.
This, this and more this.

I tire of the monarch like 'succession' that Americans seems to be getting far to comfortable with. Out of 300 million people you would think that we could find a single person that is qualified and does not have a close familial relationship with a previous president.

Of course Bush is the worst of those names to bear. It will be impossible to overcome the bitter resentment that the right has for what Bush did to them. He has exactly zero chance of actually sinning and it has nothing to do with being a RINO. His platform is actually irrelevant - it is the association with Bush Jr. that sinks him right off the bat. I cant fathom why the establishment would even be willing to let him put his name in the ring.

I think we should not have term limits in any election. You should be able to vote for anyone you wish. If the plurality picks A Bush,Kennedy, or Williams for that's their choice.
Interesting that I didn't say a damn thing about term limits at all in my post. Nowhere was there ever a mention to a legal barrier to those people running again.

Perhaps you should actually respond to text that you quote.

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