Jeff Flake caught on a live mic saying, “If we become the party of Moore & Trump, we are doomed"

More like you are desperate and depressed.
No, more like I just literally proved, in black and white that you lied and diverted. And your only response is to call me desperate and depressed? How pathetic can you be? I’m done with you for the day. That was too easy. Thanks for the laugh

You did not prove anything other than you follow the far left narratives without question or hesitation.

You said Moore abused teenagers, other than allegations what concert proof do you have?

With Fraken there are pictures!
Are you slow. Dumbshit Weatherman said that I claimed Trump started the birther movement. I told him to quote me and the quote literally showed me saying he promoted it. I never said he started it. Why was that relevant? because he diverted the conversation to bring up a Clinton staffer who was accused of starting the rumor and I told him that had nothing to do with the conversation. What is it about facts, logic, and reason do you not understand? All of what I just said is in black and white. It isn't partisan, its just truth. There is something wrong with you.

No you asked you to back up the claims in the quote you used..

See how you deflect once again when asked to provide proof of your claims..

Here is the question again:

You said Moore abused teenagers, other than allegations what concert proof do you have?

Do not deflect answer it!
I never claimed there is concrete proof... It is he said vs. they said. It is up to us to decide what we believe after listening to all the accusations and Moores defense. You can believe Moore, thats fine. I believe the 9 women who accused him (some of which are republican trump voters) and the over 50 sources backing up their stories. Like I said before, most free thinking people can read the writing on the wall including the Republican party and Trump who supported defunding his campaign. Take note again, I provided a direct answer, no deflection.

The year book with his signature, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN FORGED, should be evidence enough. But the inbred Alabama repubs would rather have a child pursuer in office than a Democrat.
Wow, Jeff Flake goes there. "The intense, angry and largely ignorant tribalism afflicting our politics predates Trump’s arrival on the scene. But he has infused it with a psychopath’s inability to accept that social norms apply to him."
There are two parties in Washington:

The Socialist party disguised as Democrats

The Democrat party disguised as Republicans

They work together, they think alike, and they do what’s best for THEM, NOT the American people.
"It already is the party of Trump & Moore & Republicans are already toast. A Democrat has a legitimate shot at winning a Senate seat for ALABAMA" - Snowflake Flake
"It already is the party of Trump & Moore & Republicans are already toast. A Democrat has a legitimate shot at winning a Senate seat for ALABAMA" - Snowflake Flake
An entire party’s identity does not shift in the course of a year. You are a fool if you think it works that way. There is a wave of anti pc anti Washington cry babies making noise. But that war cry will get old real fast and will be followed by a stronger wave of civility
Trump predicts Jeff Flake will vote against tax cuts, which is ... odd. Flake has raised concerns about the deficit but he’s still in play — and probably needed to pass this.
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Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.

ok, Flake?
GOP is 'toast' with Trump in control, Republican senator says

Better than the Party of Mitch McConnell and John McCain.

If the GOP thinks they are toast and doomed with:

A). A leader altruistically trying to clean up Washington.

B). A guy with no history, no proof as yet, just 40 year old allegations set forth by the WaPo weeks before an important election, I have news for them:

1). Dudes, you have just identified yourselves as part of The Swamp, too.

2). Don't look now but you jerks are already doomed and toast, by your own hand.
Trump predicts Jeff Flake will vote against tax cuts, which is ... odd. Flake has raised concerns about the deficit but he’s still in play — and probably needed to pass this.
This tweet is probably a great help to get his vote!!! :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Another prime example of emotion over intellect.
Trump predicts Jeff Flake will vote against tax cuts, which is ... odd. Flake has raised concerns about the deficit but he’s still in play — and probably needed to pass this.
This tweet is probably a great help to get his vote!!! :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Another prime example of emotion over intellect.

Trump is working hard everyday (when not golfing) to remind us what a fucking buffoon he is.
Hey guys, I cheer you on. Get fucking rid of all those Rhinos. Then we will get rid of all the Trumpanzees. Win-win for all. LOL
Jeff Flake voted over 92% on everything conservatives put up -- but the minute he doesn't bow down to all things Trump -- now these idiots say he is a democrat?

This is proof positive that trumpers only care about cult worship, they have zero idea about policies, nor do they care --- as long as trump tweets dumb shit to make them feel good about their delusions, they are fine....

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