Jeff found dead

Why was he not under constant watch?
Maybe they gave him time he needed so he would have an opportunity to commit suicide if he timed it perfectly.

At least that's what we're led to believe.

If the FBI isn't kicking down Hillary and Bill's door as we speak they won't do anything about this.

The Clintons are the primary suspects.
They butchered all of those people at WACO TX and got away with it.
They have murdered uncounted numbers of witnesses.
They've murdered people overseas.
This is nothing to them.

The Clinton's are washed up has-beens. They have no power left.

On the list of people tied to Epstein they are some of the smallest fish.

you need to get past your obsession, they are yesterday's news.

Uh he has no obsession he is just listing FACTS over Penelopes sad obsession over Trump.It is indeed a sad obsession because in all her years here she never ONCE spoke about the corruption of the clintons,how like he said,murdered women and children at WACO AND got away with it PLUS murdering people who knew too much of their drug smuggling activitiesd with Bush in arkansas and how they did it overseas and got away with it as well yet Trump gets in,and all of a sudden it is the end of the world for her,how pathetic this sad obsession she has over him is.:rolleyes:

and you have the most warped logic,so what if they are out of power,they committed crimes against humanity for it,and you just want bygones to be bygones.grow up,:rolleyes: they committed crimes against humanity and they need to be punished for it otherwise what kind of world is this if politicians can keep breaking the law and not held accountable for their actions like we always are?:cuckoo:
Chance of being an actual Suicide....
I would give it a solid 1 out 1,000

Wow, even a radical leftist sees through this.

The question is, will America let this go?

Will the democrats and the deep state get away with such a blatant act?

Yep, the fascist leftists in the press will start lying and kill any inquiry into the hit.

With people like yourself intent on making this a very partisan issue, yes, it will get buried.

It IS a partisan issue.

Epstein was the pimp of Hollywood, the News Media, and the democrat elite. Oprah Winfrey and Brad Pitt are involved in his little sex business. From Matt Damon to Matt Lauer, the who's who of the leftist infotainment elite all were clients of the perverted pimp.

His closest friends as well as donation list is literally the Who's who list of Democrats.
Dead men tell no Clinton tales
Wonder if he gave up the pervert Trump?

a.h Epstein documents PROVE Trump wasn't involved deal with it d.a.

awwww what a bubble bust lo

BLACKOUT: New Epstein Documents Clear Trump
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Mark Randazza joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the new Jeffrey Epstein data dump that clears President Trump.

Trump being the top law enforcement official in the country is responsible in the end for the failure here. Let's see what he does about that.

that's only going on in the eyes of an idiot whose clueless.

When no one gets held accountable?
The Clintons can get someone anywhere. This was expected though. Bill was too close to Epstein.

If the investigation goes on there will be more suicides.

The mistake at least one poster has made here is assuming that just because the Clintons are out of office,they dont have any power anymore.could not be any further from the truth.They are a very powerful family who can order someone to be killed and get off scott free as they always have.same with the Bush family and same with Obama. ALL three of these familys are all very powerful and very well protected by the establishment. the rules and laws that apply to us sure as hell DONT apply to them.

that is not even remotely funny.

what the fuck is wrong with you.

Its funny as hell anybody could possibly be such a moron to think the clintons dont have power while out of office is WHY it is funny and why he is laughing at you.only a Moron would be THAT stupid.:cuckoo::haha::lmao::laughing0301:

The monster molested little girls.
what would you expect?
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You have to laugh. All the Trupettes talking about Bill Clinton.

Donald Trump:
1) is on a video standing with Epstein oogling & discussing young girls.
2) Is on video saying how he & his bud Jerry like young women.
3) Is on video admitting he knew Epstein was a child rapist as he liked young girls.
4) Is accused by a woman of rape when she was 13 at an Epstein party

But hey, that Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton never shoewed any interest in underaged girls. Trump has.

"Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by"

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
The Clintons can get someone anywhere. This was expected though. Bill was too close to Epstein.

If the investigation goes on there will be more suicides.

The Clinton's have nothing left, they have no power and no influence. Once Hillary lost the 2nd time they were done. They no longer had any power to trade for favors.

You people really need to move on, find a new boggieman.

and i just took you to school and proved you wrong showing you have egg on your face.:abgg2q.jpg:
The Clintons can get someone anywhere. This was expected though. Bill was too close to Epstein.

If the investigation goes on there will be more suicides.

The Clinton's have nothing left, they have no power and no influence. Once Hillary lost the 2nd time they were done. They no longer had any power to trade for favors.

You people really need to move on, find a new boggieman.
If you think the GODMOTHER and GODFATHER of the DNC have no power you are delusional..
Wonder what they're smirking about?
You’re confused, you’re thinking of the Clintons
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?
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Wonder what they're smirking about?
You’re confused, you’re thinking of the Clintons
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?
Probably bragging about the underage girls they banged.
Why was he not under constant watch?
Maybe they gave him time he needed so he would have an opportunity to commit suicide if he timed it perfectly.

At least that's what we're led to believe.

If the FBI isn't kicking down Hillary and Bill's door as we speak they won't do anything about this.

The Clintons are the primary suspects.
They butchered all of those people at WACO TX and got away with it.
They have murdered uncounted numbers of witnesses.
They've murdered people overseas.
This is nothing to them.

The Clinton's are washed up has-beens. They have no power left.

On the list of people tied to Epstein they are some of the smallest fish.

you need to get past your obsession, they are yesterday's news.

Uh he has no obsession he is just listing FACTS over Penelopes sad obsession over Trump.It is indeed a sad obsession because in all her years here she never ONCE spoke about the corruption of the clintons,how like he said,murdered women and children at WACO AND got away with it PLUS murdering people who knew too much of their drug smuggling activitiesd with Bush in arkansas and how they did it overseas and got away with it as well yet Trump gets in,and all of a sudden it is the end of the world for her,how pathetic this sad obsession she has over him is.:rolleyes:

and you have the most warped logic,so what if they are out of power,they committed crimes against humanity for it,and you just want bygones to be bygones.grow up,:rolleyes: they committed crimes against humanity and they need to be punished for it otherwise what kind of world is this if politicians can keep breaking the law and not held accountable for their actions like we always are?:cuckoo:

talk about someone who has a sick sense of humor posting a funny over this post when there is NOTHING remotely funny about it.
fucking hypocrite troll golfing gater is.
The Clintons can get someone anywhere. This was expected though. Bill was too close to Epstein.

If the investigation goes on there will be more suicides.

The Clinton's have nothing left, they have no power and no influence. Once Hillary lost the 2nd time they were done. They no longer had any power to trade for favors.

You people really need to move on, find a new boggieman.

and i just took you to school and proved you wrong showing you have egg on your face.:abgg2q.jpg:

Nope, you are still wrong. They are has-beens that have no influence any more. The only reason they had any to start with was they were in positions of power. Now they have nothing to offer anyone.

You are just stuck in the past...move on dude...find a new focus for your delusions.
Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.
You dont know much about how the system works, do you...

Please, explain it to me and explain what I said that was wrong. I'm listening.
1. Trump has no authority over his incarceration, placement, or release. These are all local authorities.
2, Only local authorities are responsible if their staff was negligent or allowed a hit to occur.

End of your rant...
The Clintons can get someone anywhere. This was expected though. Bill was too close to Epstein.

If the investigation goes on there will be more suicides.

The Clinton's have nothing left, they have no power and no influence. Once Hillary lost the 2nd time they were done. They no longer had any power to trade for favors.

You people really need to move on, find a new boggieman.

and i just took you to school and proved you wrong showing you have egg on your face.:abgg2q.jpg:

it is FUNNY indeed how i took you to school and you ened up with egg on your face troll.LOL

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