Jeff found dead

Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.

He was on camera 24/7.

Blaming Trump for the death? Wow.

The idea that the "Buck Stops Here" no longer applies? In the end it's not the guy at the top that has to accept blame?

So you're saying Trump is responsible for all the inner city ghetto gang killings?
Dont be any stupider than necessary......
Let’s abandon Clinton or Trump and unite for once under-How did this constantly supervised individual end up dead???
He was on "SUicide Watch" and a camera is on its cell 24/7. If there is a sudden lapse in the operation of that camera, that would be interesting.
I seriously doubt it.
Do you know how long it takes to die hanging yourself/choking?
About 3 mins.

You can still be brought back within 5.
I heard they checked on him every three minutes,if true they would have gotten to him long before five minutes had elapsed.
How in the world could anything be on him or in the cell for him to hang himself with?
Is there no video?
Was he not manually watched?

This is far, far too coincidental.

The man who could have tied Bill Clinton and half of Washington DC not to mention many other rich and famous people to major sex and drug scandals locked in solitary confinement under constant guard, video cameras and suicide watch with all items of potential harm removed turns up somehow conveniently dead.

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The Clinton's are inconsequential at this point. There's nowhere "down" to take them.

tRump on the other hand....
Ask yourself who has more to gain from killing Epstein......

The FBI knows who the prime suspects are....they just need the guts to do something about it.

August 10, 2019
Jeffrey Epstein dead, of purported suicide
By Thomas Lifson

The cynics who insisted that he would never live to bring down so many powerful people have been vindicated. Of course, we don’t know any details of his demise, so theoretically it is possible that he took his own life for purely personal psychological concerns.


But that theoretical possibility is not strengthened by this, from the New York Times’ first account:

Last month, a week after being denied bail, Mr. Epstein was found unconscious in his cell at the jail in Manhattan with marks on his neck, and prison officials were investigating the incident as a possible suicide attempt.

It was not immediately clear on Saturday whether the authorities had put in additional safeguards to watch him after the incident last month.

Let me translate: “not immediately clear” means that officials at the jail have not claimed the first thing that would come to mind if additional safeguards – which obviously were required -- had been in place. If he had been on suicide watch, as ordinary prudence would require, it is highly unlikely that he could have successfully killed himself. There should not have been any materials for a self-created hanging in the cell of someone who had previously attempted suicide.

The death comes less than a day after a court unsealed a trove of over 2,000 documents implicating even more powerful figures. Including this, via Mike Cernovich:


That’s certainly a coincidence, isn’t it? Over the decades there have been so many people in a position to harm Bill and Hillary Clinton who have come to an untimely end that the word "Arkancide" has been invented.

A question going forward: what will become of his estate? There will no doubt be litigation and court proceedings that will establish how much wealth he actually had and maybe where it came from. It would not surprise me if it turns out to be a lot less than many have guessed, as was the case when Robert Maxwell, the father of Epstein's sometimes associate and accused procuress Ghislaine Maxwell, and of Armand Hammer, legendary oil man who got his start as an operative for Russian communists raising money by selling off the Czars' art, back when each of them died.
Let’s abandon Clinton or Trump and unite for once under-How did this constantly supervised individual end up dead???

Indeed. We can turn it into the usual partisan pissing match after (immediately after!) we find out what happened.
It was either total incompetence or total corruption that permitted the termination of Epstein's life. He already tried to kill himself (allegedly) 3 weeks ago. He should have been under 24-hour surveillance and been in a straight-jacket and in a padded cell. I blame Barr.
Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.
You dont know much about how the system works, do you...

Please, explain it to me and explain what I said that was wrong. I'm listening.
1. Trump has no authority over his incarceration, placement, or release. These are all local authorities.
2, Only local authorities are responsible if their staff was negligent or allowed a hit to occur.

End of your rant...

It's a Federal Prison. Trump is the top Federal Official.
Ask yourself who has more to gain from killing Epstein......
The FBI knows who the prime suspects are....they just need the guts to do something about it.

Chris Wray is another partisan statist. The FBI isn't going to find anything that hurts anyone on the left. Had it been Trump, Epstein would still be alive.
You can still be brought back within 5.
That doesn't mean you will be, especially if you have injuries that interfere.

I wouldnt think he'd have been able to to drop far enough to break his neck so it was likely strangulation.
In that case they could have gotten to him in plenty of time to revive him if the check every 3 minutes rule is true.
Ask yourself who has more to gain from killing Epstein......
The sitting president, up for re-election, of course.

That doesn't make any sense at all.....Trump doesn't have to be president.
He could go back to being a private citizen and live alot happier and safer if he just left office at the end of his term.

Nope......Bubba has the most to lose. Fucking children is an offense he can't plea deal his way out of.
Wonder if he gave up the pervert Trump?

a.h Epstein documents PROVE Trump wasn't involved deal with it d.a.

awwww what a bubble bust lo

BLACKOUT: New Epstein Documents Clear Trump
Copy Link Download
Mark Randazza joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the new Jeffrey Epstein data dump that clears President Trump.

Trump being the top law enforcement official in the country is responsible in the end for the failure here. Let's see what he does about that.

that's only going on in the eyes of an idiot whose clueless.

When no one gets held accountable?

the clintons not being held accountable for their crimes has indeed being going on at LEAST back since the 1980's.

While true it's only a part of the problem.
You can still be brought back within 5.
That doesn't mean you will be, especially if you have injuries that interfere.

I wouldnt think he'd have been able to to drop far enough to break his neck so it was likely strangulation.
In that case they could have gotten to him in plenty of time to revive him if the check every 3 minutes rule is true.
No, because he could have had a crushed trachea, or an artery rupture, as often happens to people who asphyxiate themselves.
If Clintons are so powerful why didn't they do a better job rigging the elections?

As far as Epstein. Why didn't he leave behind some notes in case he was killed off.
They did rig the elections. They though the millions and millions of fraud votes was enough.
Lol well there you go. You found one hahah
Let’s put it on the scale let’s see what weighs more

I pointed out Hastert but this problem affects all races, ages, politics or whatever else you want to come up with.
It’s not even on the same playing field,, pizza gate.. John podesta has naked paintings of kids in in a pool dead..
Opreah was partying with Weinstein when everyone knew he knew what he was doing to little girls..

I don't try to make excuses for that and have condemned the very same people without offering up deflections.
Democrats are predators
Bill Clinton went to Pedo island like 24 times?

Come on, guys. This is a Clinton hit. Epstein could have made a deal and rolled on many powerful people.

Throw the body on the Clinton pile.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.

He was on camera 24/7.

Blaming Trump for the death? Wow.

The idea that the "Buck Stops Here" no longer applies? In the end it's not the guy at the top that has to accept blame?

So you're saying Trump is responsible for all the inner city ghetto gang killings?
Dont be any stupider than necessary......

Why can't people (you and others) actually address what I said? When something goes wrong, those at the top should be held to no standard? No responsibility at all? Obama had no blame in the failures of Fast and Furious?
Lol well there you go. You found one hahah
Let’s put it on the scale let’s see what weighs more

I pointed out Hastert but this problem affects all races, ages, politics or whatever else you want to come up with.
It’s not even on the same playing field,, pizza gate.. John podesta has naked paintings of kids in in a pool dead..
Opreah was partying with Weinstein when everyone knew he knew what he was doing to little girls..

I don't try to make excuses for that and have condemned the very same people without offering up deflections.
Democrats are predators

Dennis Hastert: Ex-House speaker can't be alone with children, judge rules - CNN

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