Jeff found dead

You’re confused, you’re thinking of the Clintons
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?
Probably bragging about the underage girls they banged.
I agree. Trump and Epstein seem to be proud of something sordid.

Change that post to sa
a.h Epstein documents PROVE Trump wasn't involved deal with it d.a.

awwww what a bubble bust lo

BLACKOUT: New Epstein Documents Clear Trump
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Mark Randazza joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the new Jeffrey Epstein data dump that clears President Trump.

Trump being the top law enforcement official in the country is responsible in the end for the failure here. Let's see what he does about that.

that's only going on in the eyes of an idiot whose clueless.

When no one gets held accountable?

the clintons not being held accountable for their crimes has indeed being going on at LEAST back since the 1980's.

While true it's only a part of the problem.

see i like talking to you,unlike those trolls golfing gator penelope,and real idiot and the other clinton worshippers who just say trump is this and trump is that,and then cowardly run off with their tail between their legs when you give them cold hard facts how evil clinton and obama are evil murderers,how clinton has a history of murdering people who knew too much,you ACKNOWLEGE that fact.

I agree with you sending the clintons to prison where they belong would not solve the ENTIRE problem,but it would be the first step in the right direction to reform our government and prove that politicians are held accountable for the same actions as we are. Bush I was behind many deaths as well,he just wasnt as sloppy and careless about it as clinton was so you never hear about his deaths he is linked to.

both parties are corrupt.I am not a trump fan in the least either.I knew he was a fraud from the very get go when he said he wold prosecute Hitlery. Like a president is going to for the first time in history,prosecute a former first lady? come on we all knew better.:abgg2q.jpg:

thats the main problem is BOTH parties are corrupt and our government always will be as well as long as we have this corrupt two party system.thats what REALLY needes to be fixed is getting rid of this corrupt two party system we have.:mad:
Now there is no longer any need for a deep investigation of fault or wrongdoing,
Of course there is. The victims still exist, and other people will need to be held accountable. The investigation has momentum and information to follow up on.

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.
I have a hard time believing a high profile prison with such a high profile person would screw up a suicide watch. But the Media will blame Trump and give the prison a pass.

Trump is the top law enforcement official in the country. Should we not blame the person at the top? If I was president there would have been someone sitting outside his cell 24 hours a day.
You dont know much about how the system works, do you...

Please, explain it to me and explain what I said that was wrong. I'm listening.
1. Trump has no authority over his incarceration, placement, or release. These are all local authorities.
2, Only local authorities are responsible if their staff was negligent or allowed a hit to occur.

End of your rant...

It's a Federal Prison. Trump is the top Federal Official.
Yeah and everyone that works for him had nothing to do with the attempt to impeach him.

The ignorance and gullibility of Democrats is breathtaking.
You're the one that's confused, if you think that's Clinton in the picture.
View attachment 273739
The girls are where? If you were making a case for homoerotic behavior, maybe you'd have a point. On the other hand, considering what Epstein has been involved in, I ask again about the photo I posted, what are they smirking about?
Probably bragging about the underage girls they banged.
I agree. Trump and Epstein seem to be proud of something sordid.

Change that post to sa
Trump being the top law enforcement official in the country is responsible in the end for the failure here. Let's see what he does about that.

that's only going on in the eyes of an idiot whose clueless.

When no one gets held accountable?

the clintons not being held accountable for their crimes has indeed being going on at LEAST back since the 1980's.

While true it's only a part of the problem.

see i like talking to you,unlike those trolls golfing gator penelope,and real idiot and the other clinton worshippers who just say trump is this and trump is that,and then cowardly run off with their tail between their legs when you give them cold hard facts how evil clinton and obama are evil murderers,how clinton has a history of murdering people who knew too much,you ACKNOWLEGE that fact.

I agree with you sending the clintons to prison where they belong would not solve the ENTIRE problem,but it would be the first step in the right direction to reform our government and prove that politicians are held accountable for the same actions as we are. Bush I was behind many deaths as well,he just wasnt as sloppy and careless about it as clinton was so you never hear about his deaths he is linked to.

both parties are corrupt.I am not a trump fan in the least either.I knew he was a fraud from the very get go when he said he wold prosecute Hitlery. Like a president is going to for the first time in history,prosecute a former first lady? come on we all knew better.:abgg2q.jpg:

thats the main problem is BOTH parties are corrupt and our government always will be as well as long as we have this corrupt two party system.thats what REALLY needes to be fixed is getting rid of this corrupt two party system we have.:mad:

Off topic so I will not follow this up here but I believe Bush, Cheney, McCain, Graham, Obama, Hillary, Trump and others deserve nothing better than to rot in hell for what they have done.
Why are you calling your fellow dems crazy old men?
I take you didnt read the entire thread and just jumped right in with you imbecilic notions.
What does anything in there have to do with your idiotic, whiny accusation that I support epstein? Nothing. Please try to stay focused.

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.

There is always surveillance at this institution. Think we will get to see it?

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.

There is always surveillance at this institution. Think we will get to see it?
The cameras MALFUNCTION at that instant.

Seriously. That's what they're going with.

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.

There is always surveillance at this institution. Think we will get to see it?

Eventually. And it'll be about as revealing as a bigfoot sighting.

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.

There is always surveillance at this institution. Think we will get to see it?
The video is being edited where Hillary’s server was wiped clean.

Which would have been total B.S. He is probably the most infamous person awaiting trial. He had already attempted suicide. No one takes this guy off watch.
You think we live in an age where people can just go to a store and buy remote cameras for their home? Get real, there was no realistic way to keep an eye on Epstien.

There is always surveillance at this institution. Think we will get to see it?
The cameras MALFUNCTION at that instant.

Seriously. That's what they're going with.

Really? Link?

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