Jeff Snow Flake says President Trump's attacks on media comparable to Soviet Union Dictator Stalin

i thought Trump was a Nazi

He multitasks.

Repressing the media is the mark of Authoritarianism. Doesn't matter if you're a Nazi, a Bolshevik or a king.

You might want to do a count of former commiecrat staffers the MSM is trying to peddle as neutral journalist, including the one in this video. I doubt you noticed how snuggleupalous tried to make one last dig at Trump at the end of the video, repeating a question that had already been asked and answered. BTW Stalin killed journalist he didn't like, Trump just bitches about unfair coverage, there's no comparison there.

Did the media go after Stalin the way they have treated our President?

Inasmuch as Stalin kicked the bucket in 1954 no I don't think anybody's media gave him breathless panting 24-hour attention, so no.
I trust the soon to be gone Flake fitting name by the way will let us know when President Trump starts rounding up journalist and sending them to gulags.

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