Jefferson's views on large cities


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
All across Europe, people live on top of each other, but there are VAST stretches of land with NOTHING....LITERALLY.

The concept of a city started because of the need for military protection from raiding enemies.

America still holds to the frontier culture while Europe still embraces the city wall culture.

Is there any wonder why Europe is so quick to embrace the shit that comes with the city walls?
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
...but to the point, those who choose to live on top of each other should also live with the consequences and leave the rest of us alone.
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
It's good to be an agrarian with slaves
What do you mean by "taking out" the big cities? Another right wing mass murder fantasy?
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
Ahem, so Jefferson said socialism when he wrote his paper? What a load of shattered dreams and illusions with the truth....
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
Ahem, so Jefferson said socialism when he wrote his paper? What a load of shattered dreams and illusions with the truth....
It's just the basic "bait and switch" that failures in historical compare contrast essays fall into. It even says "well, Jefferson didn't exactly say …." LOL
Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
Ahem, so Jefferson said socialism when he wrote his paper? What a load of shattered dreams and illusions with the truth....
It's just the basic "bait and switch" that failures in historical compare contrast essays fall into. It even says "well, Jefferson didn't exactly say …." LOL
They evidently needed a scapegoat and forgot he was the wrong one but used him anyway because of the publishing deadline.....
Old Tom must have been a socialist himself because he advocated for free public schools and free public libraries......He also advocated for increasing the power of the US by allowing America to buy the Louisiana purchase and he also increased the number of people that worked for the bureaucracy of the federal govt. Old Tom also advocated for very harsh fugitive laws while advocating for the abolition of chattel slavery...

With its soaring rhetoric about all men being “created equal,” the Declaration of Independence gave powerful voice to the values behind the American Revolution. Critics, however, saw a glaring contradiction: Many of the colonists who sought freedom from British tyranny themselves bought and sold human beings. By underpinning America’s nascent economy with the brutal institution of chattel slavery, they deprived roughly one-fifth of the population of their own “inalienable” right to liberty.

What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording.

So while Jefferson is credited with infusing the Declaration with Enlightenment-derived ideals of freedom and equality, the nation’s founding document—its moral mission statement—would remain forever silent on the issue of slavery. That omission would create a legacy of exclusion for people of African descent that engendered centuries of struggle over basic human and civil rights.

Was Thomas Jefferson right? New study quantifies flight from America’s big cities during pandemic. – Wirepoints | Wirepoints

The man had wisdom beyond comprehension. Early on, Jefferson foresaw the rot that would occur in the US, and all due to large cities where socialism flourishes...............really, the only place it flourishes.

Jefferson's concerns were twofold. The first reason was Pandemics. Thomas Jefferson’s disdain for big cities and his agrarian vision for America was based partly on the danger of epidemics. He lived through a major one, yellow fever in 1793 that killed one in ten people in Philadelphia, then the nation’s capital. We saw hos New York had been responsible for about half of the nation's deaths early on with Covid. Some things just never changes it seems.

Secondly, Jefferson, being the astute observer he was, saw the moral decline of large cities. “The mobs of great cities,” he wrote, “add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” Those are tough words that are not acceptable today, but no doubt widely felt.

Large cities is why democrats will always win the popular vote in Presidential elections, even though in terms of representing land mass they are less than a minority. We have all seen the map of blue and red areas with red areas vastly dwarfing the red areas in the US. The only real way to find support for democrats are these large cities. Taking out the large cities is the only way to take away the power of the democrat party in order to save it, and possibly the only way to save ourselves from these never ending pandemics as well. It's all a matter of how to deal with the plague of pandemics and/or the plague of Leftism that is destroying us all.
Ahem, so Jefferson said socialism when he wrote his paper? What a load of shattered dreams and illusions with the truth....
It's just the basic "bait and switch" that failures in historical compare contrast essays fall into. It even says "well, Jefferson didn't exactly say …." LOL
They evidently needed a scapegoat and forgot he was the wrong one but used him anyway because of the publishing deadline.....
He was so multi-faceted and such a genius with moral failings. But the Illinois "think tank" used him for "cities are bad" which was not really his schtick LOL
Old Tom must have been a socialist himself because he advocated for free public schools and free public libraries......He also advocated for increasing the power of the US by allowing America to buy the Louisiana purchase and he also increased the number of people that worked for the bureaucracy of the federal govt. Old Tom also advocated for very harsh fugitive laws while advocating for the abolition of chattel slavery...

With its soaring rhetoric about all men being “created equal,” the Declaration of Independence gave powerful voice to the values behind the American Revolution. Critics, however, saw a glaring contradiction: Many of the colonists who sought freedom from British tyranny themselves bought and sold human beings. By underpinning America’s nascent economy with the brutal institution of chattel slavery, they deprived roughly one-fifth of the population of their own “inalienable” right to liberty.

What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording.

So while Jefferson is credited with infusing the Declaration with Enlightenment-derived ideals of freedom and equality, the nation’s founding document—its moral mission statement—would remain forever silent on the issue of slavery. That omission would create a legacy of exclusion for people of African descent that engendered centuries of struggle over basic human and civil rights.

Yet he was having sex with his slave, who obviously couldn't say no if she'd wanted. Most likely she would have consented if she'd have had the right to do so, which he denied her. Even from your link, I don't see how Hemmings had any "equal bargaining power" while in France. Jefferson kept her in her own quarters, that have been excavated. They weren't too appealing. And then he kept his own offspring as slaves until the 1800s.

I don't think anyone can say his behavior towards Hemmings was Ok under the standards of Europe and Britain at the time. But of course he was a beacon of light in the US at the time.
Old Tom must have been a socialist himself because he advocated for free public schools and free public libraries......He also advocated for increasing the power of the US by allowing America to buy the Louisiana purchase and he also increased the number of people that worked for the bureaucracy of the federal govt. Old Tom also advocated for very harsh fugitive laws while advocating for the abolition of chattel slavery...

With its soaring rhetoric about all men being “created equal,” the Declaration of Independence gave powerful voice to the values behind the American Revolution. Critics, however, saw a glaring contradiction: Many of the colonists who sought freedom from British tyranny themselves bought and sold human beings. By underpinning America’s nascent economy with the brutal institution of chattel slavery, they deprived roughly one-fifth of the population of their own “inalienable” right to liberty.

What isn’t widely known, however, is that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in an early version of the Declaration, drafted a 168-word passage that condemned slavery as one of the many evils foisted upon the colonies by the British crown. The passage was cut from the final wording.

So while Jefferson is credited with infusing the Declaration with Enlightenment-derived ideals of freedom and equality, the nation’s founding document—its moral mission statement—would remain forever silent on the issue of slavery. That omission would create a legacy of exclusion for people of African descent that engendered centuries of struggle over basic human and civil rights.

Yet he was having sex with his slave, who obviously couldn't say no if she'd wanted. Most likely she would have consented if she'd have had the right to do so, which he denied her. Even from your link, I don't see how Hemmings had any "equal bargaining power" while in France. Jefferson kept her in her own quarters, that have been excavated. They weren't too appealing. And then he kept his own offspring as slaves until the 1800s.

I don't think anyone can say his behavior towards Hemmings was Ok under the standards of Europe and Britain at the time. But of course he was a beacon of light in the US at the time.
I agree he was a man caught up in a time when what he though wasn't allowed...Another fellow like that who was president was Andrew Jackson.

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