Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

$4.6 Million Restoration Project Planned In California’s Tahoe National Forest | Timber Harvesting

The investment will kick off a forest restoration project protecting 15,000 acres of forestland in the North Yuba River watershed using ecologically based tree thinning, meadow restoration, prescribed burning, and invasive species management—all specifically designed to reduce the risk of severe fire, improve watershed health, and protect water resources. The restoration treatments are prescribed by the Forest Service, benefit from public comment, and rely on the work of existing restoration crews.

“There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts. The Rockefeller Foundation is proud to support the Forest Resilience Bond, which demonstrates the importance of infusing the market with new thinking and new capital through attractive, investable financing mechanisms,” said Saadia Madsbjerg, managing director at The Rockefeller Foundation.

Do the Math.............155 million in grants...........Here is 4.5 million........for 15000 acres............Thining.......prescribed burns.....killing bugs.........

You could do this 34.4 times for that money.......which would be over 500,000 acres...........
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
Ignorance has spoken.
California Governor Proposes Easing Logging Rules To Thin Forests | Timber Harvesting

The proposal — which has the support of the timber industry but is being opposed by more than a dozen environmental groups — would represent one of the most significant changes to the state’s timber harvesting rules in the past 45 years.

Under Brown’s proposal, private landowners would be able to cut trees up to 36 inches in diameter — up from the current 26 inches — on property of 300 acres or less without getting a timber harvest permit from the state, as long as their purpose was to thin forests to reduce fire risk. They also would be able to build roads of up to 600 feet long without getting a permit, as long as they repaired and replanted them.

I'm very glad I don't live in California..............LOL
Privately owned land...........And the STATE says WHETHER OR NOT you can cut trees on your own dang land. Think about that a minute. REALLY.
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
Ignorance has spoken.
BS Mr. Moron........You Green Tree Hugging Freak.............

Your enviro wack Governor is now doing exactly what we have been saying on how many threads............LOL

Wants thinning........easing rules..........wants thin the forest.............Yeah......that's right the California Governor..........Because he finally understands their policy is stupid.

So you buy land in California..........they tax your ass off for it.........then you need a permission slip to cut a dang tree down on your own land.........What a bunch of IDIOTS living there...............Loggers where I'm from LOG...........create BILLIONS IN REVENUE...........and our dang state doesn't burn to the ground.

Stupidity has spoken on this subject.............and that would be Liberal Dumb Asses in California.....

Now go HUG A TREE or something.
Yes, though the mulcher cannot go in rugged terrain and we question the increased surface areas for fungi. What specific fungi? Yes, Tahoe!

Will the CCC robot be able to make furniture on the side of a mountain?

Robotic Sawmill Timber Joinery
Oregon Wildfire Beats Forest Service To Timberland Slated For Thinning | Timber Harvesting

The nine forest specialists had expected to drive into the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest on a kind of a rescue mission. They never made it that Monday morning in August. Instead, they had to watch as wildfire swept through the very woods they hoped to save with their research.

The Rail Fire raged for days – the kind of wildfire that forest officials warned would happen without an aggressive effort to thin trees and clear forest deadfall. Now, a month later, crews are close to corralling the fire after it scorched more than 41,000 acres in the basin of the South Fork Burnt River west of Unity.

As the fire burns out over the coming weeks, U.S. Forest Service officials must recast the months of work that went into designing the Rail Project rescue. A recent tour of the cooled portions of the big fire offer a stark picture of what it might have been accomplished.

What might have Oregon ...........LOL
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
Yes, though the mulcher cannot go in rugged terrain and we question the increased surface areas for fungi. What specific fungi? Yes, Tahoe!

Will the CCC robot be able to make furniture on the side of a mountain?

Robotic Sawmill Timber Joinery

They are tracked vehicles...........and can get into a lot of places.........Bulldozers can get into a lot of places.............

Why is it so many are obsessed with WHAT WE CAN'T DO................That is so wrong on so many dang levels.........the dang forests can be thinned with equipment and manpower..........allowed to harvest loggers will do some of it for free.

I still can't get over the dang Draconian Laws...........need permission to cut down a tree when you own the property..........LOL
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
You have no clue how much of an idiot you are making of yourself. You quote an article concerned about climate change, while in the same sentence complaining about global warning and its existence. You are totally confused about what you are trying to argue about. You are lost to the world.
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
Ignorance has spoken.

Yes you have. Does anyone ever talk about what those Californicate fires do to the atmosphere and global warming, year after year ad infinitum? All I ever hear them bleat about is "fossil burning fuel in cars." Hell, for allowing those fires to start the government should either fine Californicate a big amount for every acre that burns or send in the loggers. Most of it belongs to the government anyhow and the state allows the conditions that causes fires.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
You have no clue how much of an idiot you are making of yourself. You quote an article concerned about climate change, while in the same sentence complaining about global warning and its existence. You are totally confused about what you are trying to argue about. You are lost to the world.
The article showed to THIN, kill bugs, and manage the lessen the damage by a fire............Did you miss that........

Because the article says Global Warming doesn't mean I have to agree with everything it says..........

Riddle me this the MOHAVE desert has been a desert for how long....................hmmmm..........and desert's have a lack of what............hmmmm

Of course the Desert can burn........your lucky there........LOL

Thin the dang forest you Moron or this point if all are like you there..............Then let the dang State burn to the ground then.
Yes the mulcher is tracked. It is not practical on slopes. Its use will cause erosion, elsewhere maybe ok though it produces mulch which surface areas increase the substrate for fungi. Exactly what kind of fungi? Pathogenic?

Badger 2 stands corrected:

Killer Flying Chain Saw Drone
Yes the mulcher is tracked. It is not practical on slopes. Its use will cause erosion, elsewhere maybe ok though it produces mulch which surface areas increase the substrate for fungi. Exactly what kind of fungi? Pathogenic?

Badger 2 stands corrected:

Killer Flying Chain Saw Drone

They can clean up the mulch ............LOL............machines for that too........

Flying drone've got to be kidding me............

This place is a hoot..........
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
Tell you what, you've been a lot of fun, because it is so easy to poke holes in your ignorant gobbly goo. You do know, that urban interface areas with brush and grass are as susceptible to fire just as areas of heavy timber right? So when you talk about fires with heavy timber because of tree huggers or urban interface fires, you aren't making any kind of argument about anything. You simply are saying nothing at all.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
Tell you what, you've been a lot of fun, because it is so easy to poke holes in your ignorant gobbly goo. You do know, that urban interface areas with brush and grass are as susceptible to fire just as areas of heavy timber right? So when you talk about fires with heavy timber because of tree huggers or urban interface fires, you aren't making any kind of argument about anything. You simply are saying nothing at all.
You don't know how to read...........the 4.5 million dollars included controlled burns .........derp.........for prevention of massive fires............

The other article from Oregon was about to do the same...........but the place burned to the ground from a massive fire before they could do it,.

And you don't have to do the WHOLE DANG FOREST can thin a perimeter around populated areas........and create fire breaks to stop hundreds of people from dying.............but I guess you Stupid Tree Hugger idiots would rather them die than try to do PREVENTATIVE measures...........

And had you read the articles I posted the Governor there was ready to change laws that were on the books for 45 years.............derp.......had you read the other ones...........since 1990 the laws have gotten not allow cutting down trees or even removing dead timber........even on your own dang land.

People like you caused this mess................People like you are are MISERABLE FAILURES..............And people like you should be ignored.
The confrontation makes progress, though. Urban interface forestry does not align well with John Deere equipment, and badger2's choice would be to keep mulchers and harvesters off the slopes. In BWK's scenario, urban interface would mesh nicely with low-violence tech harvesters such as small sawmill robots that could easily do slopes with much less damage to the flora and fragile Western soil though still be able to bring lumber out of the forest. We still don't like the idea of sawdust and mulch in this ecosystem, though it could also be transported out.
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
And yet, in your next post you quote this; “There is overwhelming need for cost-effective climate solutions to help communities dealing with the dual threats of mega-fires and droughts", while complaining about "Tree hugger global warming freaks". Folks, I couldn't make this up if I had too. :auiqs.jpg:Is this loon a trip or what?
California has been having fires and droughts forever......I posted the fire data from Calfire already............7000 fires in 2016.............Do you see 7000 RAGING INFERNO'S EVERY YEAR..............No don't...........because not all of them are in a timber disaster areas that when it burns it's out of control from the start...............

Thin the forests..................even the loco leader of the State is saying it.............but of course you can't cut down a tree there without a dang Tree Hugger Suing to stop the cutting..........

Pffft................what a bunch of Morons living in that State.
You have no clue how much of an idiot you are making of yourself. You quote an article concerned about climate change, while in the same sentence complaining about global warning and its existence. You are totally confused about what you are trying to argue about. You are lost to the world.
The article showed to THIN, kill bugs, and manage the lessen the damage by a fire............Did you miss that........

Because the article says Global Warming doesn't mean I have to agree with everything it says..........

Riddle me this the MOHAVE desert has been a desert for how long....................hmmmm..........and desert's have a lack of what............hmmmm

Of course the Desert can burn........your lucky there........LOL

Thin the dang forest you Moron or this point if all are like you there..............Then let the dang State burn to the ground then.
"The article showed to thin". OMG, the article just discovered something new. lol! Boss, you're about a 150 years behind the times if you think we didn't know about thinning. Thinning is one of the oldest management tools around. But thinning doesn't stop or curtail climate change. Nor will it stop a fire due to severe drought or heat. What is needed is not at our disposal. Prescribed burning, thinning, and massive amounts of money controlling brush and grass in the urban interface are what's needed. Too bad we as a country aren't prepared to take on that task. And by the way, in the urban interface, too much clearing of brush and grass can cause serious erosion and mudslides, destroying property in a different way.

There simply is just too much land, too many people, and not enough money to take on such a task. Nature is bigger, stronger, and faster than we are. The ecology of California is too powerful a force to reckon with. Too bad folks like you will never understand that.

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