Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
How is the forest management bad? Hasn't it always been the same in California? If it is such an asinine statement, you should have no problem answering my question right?

I explained it already in several posts try to follow along. Letting fuel loads pile up is bad forest management and no it has not always been the same in CA the forests started burning and dying due to bad conservation policies put in place in over 30 years of bad decisions.
That was my point. Forest management isn't bad, because there never was a management plan in the urban interface to start with. There never was a plan, because there truly isn't a viable plan with this type of ecosystem. These hills are covered in heavy fire sensitive brush and grasses, that are supposed to be there. Money, through development, took precedence, ignoring the fire science of the area. That is what really happened. And Jerry Brown is taking the fall for something he had nothing to do with.

Getting rid of fuel loads in urban interface areas, is an unbelievably difficult, if not impossible undertaking There are too many limiting factors that make that task an almost a never ending process. And without the cooperation from every household in the hills, with money, it only takes a few people letting that fuel load pile up to create a potential catastrophe. There is also the problem with erosion and mud slides due to too much clearing. These areas are too sensitive for development. That is the reality.

Bottom line, these developed areas should have never been developed to begin with. And again, Brown had nothing to do with that. Money did.
Prevention from what? Higher temperatures and excessive drought? How do you plan on preventing that?

When are you people going to stop being so damn stupid about this? Do you not understand what the hell is going on?

We have exceeded our lands capacity, in so many ways. Our aquifers are drying up to satisfy a booming population. We are poisoning our air with toxic carbon waste. We are bleaching our oceans and destroying the life cycles of marine life.

Nature works in one way, and one way only. It has to balance in order for us to have a healthy planet. And we have disrupted that balance. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?

Prevention of fuel load build ups in national and state forests near populated areas. That is the prevention. There is much more land than human population and most of the planet is healthy. BTW human beings are part of nature you might just think on that for a while. I am so sick of human hating tree huggers.
Prevention of fuel load build ups in national and state forests are great. Except for two main limiting factors. (1), There isn't enough man power and government money to conduct prescribed burns on millions of acres in the west. (2), Prescribed burns on National and state lands isn't going to stop urban interface fires in the hill country of southern California due to the nature of the type and amount of the fuel. If you have been there, you surely would see what I am talking about.

It's not about tree huggers. It's about the understanding of fire science, different ecosystems, and the need to admit that money took a front row seat, while we ignored the very science that got us into this mess to begin with.

The first line of defense in fire prevention, is to recognize those areas with the highest fire danger risk, based on high fire danger factors,and to stop building homes in those areas.
Lived at Amboy, Bakersfield and Davis. Yes BWK, the calls not answered, but now it seems we have no access for the prisoners to read the actual articles about the unanswered calls, a military dumbing-down castration enterprise. Secret reconnaissance of the forests by default is now in vogue. About a week ago, this was posted in Environment: 'In the first two years of its existence, the CCC spent 1,801,907 man-days of labor for forest fire prevention.' Obviously, it's time to bring back volunteerism, the CCC, and other concepts, accompanied by more robotics-and-drones experiments, though the latter will likely not come from officially-sanctioned sources.

For instance, youtube's video of the inventor of anti-bark-beetle ultrasound devices, adding to this growing list can be listening devices on sentinel trees that can filter out everything except the 237 Hz chirp of the insect. The dogmatic slumber of the forest agencies will not suffice to bring these devices more into use. It will take the back-yard inventors and entrepreneurs.
If the puking liberals here would visit European countries, especially Germany, Austria, Holland and others, they would be furious that there is no brush, dead trees, weeds and other fuel in the forests. All their forests are as clean as a city park and it doesn't require a lot of money to keep them almost free from fire. Unlike the U.S. which coddles the leeches and the free shit freeloaders, European countries utilize able welfare recipients to do menial labor in order to receive welfare. The countries of Europe use people on welfare to clean up the forests and the countries. Unlike the US which coddles it's freeloaders and leeches. I understand Californicate has millions of deadbeats laying on their asses all day drinking beer, watching TV and waiting for their welfare checks while honest hard working taxpayers are out fighting wild fires. What a screwed up system we have when Social Security recipients who worked all their lives and paid into their SS have to worry about social security drying up while mostly deadbeat welfare people who never worked a day in their lives, never have to worry about welfare drying up. Plus, they want to embrace socialism. Ain't that sweet?
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Only dumb asses here are Tree Hugger Global Warming Freaks.

Decades of no management........chanting save the planet the planet......plant a tree....plant a can't burn...loggers evil.......

Now you got forests with Rotten trees full of bugs and are too stupid to understand why you have inferno's. Oh well.............can't help it if your stupid.

Do nothing.......burn..........your choice............Mother Nature will take care of it for you as you are seeing.

Learn or burn.
Moonbeam has been hitting the Bong to much and is not in control of his thinking.
Lived at Amboy, Bakersfield and Davis. Yes BWK, the calls not answered, but now it seems we have no access for the prisoners to read the actual articles about the unanswered calls, a military dumbing-down castration enterprise. Secret reconnaissance of the forests by default is now in vogue. About a week ago, this was posted in Environment: 'In the first two years of its existence, the CCC spent 1,801,907 man-days of labor for forest fire prevention.' Obviously, it's time to bring back volunteerism, the CCC, and other concepts, accompanied by more robotics-and-drones experiments, though the latter will likely not come from officially-sanctioned sources.

For instance, youtube's video of the inventor of anti-bark-beetle ultrasound devices, adding to this growing list can be listening devices on sentinel trees that can filter out everything except the 237 Hz chirp of the insect. The dogmatic slumber of the forest agencies will not suffice to bring these devices more into use. It will take the back-yard inventors and entrepreneurs.

So, I think you maybe missing the bigger picture here? If we agree that man made climate change is real, or it is not real, isn't going to be fixed either way, by the CCC. Those 1,801, 907 days are only a fraction of the time and man power spent, when real fire danger conditions are present. There is a thing called nature that you cannot fight. No matter how many days, men, and money you put towards the cause.

Are you going to stop Hurricanes? No! Are you going to stop blizzards? No! And we won't stop all the fires.

Which is why we need to realize that human habitation in some areas of this country are not possible in the long term. Short term? Maybe? Long term? No! The ecology and the vegetation of the land won't allow for it.

So no, it isn't time to bring back the CCC, or blame Jerry Brown. It's just time to realize that nature is way more powerful than we are.

Since the 90's harvesting timber is down 75% because of you enviro nut cases.............thinning the forest.

California timber industry maybe 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's wildfire risk

Some believe the state's timber industry could be part of the solution by selectively thinning forests of trees. Timber harvesting has fallen sharply in California since the 1990s.

Despite opposition from some environmental groups, there's talk of the need to remove more barriers to logging given that wildfires have become bigger, deadlier and faster moving. California's timber laws are considered the most stringent in the nation.

"You've got a lot of fuel, you've got dead and dying trees, and a lot of hot weather — and it's a recipe for disaster," said Assemblyman Jim Wood of Healdsburg in Sonoma County, a member of the Senate and Assembly conference committee on wildfire preparedness and response. He represents a district with forested areas where October's wine country firestorms ripped through neighborhoods and destroyed thousands of homes and claimed 31 lives.

The U.S. Forest Service estimates that California has 129 million dead trees, most in the central and southern Sierras. Insects and drought are to blame for the high numbers.

VALLEJO, Calif., December 11, 2017 – The USDA Forest Service today announced that an additional 27 million trees, mostly conifers, died throughout California since November 2016, bringing the total number of trees that have died due to drought and bark beetles to an historic 129 million on 8.9 million acres. The dead trees continue to pose a hazard to people and critical infrastructure, mostly centered in the central and southern Sierra Nevada region of the state. “The number of dead and dying trees has continued to rise, along with the risks to communities and firefighters if a wildfire breaks out in these areas,” said Randy Moore, Regional Forester of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region. “It is apparent from our survey flights this year that California’s trees have not yet recovered from the drought, and remain vulnerable to beetle attacks and increased wildfire threat. The USDA Forest Service will continue to focus on mitigating hazard trees and thinning overly dense forests so they are healthier and better able to survive stressors like this in the future.”
Lived at Amboy, Bakersfield and Davis. Yes BWK, the calls not answered, but now it seems we have no access for the prisoners to read the actual articles about the unanswered calls, a military dumbing-down castration enterprise. Secret reconnaissance of the forests by default is now in vogue. About a week ago, this was posted in Environment: 'In the first two years of its existence, the CCC spent 1,801,907 man-days of labor for forest fire prevention.' Obviously, it's time to bring back volunteerism, the CCC, and other concepts, accompanied by more robotics-and-drones experiments, though the latter will likely not come from officially-sanctioned sources.

For instance, youtube's video of the inventor of anti-bark-beetle ultrasound devices, adding to this growing list can be listening devices on sentinel trees that can filter out everything except the 237 Hz chirp of the insect. The dogmatic slumber of the forest agencies will not suffice to bring these devices more into use. It will take the back-yard inventors and entrepreneurs.

So, I think you maybe missing the bigger picture here? If we agree that man made climate change is real, or it is not real, isn't going to be fixed either way, by the CCC. Those 1,801, 907 days are only a fraction of the time and man power spent, when real fire danger conditions are present. There is a thing called nature that you cannot fight. No matter how many days, men, and money you put towards the cause.

Are you going to stop Hurricanes? No! Are you going to stop blizzards? No! And we won't stop all the fires.

Which is why we need to realize that human habitation in some areas of this country are not possible in the long term. Short term? Maybe? Long term? No! The ecology and the vegetation of the land won't allow for it.

So no, it isn't time to bring back the CCC, or blame Jerry Brown. It's just time to realize that nature is way more powerful than we are.
Thousands of fires every year in California..........counting federal about 14000 fires..............

You minimize the damage...............Which means spending money and thinning and cleaning the dang forests near population areas.

I don't care if you Bull doze a mile wide stretch of trees near population centers to do it............It can be done...........anyone who says it can't is a fool.. Right now would be easy to get funds to do so............but of course the Politicians would want to line their pockets first.

Learn or far as people not living in these places............Hey dummy.......Malibu just burned too..........give me a freaking break.
Yes. We've seen drones that can lift things, so on a craggy hillside, what better remote-controlled machine than this? As far as is known, there is no chain-saw drone video at youtube. This drone could cut branches to size for lifting, then taken to a central spot, or else trammed down a wire or rope to a central collecting point, which would save much human fatigue. A double chain-saw terrestrial robot-drone could cut one piece at a time, and while it is being cut, a robotic arm mounted on another hovering drone connects a wire harness of some sort. The drone then carries and attaches it to the main guy wire. Gravity does the rest, and another drone gathers the harnesses at the low end and takes them back up the mountain. The cutting drone could provide a space under the branch or small log piece for the hovering drone to attach the harness.

It makes sense to use a double-saw robot-drone to produce one piece at a time. Badger2 used double Poulan 14 " when cutting from the top of a pile of white birch logs delivered by semi. On a hillside, the trick is to have an operator that can see whether or not to cut from the bottom up or vice versa. Another trick is to remote-control the chain-saw robot-drone up the mountain: the already established guy-wire is the solution that saves damage to vegetation and soil on the way up and down. Then too, this mass of cut wood does not have to be burned in the open, and centrally-located burning tech machines could provide a cleaner, less polluting procedure for fuel load maintenance.
We agree with BWK on many points, though we will not stifle ourselves by failing to ask "what if." In fact, a small California CCC equipped with some technology could actually increase the value of the real estate and the tech education of the CCC worker using what tech we've already presented. Tomorrow's CCC workers will be less fatigued at the end of the day than those of yesteryear.
We agree with BWK on many points, though we will not stifle ourselves by failing to ask "what if." In fact, a small California CCC equipped with some technology could actually increase the value of the real estate and the tech education of the CCC worker using what tech we've already presented. Tomorrow's CCC workers will be less fatigued at the end of the day than those of yesteryear.
155 million in grants to deal with the problem. large the tree mulcher heads.............and get to work..............

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