Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

A conifer mono is much more dangerous. Finland has been on it since 2010, and according to Schelhaas et al's report of that year....

Forest Fires Finland
Forest fires in Finland
' Adaption options to forest fire risk should aim to decrease the vulnerability, where a change in tree species from conifers to broadleaves had most effect (Schelhaas et al, 2010).'

The epicenter of the Camp fire at Pulga is a broadleaf oak canyon.
You have to be an absolute MORON to believe that the 22 months under Trump has caused Man Made Climate Change that was the reason for these fires. Who in their right mind would believe that?

I believe the blame was on AGW.

Trump is not being blames for AGW although he is working to increase emissions & withdraw from the fight against it.

Trump will just be at fault for fires in the future along with his minions who call AGW a hoax.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
How do you prevent hotter drier conditions, and the winds.

You mean the conditions that only seem to exist in California and nowhere else on earth?:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Different areas will suffer different severeness of droughts.

I think the Santa Anna winds are somewhat unique.
Jerry Brown is absolutely correct. We live in a new environment and a new normal because of climate change. It will get worse. Much worse.

The climate is always changing and human beings have little or nothing to do with it. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can gird ourselves against real, unpredictable 100% natural catastrophies. The fires are the perfect example.....Instead of realizing that CA has a cyclical drought and blaming every dry episode on the elusive Global Warming we could have been concentrating on removing fuel loads from our nationa/state forests. Instead the government created the EPA which is a top/heavy bureaucratic institution that bullies its way into our private lives and puts US at risk of losing our lives in a preventable wild fire by prohibiting logging and even clearing because they actually have a 'let it burn' policy and an owl to preserve habitat for, guess what? No more habitat now it be all burnt up.
Only a fucking idiot thinks spewing crap in the atmosphere has zero effect on our climate.

"My weight has always gone up & down & my recent weight gain had nothing to do with the 50 Big Macs I ate this week"

If you can't log without environmental damage, don't fucking log.

I like your plan: Reduce forest fires by reducing the forest.
Jerry Brown is absolutely correct. We live in a new environment and a new normal because of climate change. It will get worse. Much worse.
And he's here to make it so.
He is more informed than you. This mornings paper had an item from the National Forest service acknowledging climate change for the increase of and destruction by forest fires.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
I haunted property that was logged. It was a mess for years & years. It wet from a a shaded older forest with little brush to a sunny area piled with branches & scrub brush.

Logging roads allow people to drive around abusing the forest & terrorizing the animals. Road access is not good for forests. Roads destroy the "remote" aspect
Fuel loads feed fires and dictate size. Federal and state restrictions concerning harvest and management practices increase fuel loads such that when you do have a fire they tend to be rather large. FYI scientific research indicated the scope and size of fires along the pacific rim, before the arrival of the white man and global warming were enormous, wonder how that could be?
In actuality Jerry Brown is a global warming criminal greatly contributing to greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere because, for whatever misguided reason, he failed to manage California lands properly until they became one giant tinder box just waiting to go off at the first sign of fire.
I was in the CDF years ago and we would regularly "back burn" large tracts of forest in a managed procedure that robbed
fires of the fuel they needed to grow.

A failed governor for a failed state.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
I haunted property that was logged. It was a mess for years & years. It wet from a a shaded older forest with little brush to a sunny area piled with branches & scrub brush.

Logging roads allow people to drive around abusing the forest & terrorizing the animals. Road access is not good for forests. Roads destroy the "remote" aspect

Well I have lived and worked in the forests for decades and I think I have more experience than someone who takes a 'haunting' vacation in the woods. Wildfires destroy a whole lot more than a few logging roads. Elite people from high population density areas come to the forest for a few days and get their panties in a knot when they see a logging site. It never occurs to them that people actually live and work in these rural areas or, worse than that, some may actually feel that people don't belong living in or even near forests.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
I haunted property that was logged. It was a mess for years & years. It wet from a a shaded older forest with little brush to a sunny area piled with branches & scrub brush.

Logging roads allow people to drive around abusing the forest & terrorizing the animals. Road access is not good for forests. Roads destroy the "remote" aspect

Well I have lived and worked in the forests for decades and I think I have more experience than someone who takes a 'haunting' vacation in the woods. Wildfires destroy a whole lot more than a few logging roads. Elite people from high population density areas come to the forest for a few days and get their panties in a knot when they see a logging site. It never occurs to them that people actually live and work in these rural areas or, worse than that, some may actually feel that people don't belong living in or even near forests.

And, in areas properly controlled, when there is a fire, healthy wildlife is easily capable of getting out of the way.
Tree Huggers and left wing AGW nuts are hard at it here again on another thread..................shocked...........LOL

Get rid of the dang rules from hell............start cleaning up the forest and get rid of some of the rotten bug infested wood there................or California will continue to burn. Mother Nature doesn't give a damn about your opinions.............She is cleaning it up with fire.

I don't live there............If you want to Burn the state to the ground by being stupid.........then burn.

Learn or Burn.
Some people might drop what they're doing and go there to help. How many would/could do that?
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
I haunted property that was logged. It was a mess for years & years. It wet from a a shaded older forest with little brush to a sunny area piled with branches & scrub brush.

Logging roads allow people to drive around abusing the forest & terrorizing the animals. Road access is not good for forests. Roads destroy the "remote" aspect

Well I have lived and worked in the forests for decades and I think I have more experience than someone who takes a 'haunting' vacation in the woods. Wildfires destroy a whole lot more than a few logging roads. Elite people from high population density areas come to the forest for a few days and get their panties in a knot when they see a logging site. It never occurs to them that people actually live and work in these rural areas or, worse than that, some may actually feel that people don't belong living in or even near forests.
You might learn a thing or two about the national Forest service and their forests before you go blathering all over this thread.
The northern forest areas are very heavily peaked and have rather sharp drops in most of them. This makes it extremely hard to walk let alone work in the areas. To try to "clean up" the mulch of leaves and debris is almost impossible.
No, NONE is incorrect. Badger2 can go there to help. Badger2 is a graduate of a conservation school in California, and scored in the top 12 out of 300 applicants for Alabama Forest Ranger I. It beats blathering lip service in screenal space. Badger2 knows about the terrain. So, there's only one person who would/could go there to help?
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
How is the forest management bad? Hasn't it always been the same in California? If it is such an asinine statement, you should have no problem answering my question right?
I believe it was Australia that enormous forest fires last summer. There summer not ours.
And don't forget the major bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, which destroys the life cycle of all organisms. Nothing to see there too, right?

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