Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

A drone is more effective than a tree-hugger, because its videos go out to the rest of the world swiftly enough to pinpoint a fire.
Jerry Brown is absolutely correct. We live in a new environment and a new normal because of climate change. It will get worse. Much worse.
Cali is a bunch of sinners/illegals/queers/etc
god is BURNING them for their sins
CA is a great example of the small geographic but densely populated areas being politically put in charge of vast natural, geographic resources and, instead of really wanting to preserve the environment have a perverse policy of letting our forests burn. The EPA and Sierra Club should be sued by every damn person affected by these catastrophic CA fires.
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.
The Dems have an opportunity to do something good here. If they will forget about politics for a time.

I read an article of Trump looking at the fire damage...........he has stated that something will be done about the management of the forests...................remove the fuel............

Cross the damned party lines and come up with solutions to protect the people in the western states...........Approve funding to clean up fire lines to protect towns and cities........and thin the dang forest............

If you care about the people of this country you will take measures to try and prevent more of this from happening. If you play politics instead the death of more Americans from these fires are on your hands.......

Time to deal with it...........stop pointing fingers and fix it........
Jerry Brown is absolutely correct. We live in a new environment and a new normal because of climate change. It will get worse. Much worse.

The climate is always changing and human beings have little or nothing to do with it. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can gird ourselves against real, unpredictable 100% natural catastrophies. The fires are the perfect example.....Instead of realizing that CA has a cyclical drought and blaming every dry episode on the elusive Global Warming we could have been concentrating on removing fuel loads from our nationa/state forests. Instead the government created the EPA which is a top/heavy bureaucratic institution that bullies its way into our private lives and puts US at risk of losing our lives in a preventable wild fire by prohibiting logging and even clearing because they actually have a 'let it burn' policy and an owl to preserve habitat for, guess what? No more habitat now it be all burnt up.
Only a fucking idiot thinks spewing crap in the atmosphere has zero effect on our climate.

"My weight has always gone up & down & my recent weight gain had nothing to do with the 50 Big Macs I ate this week"

If you can't log without environmental damage, don't fucking log.

I like your plan: Reduce forest fires by reducing the forest.
Trying to blame forest fires on AGW is asinine. 120 parts per million of co2? C'mon. I've been listening to forestry people warning of this for decades. The natural state of the forest is to experience fires on a regular basis. The warning has always been, the more you fight them the worse it will be next time. We are paying the price for poor forestry policy.
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While I'm not a forestry expert, this thread is ridiculous. For decades I've been listening to forestry people warning that fighting fires allows deadfall and undergrowth to build up. On top of that, clear cutting and replanting leads to a monoculture(all trees of the same age). 40 years ago I watched a film of a forest fire. It burned through the mono like friggin lightning. Tree tops exploding like matchsticks. Then it hit old growth, the fire dropped to the ground and burned the deadfall and undergrowth. It then went back to the planted trees and immediately exploded into the canopy. Whether we like it or not it's going to burn.
Hell, the native peoples of the Americas set fires on purpose. They did it for hunting purposes, but even they knew that burning the undergrowth and deadfall prevented catastrophic burns. Blaming it on co2 is just plain dumb.
While I'm not a forestry expert, this thread is ridiculous. For decades I've been listening to forestry people warning that fighting fires allows deadfall and undergrowth to build up. On top of that, clear cutting and replanting leads to a monoculture(all trees of the same age). 40 years ago I watched a film of a forest fire. It burned through the mono like friggin lightning. Tree tops exploding like matchsticks. Then it hit old growth, the fire dropped to the ground and burned the deadfall and undergrowth. It then went back to the planted trees and immediately exploded into the canopy. Whether we like it or not it's going to burn.
Hell, the native peoples of the Americas set fires on purpose. They did it for hunting purposes, but even they knew that burning the undergrowth and deadfall prevented catastrophic burns. Blaming it on co2 is just plain dumb.
As a matter of fact, the Natives of pre-Spanish California routinely set fires to destroy old and undergrowth to provide new feed for the wildlife they survived on.
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.

I'm afraid that Gavin Newsom will not be an improvement.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
California militia should be fire suppression qualified.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
They have been warned for many year about under growth clearing, but it was put off. Some of the timer should have been thinned out also, but tree huggers bitched about that, they were warned about the Pine Beatle and they dismissed that so I have no feeling for the lose of the timber. Home owner I feel sorry for they are over taxed on what they have. I would move out of state also. Just don't move and what to change my state and make it like Calif. Thank you all.
While I'm not a forestry expert, this thread is ridiculous. For decades I've been listening to forestry people warning that fighting fires allows deadfall and undergrowth to build up. On top of that, clear cutting and replanting leads to a monoculture(all trees of the same age). 40 years ago I watched a film of a forest fire. It burned through the mono like friggin lightning. Tree tops exploding like matchsticks. Then it hit old growth, the fire dropped to the ground and burned the deadfall and undergrowth. It then went back to the planted trees and immediately exploded into the canopy. Whether we like it or not it's going to burn.
Hell, the native peoples of the Americas set fires on purpose. They did it for hunting purposes, but even they knew that burning the undergrowth and deadfall prevented catastrophic burns. Blaming it on co2 is just plain dumb.

If what you present is true, then why do we not see similar fire devastation to private timber land?
Trying to blame forest fires on AGW is asinine. 120 parts per million of co2? C'mon. I've been listening to forestry people warning of this for decades. The natural state of the forest is to experience fires on a regular basis. The warning has always been, the more you fight them the worse it will be next time. We are paying the price for poor forestry policy.

Of course however, we don't WANT our forests to burn so why in the heck shouldn't we be logging, clearing fuel loads etc? Why kick the timber industry out of our National Forests? After all, do they not have a fiduciary interest into keeping wild fires from burning up all their product?

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