Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

Al Gore invented the Internet ... but Jerry Brown has invented fire. Well done, him,

Al Gore never said he invented the internet. Those that who did credit Gore for helping make it what it is today.

One of the effects of global warming is increase of forest fires.

But...but according to the cartoon Futurama, Al Gore somehow invented the entire environment as we all know it! In Futurama, living, talking, disembodied heads of today's celebrities live in their special jars. Al Gore has made a few guest appearances playing his own disembodied head.
"I'm Super-Super Cereal"

Gory's secret personality is more like the one portrayed on South Park.
Clinton's bill signing to keep roads out of wilderness areas compares to the fuel load problem in California, because Clinton helped to castrated citizen science by doing so. Ironically, fewer opportunities for citizen reconnaissance, from the Land of Opportunity. Forests of tomorrow will have surveillance equipment to swiftly respond to threats, drones will ply the skies, certain sentinel trees will carry heat sensors and bark beetle listening apparatus (also sound repellents) and sensors especially near the power lines.

Some of us might first seek to understand Indian history about the CCC, especially concerning these publications:

The Indian Civilian Conservation Corps

Sanders, Peggy, The Civilian Conservation Corps in and Around the Black Hills

Excluding Indians -- Certain Proviso, Civilian Conservation Corps, Committee on Public Lands, Select Committee om Indian Affairs, (online access)

Kolvet, Renee Corina, Civilian Conservation Corps in Nevada: From Boys to Men

Two Years of Civilian Conservation Work (Civilian Conservation Corps) April 5, 1933 - March 31, 1935. Based upon reports prepared by Robert Fechner, Director of Emergency Conservation Work, the four departments cooperating in the program, namely war, interior, agriculture, labor and the Veteran's Administration

Making Civilian Conservation Corps a Permanent Agency, US Congress. (online access)
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
I blame Jerry Brown.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe?
You didn't even bother to look, did you. You just ASSUMED and built this topic on a false premise.

Guess what?

Climate change sets the world on fire | DW | 24.08.2018

In 2017, parts of Europe, Canada and the US were ravaged by wildfires on an unprecedented scale. In 2018, new records are being set around the world as hot, dry temperatures and fires become the new normal.

More bullshit. Cherry picking to prove and unprovable GW theory.
When the Lefty Loonies blame Natural Disasters on The faux of Global Warming is the same as Whacky Righties who blame natural disasters as punishment from God for people being gay.
Apparently, sparking power lines were reported the day before the fire by a citizen. The power company did not immediately respond. Under the build-up of tinder and fuel conditions, they should have rushed to the scene. They knew exactly what property the call came from. If proven at fault, their liability will exceed their insurance coverage:

PG&E Outlook Ominous if Utility Found Responsible for California's Worst Wildfire
(Not secure)
We think that Trump is correct though the spark came from PG&E. In the future, every one of these small towns should have a local drone operator that can swiftly send videos of trouble spots. The first responder to the sparks can then call the local drone operator to document the event, especially when seconds matter.

(55 minutes ago) California Wildfires: Is Trump Right When He Blames Forest Managers?
Is Trump right about California wildfires?
Looks like even scientists disagree on the subject of man caused global warming, but wouldn't it do us well to err on the side of safety? I think it would do us well to use more alternate and clean burning energy anyway. Less pollution and all that.
Apparently, sparking power lines were reported the day before the fire by a citizen. The power company did not immediately respond. Under the build-up of tinder and fuel conditions, they should have rushed to the scene. They knew exactly what property the call came from. If proven at fault, their liability will exceed their insurance coverage:

PG&E Outlook Ominous if Utility Found Responsible for California's Worst Wildfire
(Not secure)

Apparently the Billions that PG&E makes by charging outlandish rates is not enough to keep their power lines cleared.
Looks like even scientists disagree on the subject of man caused global warming, but wouldn't it do us well to err on the side of safety? I think it would do us well to use more alternate and clean burning energy anyway. Less pollution and all that.

OK, let's posit that GW exists and the globe is warming. Why then is the EPA and US Forest Service not allowing forest harvesting and fuel load removal? Why do they have a 'let it burn' policy?
California, Texas, Arizona are all feeling the effects of global warming with fires
Florida, Carolina's, Georgia are greeting more and more hurricanes

I urge voters to blame Republicans
California, Texas, Arizona are all feeling the effects of global warming with fires
Florida, Carolina's, Georgia are greeting more and more hurricanes

I urge voters to blame Republicans

Wow that is a real leap of faith!! You do realize that CA, TX, AZ are only 3 states? Hardly a 'global' event. And please spare us the links to other fires in isolated places around the Earth and claim it's due to global warming. BTW if lefties actually believe that GW is causing fires then why the Hell can't the EPA realize the same thing and lift restrictions on National Forest management by logging, clearing, etc? I urge honest folks not to fall for this human-caused global warming insanity.
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You & Trump.]forest experts. Who knew. Hotter dryer conditions are irrelevant. Winds irrelevant.

We should end all environmental regulations because we can always trust corporations to do what is right.

Forest management was never stopped by might have been stopped an owl. clear cutting & building a fucking mall might have.

Now those evil environmental people killed 39 people. Have we caught up to the NRA or Trump's hate spewing yet?

You just make stupid knee-jerk replies based on political propaganda. When timber corporations were allowed to log on federal land we did not have these type of catastrophic, fast moving fires. No corporation 'clear cut & built a mall' in our national forests. The NRA has 0 to do with this thread. You seem to be throwing shit on the wall and hope that some of it sticks but all you are really doing is stinking up this thread. Go away troll.
Who knew there were no forest fires since 2013?

The NRA has killed more people than these forest fires.

The mall comment had nothing to do with my comment on cutting forests to build shit. You cited the owl stopping everything, not me.
California is really adding to our greenhouse gases with fires.

Stop adding to global warming, California.

Button your shit up and clean up your forests or Earth will do it for you.
California, Texas, Arizona are all feeling the effects of global warming with fires
Florida, Carolina's, Georgia are greeting more and more hurricanes

I urge voters to blame Republicans

Wow that is a real leap of faith!! You do realize that CA, TX, AZ are only 3 states? Hardly a 'global' event. And please spare us the links to other fires in isolated places around the Earth and claim it's due to global warming. BTW if lefties actually believe that GW is causing fires then why the Hell can't the EPA realize the same thing and lift restrictions on National Forest management by logging, clearing, etc? I urge honest folks not to fall for this human-caused global warming insanity.

Pretending that forest management is banned is ridiculous. To claim clear cutting is the answer is just plain stupid.

Top claim warmer temperatures & drier conditions are irrelevant is idiotic.
The owl can co-exist with selective cutting, and brush piles can maintain its food. Citizen science has been castrated, the hands and tongues have been removed from the apathetic cadavers. There is no uplifting news that a local group cleared brush, it's too boring, too benign. Every small town should sport an arsenal of drones and the gps savvy to swiftly place them so that our eyes can see, rather than have Bill Clinton preventing roads by the pedophiliac stroke of a pen. Y'all can work out the privacy issues at another time, another town meeting not held in a back office.

If the power company or Forest Service can't innovate for fire surveillance and suppression, why should people be in danger due to their disregard?

Oaks are now being planted in Wisconsin that have a built-in water reservoir. The Indians in the West, as Aldo Leopold has documented, had these reservoirs strategically scattered about for emergencies. When will California decide to catch up to ingenuity in their forests? What type of breathing apparatus or underground shelters?
We think that Trump is correct though the spark came from PG&E. In the future, every one of these small towns should have a local drone operator that can swiftly send videos of trouble spots. The first responder to the sparks can then call the local drone operator to document the event, especially when seconds matter.

(55 minutes ago) California Wildfires: Is Trump Right When He Blames Forest Managers?
Is Trump right about California wildfires?
The False God, Nature, Is Nothing But Jungle Vermin and Vegetation

The "Beauty of Nature" is like a temptress with syphilis. No need for the public to spend money on all that; it's shameful proof of reverence for the vicious treehuggers who hate and fear all mankind.

Sell all forests to the lumber companies. I doubt if any serious fires have ever happened on their properties.

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