Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

For non-skeptics, we recommend Diana Six on bark beetles at youtube. The hoardes began long ago in British Columbia especially. It was known to entomologists then that a certain number of beetles had to die to prevent epidemics. The eventual target decades later would be the xeric areas of the American West. When migrating masses of bark beetles were detected on radar, it should have been a much more serious wake-up call. When bark beetles kill a tree, they kill a water reservoir and create fuel at the same time. Petroleum addicts, gw skeptics, and the Stupid should all be made to plant trees. Otherwise for those that give a flying rat's rear end, we can collaborate to found a new Civilian Conservation Corps. What has been also destroyed in California is Time.
Al Gore invented the Internet ... but Jerry Brown has invented fire. Well done, him,

Al Gore never said he invented the internet. Those that did credit Gore for helping make it what it is today.

One of the effects of global warming is increase of forest fires.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.

Gov. Brown is certainly entitled to his opinion on the California fires.

But I'd really want to hear from a theologic scientist to analyze the fire and make a determination if this is a judgment from Almighty God on California, similar to God's judgment on Sodom as well as Gomorrah back in antiquity.

I think we have to consider all of the possible causes of this cataclysm.

Is there the smell of brimstone as well as fire in California?

S&G's destruction was caused by a prehistoric outbreak of AIDS. Nature, or nature's God, has a way of punishing unnatural activity.

In Caliph-horny's case, it is unnatural to worship an untouchable Forest instead of turning it into lumber. Subhuman pagan superstitions about Nature being an immaculate Heaven on Earth are for bugs, beasts, and buffoons.
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Only a fucking idiot thinks spewing crap in the atmosphere has zero effect on our climate.

"My weight has always gone up & down & my recent weight gain had nothing to do with the 50 Big Macs I ate this week"

If you can't log without environmental damage, don't fucking log.

I like your plan: Reduce forest fires by reducing the forest.

Only a fucking idiot would prohibit forestry harvests and clean up for a fucking owl who, btw, has even less habitat after these catastrophic fires. Logging NEVER devastated hundreds and thousands of acres like these wild fires have. Clearly, environmental regulations have been an abject failure for the most part. But I get it, you don't give a shit about human beings. So far 39 have lost their lives due to this latest Camp fire. Those lives are the direct result of bad EPA regulations and forest management.
Dense forest........rotting trees infested with bugs.........ground littered with dead limbs and fuels..........and too many trees clumped together.............from 20 years of neglect and lack of logging cause these Fire Bombs..........

And that is all folks.............LEARN OR BURN
Yes, in the same owl environment grows a world tree treasure, Taxus, whose chemistry has given the world the cancer-fighting meds taxol and subsequently, paclitaxel. If enough humans had invested an effort, the owl and the tree could have coexisted along with selective cutting. A properly-managed ecosystem would have allowed some dense underbrush for rodents as owl food, and at the same time have limited the overall danger of a collective mass of fuel.
Only a fucking idiot thinks spewing crap in the atmosphere has zero effect on our climate.

"My weight has always gone up & down & my recent weight gain had nothing to do with the 50 Big Macs I ate this week"

If you can't log without environmental damage, don't fucking log.

I like your plan: Reduce forest fires by reducing the forest.

Only a fucking idiot would prohibit forestry harvests and clean up for a fucking owl who, btw, has even less habitat after these catastrophic fires. Logging NEVER devastated hundreds and thousands of acres like these wild fires have. Clearly, environmental regulations have been an abject failure for the most part. But I get it, you don't give a shit about human beings. So far 39 have lost their lives due to this latest Camp fire. Those lives are the direct result of bad EPA regulations and forest management.

You & Trump.]forest experts. Who knew. Hotter dryer conditions are irrelevant. Winds irrelevant.

We should end all environmental regulations because we can always trust corporations to do what is right.

Forest management was never stopped by might have been stopped an owl. clear cutting & building a fucking mall might have.

Now those evil environmental people killed 39 people. Have we caught up to the NRA or Trump's hate spewing yet?
Al Gore invented the Internet ... but Jerry Brown has invented fire. Well done, him,

Al Gore never said he invented the internet. Those that did credit Gore for helping make it what it is today.

One of the effects of global warming is increase of forest fires.

But...but according to the cartoon Futurama, Al Gore somehow invented the entire environment as we all know it! In Futurama, living, talking, disembodied heads of today's celebrities live in their special jars. Kristen Gore has sometimes written for Futurama, so that's why they throw in so many silly jokes about her father and Al Gore has made a few guest appearances playing his own disembodied head.
You & Trump.]forest experts. Who knew. Hotter dryer conditions are irrelevant. Winds irrelevant.

We should end all environmental regulations because we can always trust corporations to do what is right.

Forest management was never stopped by might have been stopped an owl. clear cutting & building a fucking mall might have.

Now those evil environmental people killed 39 people. Have we caught up to the NRA or Trump's hate spewing yet?

You just make stupid knee-jerk replies based on political propaganda. When timber corporations were allowed to log on federal land we did not have these type of catastrophic, fast moving fires. No corporation 'clear cut & built a mall' in our national forests. The NRA has 0 to do with this thread. You seem to be throwing shit on the wall and hope that some of it sticks but all you are really doing is stinking up this thread. Go away troll.
39 deaths so far in Paradise CA? Worse and worse it gets in CA. The leaders should be arrested for causing those deaths. Enough is enough. Those people probably paid ~$7K avg property tax, many $100k.
39 deaths so far in Paradise CA? Worse and worse it gets in CA. The leaders should be arrested for causing those deaths. Enough is enough. Those people probably paid ~$7K avg property tax, many $100k.

CA and US Forestry should have been out clearing fuel loads. Especially when they knew and predicted a drought situation which is typical for CA. The Sierra Club and the EPA have continued to block access to our National Forests and have put in place a 'let it burn' policy for remote areas. The trouble is, those remote areas back up to CA State land which is also under EPA jurisdiction and, that CA land borders privately owned land. Basically the EPA and the Feds control most forest land and are against human habitat in these areas that, btw, have been inhabited by Human beings for hundreds of years. Their 'let it burn' policy is wrong headed and borders on the insane.
Yes, in the same owl environment grows a world tree treasure, Taxus, whose chemistry has given the world the cancer-fighting meds taxol and subsequently, paclitaxel. If enough humans had invested an effort, the owl and the tree could have coexisted along with selective cutting. A properly-managed ecosystem would have allowed some dense underbrush for rodents as owl food, and at the same time have limited the overall danger of a collective mass of fuel.
More Proof That Enviros Hate Mankind

Because of your scare stories about unknown!!!, possible, could-be, you-never-know benefits from vegetation, a laid-off lumberjack wasn't able to buy a microscope for his son, which would have gotten the boy genius started on the way to cure cancer. Notice how your weakling opponents never point out the even more possible disasters that could come out of GreenHead restrictions. What secret connection do they have with your spoiled-brat cult?
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe?
You didn't even bother to look, did you. You just ASSUMED and built this topic on a false premise.

Guess what?

Climate change sets the world on fire | DW | 24.08.2018

In 2017, parts of Europe, Canada and the US were ravaged by wildfires on an unprecedented scale. In 2018, new records are being set around the world as hot, dry temperatures and fires become the new normal.

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