Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
California militia should be fire suppression qualified.

Yeah maybe but, but also why not have pro-active forest clean up by a timber industry who would be already in the forest with the bulldozers and tools to help make firebreaks, identify emergent fires and remove fuel loads BEFORE they become a danger? This would be a great help along with prior suggestions of drone fire spotters and a general cutting back of draconian EPA regulations that are routinely cutting off public access to our National Forests.
A forest is also recognized as non-commodity organism. 'Conservation means to use without using up.' (North American School of Conservation, Newport Beach, California)
The woman who rebuilt Pulga was not even in town when receiving the email about sparks. To see either above the town or on the other sides of the oak canyon at Pulga, a tower-drone scenario could have been monitored by a human sitter, remote-control of the video cam/telescope and the drone can be sent out on short surveillance runs and returned to its base on the tower.
A forest is also recognized as non-commodity organism. 'Conservation means to use without using up.' (North American School of Conservation, Newport Beach, California)

There is no commodity or non-commodity if it's all burned up.
While I'm not a forestry expert, this thread is ridiculous. For decades I've been listening to forestry people warning that fighting fires allows deadfall and undergrowth to build up. On top of that, clear cutting and replanting leads to a monoculture(all trees of the same age). 40 years ago I watched a film of a forest fire. It burned through the mono like friggin lightning. Tree tops exploding like matchsticks. Then it hit old growth, the fire dropped to the ground and burned the deadfall and undergrowth. It then went back to the planted trees and immediately exploded into the canopy. Whether we like it or not it's going to burn.
Hell, the native peoples of the Americas set fires on purpose. They did it for hunting purposes, but even they knew that burning the undergrowth and deadfall prevented catastrophic burns. Blaming it on co2 is just plain dumb.

If what you present is true, then why do we not see similar fire devastation to private timber land?
how many campers can cause accidents on private timber land?
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
California militia should be fire suppression qualified.

Yeah maybe but, but also why not have pro-active forest clean up by a timber industry who would be already in the forest with the bulldozers and tools to help make firebreaks, identify emergent fires and remove fuel loads BEFORE they become a danger? This would be a great help along with prior suggestions of drone fire spotters and a general cutting back of draconian EPA regulations that are routinely cutting off public access to our National Forests.
How much "terraforming" are we going to do and claim Only the Sun, influences climate.

We already have a Bureau of Land Management. What do the latest case studies indicate as the best course of mixed use options?
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
California militia should be fire suppression qualified.

Yeah maybe but, but also why not have pro-active forest clean up by a timber industry who would be already in the forest with the bulldozers and tools to help make firebreaks, identify emergent fires and remove fuel loads BEFORE they become a danger? This would be a great help along with prior suggestions of drone fire spotters and a general cutting back of draconian EPA regulations that are routinely cutting off public access to our National Forests.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
How do you prevent hotter drier conditions, and the winds.
You have to be an absolute MORON to believe that the 22 months under Trump has caused Man Made Climate Change that was the reason for these fires. Who in their right mind would believe that?
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
How do you prevent hotter drier conditions, and the winds.

You mean the conditions that only seem to exist in California and nowhere else on earth?:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
How do you prevent hotter drier conditions, and the winds.
more effective watershed management.
You have to be an absolute MORON to believe that the 22 months under Trump has caused Man Made Climate Change that was the reason for these fires. Who in their right mind would believe that?

There are many meathead matrix dwellers out there in Radioland my friend. They'd happily buy a bag of dog doo if you packaged it up just right.:113:
California is unique, but not that unique. Swift fire prevention can happen in all types of climate conditions.
While I'm not a forestry expert, this thread is ridiculous. For decades I've been listening to forestry people warning that fighting fires allows deadfall and undergrowth to build up. On top of that, clear cutting and replanting leads to a monoculture(all trees of the same age). 40 years ago I watched a film of a forest fire. It burned through the mono like friggin lightning. Tree tops exploding like matchsticks. Then it hit old growth, the fire dropped to the ground and burned the deadfall and undergrowth. It then went back to the planted trees and immediately exploded into the canopy. Whether we like it or not it's going to burn.
Hell, the native peoples of the Americas set fires on purpose. They did it for hunting purposes, but even they knew that burning the undergrowth and deadfall prevented catastrophic burns. Blaming it on co2 is just plain dumb.

If what you present is true, then why do we not see similar fire devastation to private timber land?

Oh, golly whiz, that certainly is a relly tough question to answer. :290968001256257790-final:

Private timber companies keep their lands free of underbrush to allow for faster growth of their trees.

This does not hold true of government-controlled land where forest fires fiercly consume it.

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