Jerry Brown Blames Global Warming For Fires

There are very few living abominations on this planet I hate more than Jerry Brown-as-in-shit. These out-of-control fires couldn't possibly be from that lying, Brown-as-in-shit THING of evil sucking all the money of out of my state's firefighting funds to give his illegal Mexican whoremasters a luxury-blowjob and his multi-billion-dollar choo-choo pipe dream which have already fucking sucked so many billions out of this state's budget! When it's never, ever, ever going to be built! Brown-as-in-shit's choo-choo is a gargantuan, white-collar-criminal boondoggle designed to bankrupt everyone except his closest cronies.

As a Californian, I truly regret that the English language doesn't have a profanity that's hideous enough to accurately depict our malicious, hate-filled traitor-pig of a governor. I wouldn't piss down that cocksucker's throat if his tonsils were on fire.
Too bad your idiotic rant has nothing to do with an intelligent counter argument.
How about you shove your logging industry crap up your ignorant ass.

Log it!!!!! Log it!!!!!! Tht is your solution to everything when it was logging that help create the conditions of our forests that you claim is the reason we have them.

Have you EVER been an wooded area where it was logged??? It is pure shit for at least 5 years with all the dead branches they leave behind & all the scrub brush now growing?

Yes, I live in a logging community and I can tell you first hand that when logging was allowed the forest was much less fuel dense. There were also logging roads that allowed access to more remote areas. Your assertion is just wrong.
I haunted property that was logged. It was a mess for years & years. It wet from a a shaded older forest with little brush to a sunny area piled with branches & scrub brush.

Logging roads allow people to drive around abusing the forest & terrorizing the animals. Road access is not good for forests. Roads destroy the "remote" aspect

Well I have lived and worked in the forests for decades and I think I have more experience than someone who takes a 'haunting' vacation in the woods. Wildfires destroy a whole lot more than a few logging roads. Elite people from high population density areas come to the forest for a few days and get their panties in a knot when they see a logging site. It never occurs to them that people actually live and work in these rural areas or, worse than that, some may actually feel that people don't belong living in or even near forests.

And, in areas properly controlled, when there is a fire, healthy wildlife is easily capable of getting out of the way.
As long as it is a prescribed burn.
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
Prevention from what? Higher temperatures and excessive drought? How do you plan on preventing that?

When are you people going to stop being so damn stupid about this? Do you not understand what the hell is going on?

We have exceeded our lands capacity, in so many ways. Our aquifers are drying up to satisfy a booming population. We are poisoning our air with toxic carbon waste. We are bleaching our oceans and destroying the life cycles of marine life.

Nature works in one way, and one way only. It has to balance in order for us to have a healthy planet. And we have disrupted that balance. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?
You have to be an absolute MORON to believe that the 22 months under Trump has caused Man Made Climate Change that was the reason for these fires. Who in their right mind would believe that?
You didn't/can't answer the question.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.

Brown's EXTREME environmental policies helped create the recipe for disaster in these forest fires. He is bought and paid for by the Environmental Lobby. Clear enough?
Jerry Brown is a committed Far Leftist, and MORON. Metro, Coastal Californians deserve him.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.
Thin the dang forests or burn. I don't live there. If California wants to ignore that then thatst their problem. Burn if that is what floats your boat
OMG! What a total dumb ass. Don't you think Jerry Brown would love to practice sound management of the landscape? Of course he would. And for anyone to think otherwise, is a walking retard.

Do people like you ever look at the big picture? Answer, no!

Do you have any understanding of Urban interface forestry practices? No!

Which is why you cannot conduct yourself with having an intelligent/informed debate. Get lost.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.

Brown's EXTREME environmental policies helped create the recipe for disaster in these forest fires. He is bought and paid for by the Environmental Lobby. Clear enough?
Give me an intelligent/informed precise reason how he created this disaster. With facts. If you do not, you are are a hate filled liar, and know zero about Urban interface forest protection. I'll be waiting hotshot.
Hatred is a cowards excuse for your non-argument.

Brown's EXTREME environmental policies helped create the recipe for disaster in these forest fires. He is bought and paid for by the Environmental Lobby. Clear enough?
Give me an intelligent/informed precise reason how he created this disaster. With facts. If you do not, you are are a hate filled liar, and know zero about Urban interface forest protection. I'll be waiting hotshot.

I'm still waiting on Pilot 1.
What non-Californians might want to see are documentations of the fuel load via simple things like cell-phone cams. To ghost the forest is now the cutting-edge thing to do. Timber cruisers estimate masses, so too there are statistics that do not lie. Where are the records for controlled burns besides in Forest Service files, besides as esoterica?
I'm still waiting on Pilot 1.

Fortunately, I don't report to you. Google is your friend. Post a link when you find it.

Nice to know I get under your skin so much, though.
Not in this lifetime. You are the one who is totally clueless. You have zero knowledge of fire science. Therefore you actually have no skin in this game.

And just to give you and the other clueless bozo's on here a little reality check, "money" was/is the root of this problem. And our appetite for it. Not jerry Brown. You have to be a complete and total uninformed idiot if that is what you stick to.

Without a sound fire management plan, decades ago, these areas never stood a chance. And why did that never happen? Simple, money took a front row seat, and we ignored fire science and our own environmental needs.

And another thing, you said you don't report to me. Yea! You could've fooled me. You responded didn't you?
A Yahoo search 'US forest service fuel load' yields reports that cannot be read. An example, we can see the subscript but cannot access the article:

Forest Service Takes Heat for Fuel Load in Gap Fire
'....Multiple calls to the US Forest Service to ask about past fuel reduction projects were not returned.'
I ♥ what Trump said today and that was for the Feds to aggressively manage the national forests and clear away the overgrown trees. Brown seemed to be blaming the people for living in places where there were too many trees, but said the situation is different today. Whatever that means.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
Prevention from what? Higher temperatures and excessive drought? How do you plan on preventing that?

When are you people going to stop being so damn stupid about this? Do you not understand what the hell is going on?

We have exceeded our lands capacity, in so many ways. Our aquifers are drying up to satisfy a booming population. We are poisoning our air with toxic carbon waste. We are bleaching our oceans and destroying the life cycles of marine life.

Nature works in one way, and one way only. It has to balance in order for us to have a healthy planet. And we have disrupted that balance. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?
Fire prevention and You.
A Yahoo search 'US forest service fuel load' yields reports that cannot be read. An example, we can see the subscript but cannot access the article:

Forest Service Takes Heat for Fuel Load in Gap Fire
'....Multiple calls to the US Forest Service to ask about past fuel reduction projects were not returned.'
Because most humans not working for the Forest service do not understand the time sensitive nature of these practices. The general public are extremely ignorant of the man power requirements for such an undertaking. Not near enough people are employed with the Forest service to take on millions of acres of fire sensitive areas. And with many of these places located in snow covered areas, timing, money, and man power are way too thin. That is why their phone calls are not answered.
It means a wake up call to their stupid policies.........if he isn't a complete idiot.

They can't ignore that these tender boxes must be thinned or they will see even more of this until their entire state burns to the ground. Ignoring it cost lives..................They can't stop the fires..........they will happen. They can point fingers at anyone they please...............The Fire doesn't care. Mother Nature doesn't care.

Take measures to minimize the damage or Nature will take care of it for you. That is the painful lesson learned.

Learn or Burn.

Eventually, Brown came around to blaming global warming. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but can only guess it means that's what cutting trees will cause. What a tree hugger and idiot of misplaced priorities. Brown is on his way out, but we still have more than a month of 2018 left for more abomination.
AGW - warmer drier conditions - longer lasting fire seasons?
Prevention is more cost effective.
Prevention from what? Higher temperatures and excessive drought? How do you plan on preventing that?

When are you people going to stop being so damn stupid about this? Do you not understand what the hell is going on?

We have exceeded our lands capacity, in so many ways. Our aquifers are drying up to satisfy a booming population. We are poisoning our air with toxic carbon waste. We are bleaching our oceans and destroying the life cycles of marine life.

Nature works in one way, and one way only. It has to balance in order for us to have a healthy planet. And we have disrupted that balance. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?
Fire prevention and You.
If that is your attempt at saying something, you failed miserably. Try again.
What a completely asinine statement. If Global Warming causes catastrophic fires why aren't there similar fires all over the globe? All Brown is doing is deflecting the blame for the real cause, which is a cyclical, and typical CA drought and bad forest management by California and the Federal Government. Frankly, I also disagree with Trump's statement because a lot of the blame lies on U.S. Forestry's 'let it burn' policy. Sierra Pacific put out a statement contradicting Trump however, they are a private enterprise and do take good care of their own timber land. We are being fed political lies instead of real solutions by BOTH parties.
How is the forest management bad? Hasn't it always been the same in California? If it is such an asinine statement, you should have no problem answering my question right?

I explained it already in several posts try to follow along. Letting fuel loads pile up is bad forest management and no it has not always been the same in CA the forests started burning and dying due to bad conservation policies put in place in over 30 years of bad decisions.
You might learn a thing or two about the national Forest service and their forests before you go blathering all over this thread.
The northern forest areas are very heavily peaked and have rather sharp drops in most of them. This makes it extremely hard to walk let alone work in the areas. To try to "clean up" the mulch of leaves and debris is almost impossible.

Not all of the 'northern forest areas' are 'heavily peaked' and those areas are not generally populated. Fires in those areas do not typically affect more densely populated areas in fact, prescribed burns in remote areas are pretty typical and usually take place with no problem. The areas near populations that used to be managed by logging, fire wood gathering, etc. are now full of fuel and should not be left in a 'natural' state. There have been prescribed burns that have gotten out of control and affected populated areas because of this.
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Prevention from what? Higher temperatures and excessive drought? How do you plan on preventing that?

When are you people going to stop being so damn stupid about this? Do you not understand what the hell is going on?

We have exceeded our lands capacity, in so many ways. Our aquifers are drying up to satisfy a booming population. We are poisoning our air with toxic carbon waste. We are bleaching our oceans and destroying the life cycles of marine life.

Nature works in one way, and one way only. It has to balance in order for us to have a healthy planet. And we have disrupted that balance. Why is that so hard for you people to understand?

Prevention of fuel load build ups in national and state forests near populated areas. That is the prevention. There is much more land than human population and most of the planet is healthy. BTW human beings are part of nature you might just think on that for a while. I am so sick of human hating tree huggers.

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