Jerry Falwell just died

Some In Democratic Underground Worried About Backlash To Their Falwell Hate Rantings
Posted by P.J. Gladnick on May 17, 2007 - 16:06.
Almost from the moment that Jerry Falwell's death was announced on Tuesday, the leftwing nutroots at the Democratic Underground began gleefully dancing upon his grave. Here are just a few of their hate rants about Falwell:

Uncharitable or not, I am sorry his death was not more painful and drawn out. He did not deserve a relatively peaceful, painless and quick death.

Rot in Hell Falwell!

May Pat Robertson and James Dobson be next.

I'm putting on my dancing shoes and am going to look for his grave!

One more nail in the coffin for the hate crime that is religion.

Pretty strong stuff. Even a few of the more rational DUers thought it was over the top and are now worrying about the backlash to their extreme hate rants against Falwell. One of these DUers goes by the screen name of earthlover who is now desperately worried that this backlash will ultimately hurt the Democrats at the polls. Here is some of the nervous commentary by DUer earthlover in a thread titled, Is Our Response To Falwell's Death Hurting Our Cause?

Since Falwell's death, these boards have been inundated with posts, many of which demonstrated absolute glee at his death and judgementalism that rivaled Falwell's...

...Followers of Falwell, and there are MANY, are going to be really angry to read or hear about such hostility coming from our side, especially during this time. This will motivate them to fight their fight even harder, and they will have all kinds of ammunition now to further their cause and to try to convince everyone that Democrats are a bunch of hypocrites who show the same sort of hatred they disdain in others...

...Members of the conservative media are already picking up on the profuse hatred being spewed forth on these boards. So, to those who think these boards are just a means to "vent," remember one thing: the whole world is watching...

...Most moderates, and most sane people, and ANYONE with common sense is going to see people dancing on the grave of a still-warm body as being reprehensible, stupid and just plain rude...

...So, the question I have for you: do you have a political death-wish? Democrats have a great chance of winning in 08. However, the sort of thing I have seen about Falwell is going to help...the Republicans! They already are skilled at getting elected by painting us as anti-religion. Who would have dreamt that Democrats would act the way they have done this past day? It is a nightmare to me, but it is a dream come true for the Republicans...

To answer your question, earthlover, yes you folks on the left do have a political death wish. Don't think the over the edge hate rants against Falwell in the leftwing blogosphere will go unnoticed. Much to your evident dismay they will definitely be remembered.

If you don't have the stomach to see the unfiltered sicko hate rants against Falwell directly in the Democratic Underground, you can read a large digest of their bile in the DUmmie FUnnies.
José;563361 said:
I’d like to share a personal experience to illustrate the previous post:

When I was 14 one of my teachers asked us all to stand up and pray before class.

Ignore completely any individual who tells you this is a harmless exercise of faith.

I still remember how ashamed I was, still remember all the embarrassment I felt in front of my classmates when I refused to do so and she started criticizing me.

It was not “a harmless exercise of faith”. It was an abuse, it was a disrespect, it was a violence.

When I remember these facts today I often wonder if they really happened in the West or in Saudi Arabia.

What happened to me was the result of an utterly incompetent secular state, a state that failed in its duty to enforce its own secularity to protect its minorities from disrespect and embarassament in public space (it was a public school).

This personal experience I’ve just shared with you illustrates perfectly the main point of my previous post:

Any serious democratic state has to have legal mechanisms to prevent the Jerry Falwells of the world or any other religious pressure group (and even the authoritarian “will of the majority”) from undermining the secular basis of the state.

You classmates should of kicked the shit out of you after school! Thats all you needed! You would of forgot all about being humiliated in class!
Are they suppose to be outragous quotes?

No. The quotes were to help identify the braindead, uneducated, Old Testament fundamentalists from the rest of functioning society. When some moron says "I agree with everyone of them!" that lets everyone else know that an idiot of the highest magnitude is before us.

People who justify terror attacks like 9/11 as God's will, deserve to be ridiculed and looked down upon for their stupidity. I see little difference between Christofascists like yourself, and the Islamofascists who want to destroy America.

Jerry Falwell said:
God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.
Alucard agrees.
No. The quotes were to help identify the braindead, uneducated, Old Testament fundamentalists from the rest of functioning society. When some moron says "I agree with everyone of them!" that lets everyone else know that an idiot of the highest magnitude is before us.

People who justify terror attacks like 9/11 as God's will, deserve to be ridiculed and looked down upon for their stupidity. I see little difference between Christofascists like yourself, and the Islamofascists who want to destroy America.

Alucard agrees.

If only those who bash Christians would say the same about Muslims who will kill you if you don't convert
If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.[/I]-- Rev Jerry Falwell

I had a student ask me, "Could the savior you believe in save Osama bin Laden?" Of course, we know the blood of Jesus Christ can save him, and then he must be executed.

-- Rev Jerry Falwell, cited in Cary McMullen, "Falwell: Now Is the Time for Gospel," in the Lakeland (Florida) Ledger (November 12, 2001), quoted from Randy Cassingham, This is True (18 November 2001).

Falwell added: "We visit prisoners on death row, and some of them are saved, but we believe their sentences should be carried out because they have a debt to society."

God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.

-- Rev Jerry Falwell, blaming civil libertarians, feminists, homosexuals, and abortion rights supporters for the terrorist attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to which Rev Pat Robertson agreed, quoted from John F Harris,
"God Gave US 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says," The Washington Post (September 14, 2001)

AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.-- Jerry Falwell

The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.-- Rev Jerry Falwell, Sermon, July 4, 1976

The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc.-- Jerry Falwell, Finding Inner Peace and Strength

I do not believe the homosexual community deserves minority status. One's misbehavior does not qualify him or her for minority status. Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., are God-ordained minorities who do indeed deserve minority status.-- Rev Jerry Falwell, USA Today Chat, quoted from The Religious Freedom Coalition, "The Two faces of Jerry Falwell"

We're fighting against humanism, we're fighting against liberalism ... we are fighting against all the systems of Satan that are destroying our nation today ... our battle is with Satan himself.
-- Rev Jerry Falwell

Fallwell operated one of the largest Adoption and Orphan progams in America. In addition to soup kitchens and food pantries for the poor.

Gays don't care about Falwell's soup kitchens. Gays hated him because Falwell didn't kowtow to their Homosexuality-Is-Normal mantra. Falwell pointed his finger at them and said they were doing something morally wrong. They cannot let that go unchallenged so they screamed hysterically that Falwell is a hater, a bigot, a dinosaur, an evil bible-thumper, and any other word they could use to attack him with. The gays could only attack the messenger, not the message.

That's why they're dancing in the streets, and probably with each other.
If only those who bash Christians would say the same about Muslims who will kill you if you don't convert
Anyone who believes that 9/11 happened because it's God's will is a terrorist enabler and an apologist for religious extremism. Only a low life piece of shit would justify a terrorist attack on our country just to slander the Democrats and liberals. Of course, I'm not surprised that you would stick up for Alucard since you're in agreement with Osama Bin Laden.
Anyone who believes that 9/11 happened because it's God's will is a terrorist enabler and an apologist for religious extremism. Only a low life piece of shit would justify a terrorist attack on our country just to slander the Democrats and liberals. Of course, I'm not surprised that you would stick up for Alucard since you're in agreement with Osama Bin Laden.

Looking at the appeasement movement on the left - OBL was right. You can count on the left to be the frst to run away from the fight

It would seem the left has spent the last 5 years using 9-11 for politcal gain. Bush knew in advance about 9-11, 9-11 was an inside job, trhe government did not connect the dots, ect, ect, ect
Looking at the appeasement movement on the left - OBL was right. You can count on the left to be the frst to run away from the fight

It would seem the left has spent the last 5 years using 9-11 for politcal gain. Bush knew in advance about 9-11, 9-11 was an inside job, trhe government did not connect the dots, ect, ect, ect

And of course there are liberals and Democrats fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, spilling their blood and sacrificing their lives while you sit behind a computer agreeing with Osama Bin Laden and slandering their memory. Why do you hate America so much?
And of course there are liberals and Democrats fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, spilling their blood and sacrificing their lives while you sit behind a computer agreeing with Osama Bin Laden and slandering their memory. Why do you hate America so much?

So slander in now pointing out the truth about the appeasers on the left?
Terrorist enabler.

Is that all you have?

Why not address the fact after Clinton ran from Somalia, OBL saw the US as weak. Appeasement once again to terrorists backfired and we got 9-11

Now the left once agin wants to run away from Iraq

Like OBL said they would

The left are the terrorist enablers
Is that all you have?

Why not address the fact after Clinton ran from Somalia, OBL saw the US as weak. Appeasement once again to terrorists backfired and we got 9-11

Now the left once agin wants to run away from Iraq

Like OBL said they would

The left are the terrorist enablers
You give credibility to OBL in order to discredit the left. You're a disgrace.
and speaking of left wing kooks using 9-11 to scrore political points

Does Rosa Brooks Believe 9-11 Was 'Fictional and Entirely Implausible'?
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on May 18, 2007 - 07:17.
Does L.A. Times columnist Rosa Brooks think 9-11 was "fictional and entirely implausible"? I ask, because in The GOP's Torture Enthusiasts today, that's how she describes a similar scenario that Brit Hume sketched during this past Tuesday's GOP presidential debate.

In inviting the candidates to discuss their views on interrogation during this past Tuesday's get together, debate moderator and Fox News DC Bureau managing editor Brit Hume said the following:

The questions in this round will be premised on a fictional, but we think plausible scenario involving terrorism and the response to it. Here is the premise: Three shopping centers near major U.S. cities have been hit by suicide bombers. Hundreds are dead, thousands injured. A fourth attack has been averted when the attackers were captured off the Florida coast and taken to Guantanamo Bay, where they are being questioned. U.S. intelligence believes that another larger attack is planned and could come at any time.
Brooks sniffed at the scenario, calling it "the kind that most intelligence experts consider fictional and entirely implausible."

Really? Entirely implausible to imagine three targets hit by suicide bombers and another attack planned? Let's see, if I recall correctly, on 9-11, three targets [the two WTC towers and the Pentagon] were hit by suicide bombers. A fourth attack, possibly on the White House or the Capitol, was planned. It was averted thanks to the heroic efforts of passengers aboard United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Brooks mocked the candidates for their responses, calling them "a group of middle-aged white guys competing with one another to see who could do the best impersonation of Jack Bauer." For good measure, she claimed that Brit Hume "appears to have been watching too much '24' himself." Aside: why do liberals gratuitously drag race into these discussions? As for being "middle-aged" [which I suppose septugenarians McCain and Paul would take as a compliment], the Constitution requires presidents to be at least 35, and even Obama would be 47 by inauguration day. So what's Rosa's point?

In any case, it's not that the Republicans have been watching too much "24." It's that Brooks has apparently forgotten our recent history.
Nah...Just calls 'em as I sees 'em. And you might wanna check yer spelling. :lol:

please remove your hate covered glasses then

libs are very kind and tolerant - as long as you agree with them

then they knives come out - this is what libs call the opne and free exchange of ideas and opinions
No. The quotes were to help identify the braindead, uneducated, Old Testament fundamentalists from the rest of functioning society. When some moron says "I agree with everyone of them!" that lets everyone else know that an idiot of the highest magnitude is before us.

People who justify terror attacks like 9/11 as God's will, deserve to be ridiculed and looked down upon for their stupidity. I see little difference between Christofascists like yourself, and the Islamofascists who want to destroy America.

Alucard agrees.

Uneducated? You sure you want to go there dirt...

Before you even spoke you revealed yourself as a fraud and a lier.

Bad mutha fucker?... You kill people huh? Tell me tough guy, Have you ever killed someone?

Do you know what its like to pull the trigger and take a life?

I didnt think so... Its something you struggle with day to day, it's not something one brags about on messageboards ... So one thing is for sure! We know your a moron, and full of shit right out of the box!

I never said it justified terror attacks... I said it helps gain support for Islamic extemists! Re-read my post you dumb bastard...

Jerry Falwell called a spade a spade, and liberals hate the truth, because it reveals what immoral lowlife garbage they are.

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