Jerry Falwell just died

Uneducated? You sure you want to go there dirt...

Before you even spoke you revealed yourself as a fraud and a lier.

Bad mutha fucker?... You kill people huh? Tell me tough guy, Have you ever killed someone?

Do you know what its like to pull the trigger and take a life?

I didnt think so... Its something you struggle with day to day, it's not something one brags about on messageboards ... So one thing is for sure! We know your a moron, and full of shit right out of the box!

I never said it justified terror attacks... I said it helps gain support for Islamic extemists! Re-read my post you dumb bastard...

Jerry Falwell called a spade a spade, and liberals hate the truth, because it reveals what immoral lowlife garbage they are.

Truth to a liberal is like Holy Water to the Devil
Uneducated? You sure you want to go there dirt...

Before you even spoke you revealed yourself as a fraud and a lier.

Bad mutha fucker?... You kill people huh? Tell me tough guy, Have you ever killed someone?

Do you know what its like to pull the trigger and take a life?

I didnt think so... Its something you struggle with day to day, it's not something one brags about on messageboards ... So one thing is for sure! We know your a moron, and full of shit right out of the box!

I never said it justified terror attacks... I said it helps gain support for Islamic extemists! Re-read my post you dumb bastard...

Jerry Falwell called a spade a spade, and liberals hate the truth, because after its reveals what immoral lowlife garbage they are.
Don't back pedal now. If God let 9/11 happen to punish a secular and immoral America then stand by Falwell's quotes like you did previously....there's no need to bring my confirmed kills into the discussion.
Don't back pedal now. If God let 9/11 happen to punish a secular and immoral America then stand by Falwell's quotes like you did previously....there's no need to bring my confirmed kills into the discussion.

Back peddling? who's back peddling? Looks like you are since I nailed your m-o...

Like I said, re-read my post...

I gotta go... Later
Back peddling? who's back peddling? Looks like you are since I nailed your m-o...

Like I said, re-read my post...

I gotta go... Later
LMAO. And what's my MO? That I reference pop culture in my online profile?

Oh you're such a talented debater.
did RSR spread valtrex on his keyboard when he flared up in this thread?

Na... I think we should just eliminate liberal secular culture we have here...

funny.. one might feel the same way about boy toy catholics...

what ever happened to that ole "Peace Be With You" schtick anyway?
Like I said, re-read my post...
Okay, I did. I still come to the same conclusion....

Na... I think we should just eliminate liberal secular culture we have here... share the same goals as Osama Bin Laden.

I gotta go... Later
LMAO. And what's my MO? That I reference pop culture in my online profile?

Oh you're such a talented debater.

Chicago Sun-Times Writer: Falwell Was Spiritual Bully, Like Tony Soprano
Posted by Tim Graham on May 18, 2007 - 11:11.
It might not be surprising for liberal blog commenters or talk-radio callers to denounce Rev. Jerry Falwell upon his death, but it's a little more surprising when it comes to a professed Christian who's religion columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Cathleen Falsani reflected on her first reaction about hearing Falwell was "relief" and compared him to gangster TV character Tony Soprano:

Knowing I didn't have a deadline to meet that day, my first thoughts were not of what to say or write.

In fact, my very first thought upon hearing of the Rev. Falwell's passing was: Good.

And I didn't mean "good" in a oh-good-he's-gone-home-to-be-with-the-Lord kind of way. I meant "good" as in "Ding-dong, the witch is dead."

But that thought -- good riddance, I suppose -- was not meant to be cruel or malicious. [!]After all, the faith that the Rev. Falwell and I share teaches us that he was, at that moment, in a far better place, with Jesus in heaven, and not roasting on a spit in Hell's kitchen.

By shrugging off his mortal coil, the Rev. Falwell had ceased to suffer the pain of humanity.

Still, I'm not particularly proud of my knee-jerk reaction. But there it is....

My initial reaction to the Rev. Falwell's death was, and remains, relief -- not unlike the ease I felt when a particularly nasty bully who used to spit at me on the playground and threaten to beat me up after school moved to another town.

The Rev. Falwell was a spiritual bully. He was the Tony Soprano to Pat Robertson's Paulie Walnuts.

How on Earth can a religion columnist compare a televangelist to a malicious mob boss and killer? We could understand the typical Elmer Gantry comparisons, but Tony Soprano? Including Robertson on the list suggested clearly that was Falsani believes is that conservatism and orthodoxy are "bullying" and that liberalism and relativism brings true spirituality and harmony with God. Falsani couldn't let the HBO-mobster thing go:

People who know both of us have told me over the years that we'd probably have liked each other, the Rev. Falwell and I, that he was an affable, almost jolly man, not nearly as smug and awful as his public persona made him out to be.

I'm sure, were he real, Tony Soprano also would make a charming dinner companion, sharing his lasagna and an expensive bottle of Orvieto while telling great stories and asking how your grandmother's doing in the home. And then he'd have you whacked and thrown over the side of his deep-sea fishing boat. But he'd send flowers to the funeral.

After all, as another famous Christian leader once told me by way of explaining how some evangelicals turn on each other (never mind their perceived enemies): "We shoot our own."

I won't miss having to apologize for the insensitive, mean-spirited, sometimes downright hateful things the Rev. Falwell said in the name of Christ. I won't miss having to explain that not all evangelicals are like the Rev. Falwell, that not all of us are that self-righteous, judgmental and holier than thou.

The Rev. Falwell's absence from this realm will mean one less voice telling my gay and lesbian friends that they are somehow less loved by God, that AIDS is God's wrath, that they are to blame for calamities such as 9/11 or Katrina. I really won't miss the pain in my friends' eyes when they ask me how the Rev. Falwell and I could both be Christians but be so different from each other.

I will not miss seeing him on CNN, pontificating about what God's intention was in allowing and/or causing the latest natural disaster, massacre, plague, famine or terrorist attack. I will not miss the Rev. Falwell's voice or point of view.

Falsani does not seem to recognize that what she is writing can be very easily described as "insensitive, mean-spirited, sometimes downright hateful the name of Christ."

This is not a surprise, coming from Falsani: in a 2005 column (loved by the far-left Truthout site), she found more charity for a "Jewish atheist" friend as they both denounced President Bush, who she found to be "downright evil."

While surely it is not solely Bush's doing, the moral morass facing (and, arguably, created by) his administration is as profound as any in our history.

Mired in political corruption of one variety or another, hamstrung (economically and spiritually) by an unjust war, and publicly shamed by the most despicable display of institutionalized racism since the slave era, as demonstrated in the unforgivably inept early response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, the Bush administration has lost whatever moral voice it might have had.

And this week, as Republican leaders try to force a monstrous $50 billion budget cut designed allegedly to offset the mounting costs (currently in excess of $62 billion) of hurricane-related aid through Congress, it is clear that its moral compass also has been lost.

The proposed budget cuts, part of the so-called "budget reconciliation," would have devastating effects on the poorest, most vulnerable Americans, while allowing tax relief for the rich.

Maybe immoral isn't the appropriate word.

Downright evil is a better description.
Is it my faut libs cannot counter them?

Truth and facts are hard to overcome

counter a cut and paste post void of anything close to critical thought? from NEWSBUSTERS?

you might as well stick to posting jeff gannon "news" from talon news..


im sure truth and facts are exactly what keeps you hiding behind the words of other people. just think.. your cheerleader outfit still fits after all these years of irrelevance!


since you are so damn certain that liberals fall under your blanket stereotype perhaps you can find where my liberalish ass posted anything hateful about falwell....
counter a cut and paste post void of anything close to critical thought?

im sure truth and facts are exactly what keeps you hiding behind the words of other people. just think.. your cheerleader outfit still fits after all these years of irrelevance!

Libs usually have a phobia over facts and being exposed for what they are
Libs usually have a phobia over facts and being exposed for what they are

perhaps you can provide support for such a claim after reminding me where a liberal such as myself was talking shit about Falwell per your stereotype...

im sure the american standard has a few articles you can lift as long as you use them to stereotype your political opposite....
Some In Democratic Underground Worried About Backlash To Their Falwell Hate Rantings
Posted by P.J. Gladnick on May 17, 2007 - 16:06.
Almost from the moment that Jerry Falwell's death was announced on Tuesday, the leftwing nutroots at the Democratic Underground began gleefully dancing upon his grave. Here are just a few of their hate rants about Falwell:

Uncharitable or not, I am sorry his death was not more painful and drawn out. He did not deserve a relatively peaceful, painless and quick death.

Rot in Hell Falwell!

May Pat Robertson and James Dobson be next.

I'm putting on my dancing shoes and am going to look for his grave!

One more nail in the coffin for the hate crime that is religion.

Pretty strong stuff. Even a few of the more rational DUers thought it was over the top and are now worrying about the backlash to their extreme hate rants against Falwell. One of these DUers goes by the screen name of earthlover who is now desperately worried that this backlash will ultimately hurt the Democrats at the polls. Here is some of the nervous commentary by DUer earthlover in a thread titled, Is Our Response To Falwell's Death Hurting Our Cause?

Since Falwell's death, these boards have been inundated with posts, many of which demonstrated absolute glee at his death and judgementalism that rivaled Falwell's...

...Followers of Falwell, and there are MANY, are going to be really angry to read or hear about such hostility coming from our side, especially during this time. This will motivate them to fight their fight even harder, and they will have all kinds of ammunition now to further their cause and to try to convince everyone that Democrats are a bunch of hypocrites who show the same sort of hatred they disdain in others...

...Members of the conservative media are already picking up on the profuse hatred being spewed forth on these boards. So, to those who think these boards are just a means to "vent," remember one thing: the whole world is watching...

...Most moderates, and most sane people, and ANYONE with common sense is going to see people dancing on the grave of a still-warm body as being reprehensible, stupid and just plain rude...

...So, the question I have for you: do you have a political death-wish? Democrats have a great chance of winning in 08. However, the sort of thing I have seen about Falwell is going to help...the Republicans! They already are skilled at getting elected by painting us as anti-religion. Who would have dreamt that Democrats would act the way they have done this past day? It is a nightmare to me, but it is a dream come true for the Republicans...

To answer your question, earthlover, yes you folks on the left do have a political death wish. Don't think the over the edge hate rants against Falwell in the leftwing blogosphere will go unnoticed. Much to your evident dismay they will definitely be remembered.

If you don't have the stomach to see the unfiltered sicko hate rants against Falwell directly in the Democratic Underground, you can read a large digest of their bile in the DUmmie FUnnies.
Is it my faut libs cannot counter them?

Truth and facts are hard to overcome

Why bother countering your Op-Ed pieces of right wing Propaganda?

It will simply incite you to carry on with your pathetic mashing of the keyboard.

Copy Paste.
Liberals are morons.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Im a genius.
Copy Paste.
I proved you wrong cause I said so.
Copy Paste.
The evil Liberal media rules the world.
Copy Paste.
Fox News rules the ratings cause they are the bestes ever.
Copy Paste.
Billo O'Reilly is my hero.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
more poop.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
healthy breakfast of FoxNews brainwashing.
Copy Paste.
I am so great.
Copy Paste.
more poop.
Copy Paste.
You guys cant handle this.
Copy Paste.
Damn im good, and the right wing media agrees with everything i say.
Copy Paste.
or the other way around. I cant tell anymore.
Copy Paste.

another copy and paste from newbusters!


I take it you decline my challenge to find MY words then?

at least bill krystol will feel relevant to someone this side of his New American Fuckup.. and I mean, shit.. who else is going to read anything dick morris writes besides RSR?

.....and since no one reads RSRs cut and paste I guess that leaves an audience of one.

another copy and paste from newbusters!


I take it you decline my challenge to find MY words then?

at least bill krystol will feel relevant to someone this side of his New American Fuckup.. and I mean, shit.. who else is going to read anything dick morris writes besides RSR?

.....and since no one reads RSRs cut and paste I guess that leaves an audience of one.

some libs are never satisified

You ask for examples and I give them to you - and you still bitch
Why bother countering your Op-Ed pieces of right wing Propaganda?

It will simply incite you to carry on with your pathetic mashing of the keyboard.

Copy Paste.
Liberals are morons.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
Im a genius.
Copy Paste.
I proved you wrong cause I said so.
Copy Paste.
The evil Liberal media rules the world.
Copy Paste.
Fox News rules the ratings cause they are the bestes ever.
Copy Paste.
Billo O'Reilly is my hero.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
more poop.
Copy Paste.
Copy Paste.
healthy breakfast of FoxNews brainwashing.
Copy Paste.
I am so great.
Copy Paste.
more poop.
Copy Paste.
You guys cant handle this.
Copy Paste.
Damn im good, and the right wing media agrees with everything i say.
Copy Paste.
or the other way around. I cant tell anymore.
Copy Paste.

Perhaps one day you can address the facts - but then you would no longer be a liberal then
some libs are never satisified

You ask for examples and I give them to you - and you still bitch

you gave me examples of MY words?


did you just have a stroke or omething? the left side of your face feeling numb? did you just pick up a certain "larry flynt" speach impedement?

care to run that by me one more time before the valtrex commercial, dude?

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