Jesus Christ: brutal dictator or Commie homosexual?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?
Brutal dictator, huh?
Here is His rule, love each other, love your Father, period. And just in case you falter at that, I'll pay the consequences, and you can have eternal life using my record. Yeah that's brutal.

I know you would like to label Him for believing that marriage and procreation comes from a man and his wife, But Jesus never condemned one soul during His life here on earth. I'm not sure where your definition of downtrodden comes from, but Christ 's grace was all inclusive.
As much as gays want to be sanctified by acceptance of a specific practice, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. He loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.
Brutal dictator, huh?
Here is His rule, love each other, love your Father, period. And just in case you falter at that, I'll pay the consequences, and you can have eternal life using my record. Yeah that's brutal.

I know you would like to label Him for believing that marriage and procreation comes from a man and his wife, But Jesus never condemned one soul during His life here on earth. I'm not sure where your definition of downtrodden comes from, but Christ 's grace was all inclusive.
As much as gays want to be sanctified by acceptance of a specific practice, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. He loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.
Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?
Brutal dictator, huh?
Here is His rule, love each other, love your Father, period. And just in case you falter at that, I'll pay the consequences, and you can have eternal life using my record. Yeah that's brutal.

I know you would like to label Him for believing that marriage and procreation comes from a man and his wife, But Jesus never condemned one soul during His life here on earth. I'm not sure where your definition of downtrodden comes from, but Christ 's grace was all inclusive.
As much as gays want to be sanctified by acceptance of a specific practice, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. He loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.

Exactly. And if you find out your wife wasn't a virgin when you married her God wants you to stone her to death. For he loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.
These days, he would be considered a Communist or a Socialist.

But yeah, he did have some pretty weird rules.

Rules that the faithful conveniently ignore, including plucking out one's own eye ...
And why would He punish my innocent family because I am agnostic?

It makes no sense.
Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

If you had a friend who was an addict of some sort and you told them that if they didn't get their act together they would end up either dead or in jail and if they didn't listen to you and ended up dead or in jail would it be because you were a brutal dictator?

smarten up.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?
Read the Bible, you are wrong on both accounts.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?
More ganja.
Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

Lets imagine you received an invitation to a party in a mansion on the beach next weekend that gave you specific instructions about what to wear and the exact time location and detailed directions to the house but you thought it would be easier and more fun to spend your time and money in a titty bar in the City but after a while you looked around and thought you would probably be better off going to that party after all but you show up two hours too late dressed in rags, reeking of cheap wine and vomit.

If you were excluded from the party and had your drunk and scruffy ass thrown out into the darkness by the doorman would it be because the host was a brutal dictator?
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Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

If you warn someone that shoplifting on Christmas eve might result in time in jail on Christmas, is that being a brutal dictator, or a friendly warning of consequences.

If someone advises you to wear a coat, and you elect not to, is the person who issued the warning a big meanie for making you cold?

If you are referencing the passage I'm thinking of, Christ is speaking of the here and now. If you wish to enter the Kingdom of God today, he pointed out the path. Ignoring this friendly heads up does not make Jesus a brutal dictator when evil deeds do not bring the peace and joy Christ promised those who follow the Way.
And why would He punish my innocent family because I am agnostic?

It makes no sense.

Where are you reading this? The New Testament tells me that a spouse's belief sanctifies the partner. (This shouldn't be taken that the partner's evil deeds are waived.)
The poll choices are inadequate. Here's the proper one:

3. The most misquoted and misunderstood human in all of known history.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.

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