Jesus Christ is Lord

Hilarious watching all of the haters who feel the need to spew on the topic.
Alang has reinvented himself numerous times - Different s/n - same spirit of anti-Christ at work. Here is the rub - he thinks he is going to be rewarded by Satan for this work of his. Boy is he ever in for a rude awakening. Satan has got this guy seriously deceived. Pray for him.
Here is a quote from: Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?

"In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."'"

You're welcome (replying to your "thank you.")
You are speaking of a specific time prior to the Messiah (Jesus Christ) coming. The Amalekites were to be wiped off the face of the earth - nothing was to be spared. NOTHING. When King Saul disobeyed that command - it was so serious that God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The lesson? 98% obedience is disobedience and God isn't grading on a curve. You're either all in or you are not in at all.

The LORD does not change, Jeremiah:

Malachi 3:6
King James Version (KJV)
(6)For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
You're overthinking it. You need to rightly divide the Word of God, John.
It is written:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Who said that? Jesus Christ.

I see, you are a false prophetess contending that the LORD does change when His Word says that He does not.
I'm quoting Scripture to you, John. Read John 13:34. That is God's Word. Not mine. Before you accuse the Bible of contradicting itself.....- they do not contradict - they compliment each other - like a precious jewel perfectly set and fitted to the next one. Were you a servant of the LORD you'd understand the Word of God but making yourself an enemy of Christ - the truth is hidden from you. You'll have to repent, admit you're a sinner and renounce the works of darkness you've involved yourself in, John. Otherwise? You're doomed.

You're silly games wont work on me FALSE prophetess. I know that they don't contradict. YOU suggested that they are contradictory.

God does NOT change. If He commanded a nation to kill children and infants in another nation (along with their parents) before, He can do it again.

This hearkens back to your ASSertation (haha) that America can save itself when Revelation("s") says that the whole earth will be punished.

Save it, false prophetess.
Jeffrey Lord

Stay on topic or find another thread, Syn. This isn't a discussion about Trump.

I'm always curious how much can be copied/pasted on the subject of this one god.

I'm actually serious about this.

Other religions don't come here and copy/paste miles of gobbledy-gook. Why is that? Is it because they don't need to preeech? Or is it because they just don't have as much material?

Not even the morms post as many preeechy threads as the fake christians.

What's up with that?
Here is a quote from: Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?

"In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."'"

You're welcome (replying to your "thank you.")
You are speaking of a specific time prior to the Messiah (Jesus Christ) coming. The Amalekites were to be wiped off the face of the earth - nothing was to be spared. NOTHING. When King Saul disobeyed that command - it was so serious that God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The lesson? 98% obedience is disobedience and God isn't grading on a curve. You're either all in or you are not in at all.

The LORD does not change, Jeremiah:

Malachi 3:6
King James Version (KJV)
(6)For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
You're overthinking it. You need to rightly divide the Word of God, John.
It is written:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Who said that? Jesus Christ.

I see, you are a false prophetess contending that the LORD does change when His Word says that He does not.
I'm quoting Scripture to you, John. Read John 13:34. That is God's Word. Not mine. Before you accuse the Bible of contradicting itself.....- they do not contradict - they compliment each other - like a precious jewel perfectly set and fitted to the next one. Were you a servant of the LORD you'd understand the Word of God but making yourself an enemy of Christ - the truth is hidden from you. You'll have to repent, admit you're a sinner and renounce the works of darkness you've involved yourself in, John. Otherwise? You're doomed.

"I'm quoting Scripture to you .."


Are your own beliefs so weak that you can only copy/paste from your bible?

And which bible do you believe in?
Jeffrey Lord

Stay on topic or find another thread, Syn. This isn't a discussion about Trump.

I'm always curious how much can be copied/pasted on the subject of this one god.

I'm actually serious about this.

Other religions don't come here and copy/paste miles of gobbledy-gook. Why is that? Is it because they don't need to preeech? Or is it because they just don't have as much material?

Not even the morms post as many preeechy threads as the fake christians.

What's up with that?
What are you reading, Lud? I see one song and a brief question - about a single sentence - no cut and paste. How is it you all are becoming this unglued over a song? I see Alang has really gone the distance on this one with his new s/n and same ole' same ole' (routine).
Jeffrey Lord

Stay on topic or find another thread, Syn. This isn't a discussion about Trump.

I'm always curious how much can be copied/pasted on the subject of this one god.

I'm actually serious about this.

Other religions don't come here and copy/paste miles of gobbledy-gook. Why is that? Is it because they don't need to preeech? Or is it because they just don't have as much material?

Not even the morms post as many preeechy threads as the fake christians.

What's up with that?

Yeah, people professing to be Christians and stalking & spying on people.

I wont go so far as to call them fake Christians but some certainly don't behave like Christ...
You are speaking of a specific time prior to the Messiah (Jesus Christ) coming. The Amalekites were to be wiped off the face of the earth - nothing was to be spared. NOTHING. When King Saul disobeyed that command - it was so serious that God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The lesson? 98% obedience is disobedience and God isn't grading on a curve. You're either all in or you are not in at all.

The LORD does not change, Jeremiah:

Malachi 3:6
King James Version (KJV)
(6)For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
You're overthinking it. You need to rightly divide the Word of God, John.
It is written:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Who said that? Jesus Christ.

I see, you are a false prophetess contending that the LORD does change when His Word says that He does not.
I'm quoting Scripture to you, John. Read John 13:34. That is God's Word. Not mine. Before you accuse the Bible of contradicting itself.....- they do not contradict - they compliment each other - like a precious jewel perfectly set and fitted to the next one. Were you a servant of the LORD you'd understand the Word of God but making yourself an enemy of Christ - the truth is hidden from you. You'll have to repent, admit you're a sinner and renounce the works of darkness you've involved yourself in, John. Otherwise? You're doomed.

"I'm quoting Scripture to you .."


Are your own beliefs so weak that you can only copy/paste from your bible?

And which bible do you believe in?
I've always responded to witches, satanists and the rest of the scoffers here with Scripture. It is written. If you don't like it? Don't read.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

Thank you Jeremiah, like you I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and I have unflinching faith in Him to lead us to ultimate Salvation.

I am glad to hear that you have asked Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Saviour, Lucy. In invited Him to become my Lord and Savior October 18th, 1989. Best decision I ever made in my life. I'm happy for you, Lucy!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was about 10 years-old, so 16 years ago. I know that no matter how bad things are going to get in this world, my faith in Jesus Christ is the path to my salvation.

Christians are being persecuted across the world and even in our own nations it's become fashionable to ridicule Christians, but no matter what they say or do, I'll never abandon Jesus Christ and allow myself to join the Dark Side of Luciferarians and Athiests that have no faith....and when it comes I'll never accept The Mark and neither will any member of my family.

The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.

I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

Thank you Jeremiah, like you I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and I have unflinching faith in Him to lead us to ultimate Salvation.

I am glad to hear that you have asked Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Saviour, Lucy. In invited Him to become my Lord and Savior October 18th, 1989. Best decision I ever made in my life. I'm happy for you, Lucy!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was about 10 years-old, so 16 years ago. I know that no matter how bad things are going to get in this world, my faith in Jesus Christ is the path to my salvation.

Christians are being persecuted across the world and even in our own nations it's become fashionable to ridicule Christians, but no matter what they say or do, I'll never abandon Jesus Christ and allow myself to join the Dark Side of Luciferarians and Athiests that have no faith....and when it comes I'll never accept The Mark and neither will any member of my family.

The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.

I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.

I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You are speaking of a specific time prior to the Messiah (Jesus Christ) coming. The Amalekites were to be wiped off the face of the earth - nothing was to be spared. NOTHING. When King Saul disobeyed that command - it was so serious that God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The lesson? 98% obedience is disobedience and God isn't grading on a curve. You're either all in or you are not in at all.

The LORD does not change, Jeremiah:

Malachi 3:6
King James Version (KJV)
(6)For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
You're overthinking it. You need to rightly divide the Word of God, John.
It is written:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Who said that? Jesus Christ.

I see, you are a false prophetess contending that the LORD does change when His Word says that He does not.
I'm quoting Scripture to you, John. Read John 13:34. That is God's Word. Not mine. Before you accuse the Bible of contradicting itself.....- they do not contradict - they compliment each other - like a precious jewel perfectly set and fitted to the next one. Were you a servant of the LORD you'd understand the Word of God but making yourself an enemy of Christ - the truth is hidden from you. You'll have to repent, admit you're a sinner and renounce the works of darkness you've involved yourself in, John. Otherwise? You're doomed.

"I'm quoting Scripture to you .."


Are your own beliefs so weak that you can only copy/paste from your bible?

And which bible do you believe in?
There is only one Bible that anyone should use - The King James Bible - the NIV was translated by a homosexual. Take a guess at what's missing from it.
Thank you Jeremiah, like you I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and I have unflinching faith in Him to lead us to ultimate Salvation.
I am glad to hear that you have asked Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Saviour, Lucy. In invited Him to become my Lord and Savior October 18th, 1989. Best decision I ever made in my life. I'm happy for you, Lucy!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was about 10 years-old, so 16 years ago. I know that no matter how bad things are going to get in this world, my faith in Jesus Christ is the path to my salvation.

Christians are being persecuted across the world and even in our own nations it's become fashionable to ridicule Christians, but no matter what they say or do, I'll never abandon Jesus Christ and allow myself to join the Dark Side of Luciferarians and Athiests that have no faith....and when it comes I'll never accept The Mark and neither will any member of my family.
The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.
I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You didn't change it years ago - it could have been a year already but certainly not years. Are liberals always this dishonest?
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

What if someone does not know JC as their lord and savior?

You forgot "personal". That always cracks me up. Billions of people, all with a "personal" savior.

In the past, Jeremiah has told me I am "wicked" and would burn in hell for all eternity.

ISIS burns people once, to death. Horrendous but then its done.

Her god burns good decent people for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

What kind of person would worship that?
I am glad to hear that you have asked Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Saviour, Lucy. In invited Him to become my Lord and Savior October 18th, 1989. Best decision I ever made in my life. I'm happy for you, Lucy!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was about 10 years-old, so 16 years ago. I know that no matter how bad things are going to get in this world, my faith in Jesus Christ is the path to my salvation.

Christians are being persecuted across the world and even in our own nations it's become fashionable to ridicule Christians, but no matter what they say or do, I'll never abandon Jesus Christ and allow myself to join the Dark Side of Luciferarians and Athiests that have no faith....and when it comes I'll never accept The Mark and neither will any member of my family.
The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.
I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You didn't change it years ago - it could have been a year already but certainly not years. Are liberals always this dishonest?
No, it's been years, plural. Ask JoeB131 - he's been asking me to change it for years!
Jeffrey Lord

Stay on topic or find another thread, Syn. This isn't a discussion about Trump.

I'm always curious how much can be copied/pasted on the subject of this one god.

I'm actually serious about this.

Other religions don't come here and copy/paste miles of gobbledy-gook. Why is that? Is it because they don't need to preeech? Or is it because they just don't have as much material?

Not even the morms post as many preeechy threads as the fake christians.

What's up with that?

This is the first thread I have posted in the religion forum in some time, Luddly. Would you like me to return to preaching on USMB? Is that what you are trying to tell me?
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour when I was about 10 years-old, so 16 years ago. I know that no matter how bad things are going to get in this world, my faith in Jesus Christ is the path to my salvation.

Christians are being persecuted across the world and even in our own nations it's become fashionable to ridicule Christians, but no matter what they say or do, I'll never abandon Jesus Christ and allow myself to join the Dark Side of Luciferarians and Athiests that have no faith....and when it comes I'll never accept The Mark and neither will any member of my family.
The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.
I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You didn't change it years ago - it could have been a year already but certainly not years. Are liberals always this dishonest?
No, it's been years, plural. Ask JoeB131 - he's been asking me to change it for years!
No. I've been here for four years and if it were over a year ago I'd be surprised. But I would agree with Joe in that your mostly naked avatar was hideous! I had you on ignore for a long time over that Avie. It was disgusting.

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