Jesus Christ is Lord

The irony of this post, juxtaposed with the sigpic, is delicious.
I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You didn't change it years ago - it could have been a year already but certainly not years. Are liberals always this dishonest?
No, it's been years, plural. Ask JoeB131 - he's been asking me to change it for years!
No. I've been here for four years and if it were over a year ago I'd be surprised. But I would agree with Joe in that your mostly naked avatar was hideous! I had you on ignore for a long time over that Avie. It was disgusting.
You're confusing me with another poster.
The LORD does not change, Jeremiah:

Malachi 3:6
King James Version (KJV)
(6)For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
You're overthinking it. You need to rightly divide the Word of God, John.
It is written:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Who said that? Jesus Christ.

I see, you are a false prophetess contending that the LORD does change when His Word says that He does not.
I'm quoting Scripture to you, John. Read John 13:34. That is God's Word. Not mine. Before you accuse the Bible of contradicting itself.....- they do not contradict - they compliment each other - like a precious jewel perfectly set and fitted to the next one. Were you a servant of the LORD you'd understand the Word of God but making yourself an enemy of Christ - the truth is hidden from you. You'll have to repent, admit you're a sinner and renounce the works of darkness you've involved yourself in, John. Otherwise? You're doomed.

"I'm quoting Scripture to you .."


Are your own beliefs so weak that you can only copy/paste from your bible?

And which bible do you believe in?
There is only one Bible that anyone should use - The King James Bible - the NIV was translated by a homosexual. Take a guess at what's missing from it.

King James was homosexual. He was also a murderer.

And you worship a bible name after him.

I've read that the New Internat'l version was translated by hundreds of bible scholars.

But, really - it doesn't matter. Key word is VERSION. The christian bible was copied from many other, much older texts. Its just stories, written down by men. Fables, myths, legends and quite a few outright lies.

Or hey, maybe they were just really stoned when when they wrote about burning bushes, talking snakes and two of each animal being collected by an old drunk.
Luddly, I worship Jesus Christ and I use the Word of God - beginning with It is written to respond to smear attacks made against God. You're problem is not with me but with the Word of God and one of the main translators of the NIV was a homosexual. It is what it is. CORRUPTED. Buy a KJV bible and renounce the witchcraft. It's going to send you to hell one day if you don't give it up.
It is written:
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
1 Samuel 15:23
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

What if someone does not know JC as their lord and savior?

Pray for them, give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lead them to the LORD.

What if I dont know JC as my Lord and Savior?

How could you not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Did you lose your memory when you lost your last s/n? You've been on my threads before. You guys (and gals) are so 'changeable' ....... Try consistency for a change. Granted it's a novel idea but you may grow to like it.
I didn't notice but I am glad you decided to put some clothing on (your avatar) as it was quite obscene.
I haven't changed my avatar here in years. Still Lyin' Paul Ryan.
You didn't change it years ago - it could have been a year already but certainly not years. Are liberals always this dishonest?
No, it's been years, plural. Ask JoeB131 - he's been asking me to change it for years!
No. I've been here for four years and if it were over a year ago I'd be surprised. But I would agree with Joe in that your mostly naked avatar was hideous! I had you on ignore for a long time over that Avie. It was disgusting.
You're confusing me with another poster.
I'll have to ask Joe. He's got a memory like a steel trap. In the meanwhile that is all for tonight. You start reading a KJV Bible and we'll talk about that the next time (God willing). Goodnight.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

Jeremiah, could I ask you why did the Bible god order little children to be killed or murdered?


I'm not sure what you are saying, John. Are you asking me or telling me? (is this a question or a statement?).

Hi Jeremiah, :)

I was asking.

Thank you for answering,

thank you. In answer to your question God does not murder little children. Satan does. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. Satan brings death through sin and God has brought us eternal life through Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son. Thank you for reading.

Here is a quote from: Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?

"In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."'"

You're welcome (replying to your "thank you.")

These people were the Nephilim. Saul would not do what God told him to do so God replaced him with David. David and his men finally wiped out the last of the giants.

Had there been any problem whatsoever with the King James Bible millions of people could never have been led to Jesus Christ by hearing the Gospel preached from it. How many millions have been healed, delivered and set free by the power of God's Word? That is all the proof anyone needs to know it is the truth! Your argument is baseless. On the other hand............. mine isn't. Listen to this one:

Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser, Huggy. I'm amazed at how unhinged some of you have become over a Gospel song and a simple statement of Truth - Jesus Christ is Lord. Such sensitivity to the truth. Who knew?
Jeremiah, could I ask you why did the Bible god order little children to be killed or murdered?

I'm not sure what you are saying, John. Are you asking me or telling me? (is this a question or a statement?).

Hi Jeremiah, :)

I was asking.

Thank you for answering,
thank you. In answer to your question God does not murder little children. Satan does. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. Satan brings death through sin and God has brought us eternal life through Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son. Thank you for reading.

Here is a quote from: Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?

"In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, 'This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."'"

You're welcome (replying to your "thank you.")

These people were the Nephilim. Saul would not do what God told him to do so God replaced him with David. David and his men finally wiped out the last of the giants.
The Amalekites were not Nephilim. That is not why God wanted them wiped off the face of the earth. Hint! It begins with Moses. Now go back to the Bible and study it and you'll find out why.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser, Huggy. I'm amazed at how unhinged some of you have become over a Gospel song and a simple statement of Truth - Jesus Christ is Lord. Such sensitivity to the truth. Who knew?

Unhinged? No. If the OP had said "my Lord". I would have just passed on by without a comment.

The debate is still in progress. I reject the idea that a carpenter 2000 years dead is our Lord. I don't need a Lord.

The willfully misguided certainly have had the upper hand against those that prefer common sense as their guide.
I chose to openly reject superstition and fairy tales as the foundation we should have faith in. It's not the biggest deal in the world but christianity took over in bits and pieces so it will take unrelenting bits and pieces to remove it to the back burner of history as an interesting diversion and an incredible waste of human energy and disruption in the gains of science and greater minds than those that perpetrated the fraud.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.

I believe everyone has the right to believe in their own person form of guidance. Some people don't have a clear moral compass. The bible and all of the obviously manufactured stories within it could, I suppose, offer some good ideas on conducting one's self in a better fashion.

Where I have to draw the line is how these christians and the muslims too for that matter insist that the rest of humanity subscribe to these obvious lies or suffer serious consequences even including death.

How many centuries was the knowledge of great minds like Galileo set back under threat of execution? Are we supposed to forgive the religions their tortures and murders thruout the centuries and land theft and genocide in the Americas? The nonsense HAS to be pushed back. That is all there is to it.
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Yeah proselytizing and convert or die religions especially when controlled by political motivation tend to be affiliation pride (gang mentality ) motivated.
Exposed when it can't convert by truth knowledge and logic that it resorts to a literal sword over a figurative sWORD out of the mouth.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.

I believe everyone has the right to believe in their own person form of guidance. Some people don't have a clear moral compass. The bible and all of the obviously manufactured stories within it could, I suppose, offer some good ideas on conducting one's self in a better fashion.

Where I have to draw the line is how these christians and the muslims too for that matter insist that the rest of humanity subscribe to these obvious lies or suffer serious consequences even including death.

How many centuries was the knowledge of great minds like Galileo set back under threat of execution? Are we supposed to forgive the religions their tortures and murders thruout the centuries and land theft and genocide in the Americas? The nonsense HAS to be pushed back. That is all there is to it.

You continue to confuse Catholicism with Christianity, Huggy. The protestants never put Galileo on trial threatening to have him put to death. That was the Roman Catholic Church. And what of Pope Alexander VI who bought and bribed his way into the papacy, and personally ordered the murder of Savonarola who was innocent? Or Michelangelo who although being a devout Catholic for most of his life was eventually condemned by the RCC because he dared to suggest that one could commune with God without the Roman Catholic Church playing the role of a go between - a medium between a person and God?

What a stunning doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church! You cannot commune with God directly! You can only commune with God through the Roman Catholic Church - only through a priest! It's blasphemy to teach such things! This new Pope Herod who is seated in Rome is teaching the exact same doctrine of hell today! The RCC is a cult that is seeking to control the relationships people desire to have with Jesus Christ free of their doctrines of demons! To know Jesus Christ and the joy of salvation one must depart from this satanic religion.

It is difficult to say which is nearer to Satanism! The One True Faith (sarcasm) of the Roman Catholic Church or Islam.

Again! The truth is that whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! Not Mary, Not dead people, not statues! Jesus Christ! The difference between Christianity and Catholicism is as wide as the ocean is from one shore to the other and then some!

You cannot lay the blame on the doorstep of the true church (born again Believers who reject any part of Catholicism) for the work of Satan (Roman Catholicism is the work of Satan). Learn the difference and stop making a fool of yourself, Huggy.
Yeah proselytizing and convert or die religions especially when controlled by political motivation tend to be affiliation pride (gang mentality ) motivated.
Exposed when it can't convert by truth knowledge and logic that it resorts to a literal sword over a figurative sWORD out of the mouth.
The Protestants never put anyone to death. That is the work of the Roman Catholic System who has always put to death Jews and Christians who rejected their cult of false teachings. The Roman Catholic Church during their inquisition - which lasted for 605 years and murdered over 58 million people - used to nail the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such is their hatred of Jews and true Christians. The RCC is the spawn of Satan.

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Yeah proselytizing and convert or die religions especially when controlled by political motivation tend to be affiliation pride (gang mentality ) motivated.
Exposed when it can't convert by truth knowledge and logic that it resorts to a literal sword over a figurative sWORD out of the mouth.
If they ever try to force anyone to convert to Catholicism again they should be beaten all the way back to Rome and shot against that Vatican wall they built to keep the Muslims out.


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