Jesus Christ is Lord

No they didn't. The RCC was formed to hunt down and murder the early Christians. You've believed a lie. The Puritans came to America to escape the persecution of the Roman Catholics and their leaders. That is the true history of how and why America became America, Jillian.

Puritans were former Anglicans, not Catholics, and had left the Anglican Church to join other Protestant sects of the time. Not happy with those sects, either, they formed their own church and came to America.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

*snips waste of bandwidth

it's nice that you have a personal belief.

it's sad that it's an obsession that prevents you from functioning and thinking normally.

but your beliefs don't really interest anyone who doesn't share them.
Then do your part and share the thread link on twitter and facebook and let's share it with those who don't know the truth - so that they can make up their minds!
A leading Lutheran theologian wrote in 1934, “Our Protestant churches have welcomed the turning point of 1933 as a gift and miracle of God.”

A “faith party” of “German Christians” began to develop and grow in influence. In their first national convention in April 1933, in Berlin, the delegates stated their goal to reorganize the 27 Protestant regional churches in Germany into a single, national church under the leadership of a national bishop.
Although it is certainly correct to characterize the Germany of today as a highly secularized country, one should also note that religious sensibilities still play a critical role in German society. There are widespread feelings of xenophobia, of which religious prejudice seems to be a strong element.

Two groups are targeted more than any other: Jews and Muslims. Antisemitism has a long tradition in Germany just as in many other countries. After Nazi atrocities that culminated in the Holocaust, Germans with political or cultural responsibilities have attempted to ensure that antisemitism never again plays a role within German public life. But, as some antisemitic incidents demonstrate, their efforts have not been completely successful. In recent years, as the number of immigrants with a Muslim background has increased, islamophobia has also captured the minds of some Germans, especially in the former East. In turn, some young Muslims living in Germany have become particularly antisemitic.

In our context, these observations are important because Martin Luther – and please remember he is the person who has been put into the very center of the campaign for 2017 — wrote some strident and highly controversial tracts both against Jews and against Muslims. We cannot deny that these writings are an inseparable part of Luther’s heritage and we should not attempt to ignore or suppress them as we approach 2017. As one can easily understand, within the Germany of the post-Holocaust era, Luther’s writings against the Jews are extremely disturbing, in particular because the Nazis used Luther as a voice of authority in their policy of racial extermination. If one considers the Holocaust as a fundamental rupture in modern civilization (“elementarer Zivilisationsbruch“), Luther’s standing and Luther’s reputation are deeply affected.

The Quincentennial Commemoration of the Protestant Reformation in Secularized Germany
Oh. The silence around here is simply deafening now! ha! ha! Is there anything else? Anything?
just one question.

Why do you worship an imaginary triune roman mangod?

Why do you teach that other people will go to hell if they do not worship a human being as if he was a three in one god when scripture clearly teaches that such a practice will result in death in the very day that a person does this?

While you try to come up with a clever excuse you should know this.

At the rate you are going even the most hard core atheist out there will eventually come to understand the hidden subjects of the goat herders story about the Garden of Eden and warnings about that ever elusive species of talking serpent. Because of what you say and do they will make the connection between the fantastical stories in scripture and the reality that actually exists and they will come to believe in the wisdom and value of the instruction given in the law because they will see with their own eyes people like you demonstrate perfectly the terrible and disturbing death consequent to setting that instruction aside and teaching others to do the same..

Well done!
Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church. Why would you choose to serve the devil over Jesus Christ? Don't you realize you have believed a lie that is designed to take you to hell? Wake up!

the catholic church preceded your belief system.

this is why religious nutters are funny

it's your belief....nothing more, nothing less. and certainly isn't superior to any other belief which doesn't do harm to anyone else.
Sunday worship, Triune god.. all started by the catholic church in 325 BCE and kept by protestants after the reformattion
No they didn't. The RCC was formed to hunt down and murder the early Christians. You've believed a lie. The Puritans came to America to escape the persecution of the Roman Catholics and their leaders. That is the true history of how and why America became America, Jillian.

Puritans were former Anglicans, not Catholics, and had left the Anglican Church to join other Protestant sects of the time. Not happy with those sects, either, they formed their own church and came to America.
More Vatican propaganda. They were Protestant born again Believers. They were fleeing the persecution of the Catholics and their satanic Vatican. As a Catholic - I do not expect the truth out of you on the subject. It's far too damning.
Oh. The silence around here is simply deafening now! ha! ha! Is there anything else? Anything?
just one question.

Why do you worship an imaginary triune roman mangod?

Why do you teach that other people will go to hell if they do not worship a human being as if he was a three in one god when scripture clearly teaches that such a practice will result in death in the very day that a person does this?

While you try to come up with a clever excuse you should know this.

At the rate you are going even the most hard core atheist out there will eventually come to understand the hidden subjects of the goat herders story about the Garden of Eden and warnings about that ever elusive species of talking serpent. Because of what you say and do they will make the connection between the fantastical stories in scripture and the reality that actually exists and they will come to believe in the wisdom and value of the instruction given in the law because they will see with their own eyes people like you demonstrate perfectly the terrible and disturbing death consequent to setting that instruction aside and teaching others to do the same..

Well done!
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. He is the ONLY way - and it isn't the "Catholic way" - he is the ONLY truth - and it isn't the Jesuit's "truth" (which is a pack of lies) he is the ONLY life - which has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism. Jesus Christ IS the way to eternal life. You cannot get there through Mary, dead people, statues or satanic rituals. You must come to Jesus Christ. That is why I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. What is keeping you from making the best decision of your life? Whatever it is? IT ISN'T WORTH SPENDING AN ETERNITY IN HELL OVER.
Yeah proselytizing and convert or die religions especially when controlled by political motivation tend to be affiliation pride (gang mentality ) motivated.
Exposed when it can't convert by truth knowledge and logic that it resorts to a literal sword over a figurative sWORD out of the mouth.
If they ever try to force anyone to convert to Catholicism again they should be beaten all the way back to Rome and shot against that Vatican wall they built to keep the Muslims out.


Well remember a while back I likened the Arafat radicalist they created to creating the Frankenstein monster that eventually comes back to haunt the creator of that monster? (*when they had him bunkered in his office)
Well the RCC created that hate propaganda of predjudice, control, conquering kingdoms and that influenced Nazis and Jihaadists, so now that monster they created is about to turn on it's creator.
Go to the head of the class, HaShev! Now if you would please correct this nonsense about the Amalekites being Nephilim - it would be much appreciated. That is not why they were marked for destruction. As a Kohenim Jew and direct descendant of Aaron you are surely capable of giving them the truth they so desperately need about the Amalekites. Thank you.
Yeah proselytizing and convert or die religions especially when controlled by political motivation tend to be affiliation pride (gang mentality ) motivated.
Exposed when it can't convert by truth knowledge and logic that it resorts to a literal sword over a figurative sWORD out of the mouth.
If they ever try to force anyone to convert to Catholicism again they should be beaten all the way back to Rome and shot against that Vatican wall they built to keep the Muslims out.


Well remember a while back I likened the Arafat radicalist they created to creating the Frankenstein monster that eventually comes back to haunt the creator of that monster? (*when they had him bunkered in his office)
Well the RCC created that hate propaganda of predjudice, control, conquering kingdoms and that influenced Nazis and Jihaadists, so now that monster they created is about to turn on it's creator.
You know why the Roman Vatican didn't want to ex-communicate Hitler? He was their faithful Roman Catholic son! Truth be known the holocaust was another Roman Catholic Inquisition. Let's not give them the opportunity to do another one.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.

I believe everyone has the right to believe in their own person form of guidance. Some people don't have a clear moral compass. The bible and all of the obviously manufactured stories within it could, I suppose, offer some good ideas on conducting one's self in a better fashion.

Where I have to draw the line is how these christians and the muslims too for that matter insist that the rest of humanity subscribe to these obvious lies or suffer serious consequences even including death.

How many centuries was the knowledge of great minds like Galileo set back under threat of execution? Are we supposed to forgive the religions their tortures and murders thruout the centuries and land theft and genocide in the Americas? The nonsense HAS to be pushed back. That is all there is to it.

You continue to confuse Catholicism with Christianity, Huggy. The protestants never put Galileo on trial threatening to have him put to death. That was the Roman Catholic Church. And what of Pope Alexander VI who bought and bribed his way into the papacy, and personally ordered the murder of Savonarola who was innocent? Or Michelangelo who although being a devout Catholic for most of his life was eventually condemned by the RCC because he dared to suggest that one could commune with God without the Roman Catholic Church playing the role of a go between - a medium between a person and God?

What a stunning doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church! You cannot commune with God directly! You can only commune with God through the Roman Catholic Church - only through a priest! It's blasphemy to teach such things! This new Pope Herod who is seated in Rome is teaching the exact same doctrine of hell today! The RCC is a cult that is seeking to control the relationships people desire to have with Jesus Christ free of their doctrines of demons! To know Jesus Christ and the joy of salvation one must depart from this satanic religion.

It is difficult to say which is nearer to Satanism! The One True Faith (sarcasm) of the Roman Catholic Church or Islam.

Again! The truth is that whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! Not Mary, Not dead people, not statues! Jesus Christ! The difference between Christianity and Catholicism is as wide as the ocean is from one shore to the other and then some!

You cannot lay the blame on the doorstep of the true church (born again Believers who reject any part of Catholicism) for the work of Satan (Roman Catholicism is the work of Satan). Learn the difference and stop making a fool of yourself, Huggy.

Dubya is a born again. He claimed god told him to run for POTUS and become a war president. How many people died so Georgy Porgy could fulfill his little chat with the almighty?

The catholic god or your god. It's all the same. It's all made up nonsense that easily gets out of hand with millions of like minded people more than willing to co sign these so called "divine" revaluations. As someone said on this thread OWTTE... "If any individual started saying that he or she was being guided by "spirits" and was directed to arrange the murder of someone based on these special conferences with the spirits" we would lock them up in a padded room for their's and the public's safety. Without the added murder allegation the same individual would be directed to seek a mental health professional and be prescribed anti psychotic medication.

I have no doubt you and others that firmly believe they talk to jesus and believe with all their heart that these communications are as real as anything they see and hear in what I like to call REALITY. The problem is that they are NOT REAL. They are at best hallucinations. That is true whether it is one of you or 100 million of you.

It is mass insanity, just like the followers of Jim Jones in Guyana which is where the saying "drink the Kool Aid" originated from.

I may be a fool. But I know the difference between what my mind dreams up and what what my eyes see and my ears hear.

I know how human beings under the influence of hallucinations act. It is disturbing. They fight tooth and nail attempting to defend the existence of what only they can see and hear. That's not just foolish, it is dangerous.
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Luther's attitude toward the Jews changed over the course of his life. In the early phase of his career—until around 1536—he expressed concern for their plight in Europe and was enthusiastic at the prospect of converting them to Christianity through his religious reforms. Being unsuccessful in that, in his later career, Luther denounced the Jewish people and urged for their harsh persecution and destruction. In a paragraph from his On the Jews and Their Lies he deplores Christendom's failure to expel them. Moreover, he proposed "What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews":

  • "First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools … This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians …"
  • "Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed."
  • "Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them."
  • "Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb …"
  • "Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside …"
  • "Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them …"
  • "Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow … But if we are afraid that they might harm us or our wives, children, servants, cattle, etc., … then let us emulate the common sense of other nations such as France, Spain, Bohemia, etc., … then eject them forever from the country …"
German Jewish leader to Protestants: Condemn Martin Luther’s anti-Semitic teachings
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As I told someone here today on this thread, Guno, Martin Luther did not write the book you are speaking of. The Jesuits wrote it AFTER Luther was dead and then had it distributed as if he wrote it. He didn't. The Jesuits wrote the Protocols and claimed it was written by the Jews. They lie, they deceive and you shouldn't be surprised by this. It's who they are - servants of Satan and his Satanic Church (RCC).

Luther never wrote "On the Jews and their Lies;" it was published after his death; was likely written by Jesuits and attributed to him • /r/RomeRules

Did not Jesuit Generals Ledochowski (1915-1942) and Janssens (1946-1964), using their Society of Jesus in control of Roman Catholic Hitler’s Nazis and the Jewish Labor Zionists, do all these things to the pitiful Jews of Europe only sixtyfive years ago? Dear truth-seeker, Martin Luther never wrote these words, as they do not comprise his style nor convey his Biblical, doctrinal convictions. Written after his death in 1546 and then deceitfully attributed to the Great Reformer as having been penned by him in 1543, these are the cruel words of the Jesuits betraying their doctrines championed by their evil Council of Trent! These doctrines were further advocated in Hitler’s Mein Kampf, the volume having been secretly authored by a priest and member of Munich’s Masonic Thule Society working for the Company, Bernhardt Stempfle. These Jesuit lies and slanders were further calculated to unite Masonic, Bible-rejecting Lutheran Prussians (corrupted by the rationalism of the Jesuits having penetrated their seminaries) and Bible-rejecting Roman Catholics of Germany against the Jewish Race—even as the Jesuits are doing inFourteenth Amendment America at this very moment via the Pope’s international pornography king, Knight of St. Gregory and Fox Network mogul, Rupert Murdoch, whose mother was an Orthodox Jew! Indeed, the Society of Jesus is presently doing the exact same thing right here within our post- Reformation, apostate, Bible-rejecting, atheistic, hedonistic, and Jesuitized American Empire. From the beginning of World War I to the end of World War II, the Jesuit Order turned these Jew-hating doctrines into bloody deeds while taking vengeance on a Europe and an Asia having expelled the Devil’s Company during the Nineteenth Century—its "Century of Disaster."

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Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.

I believe everyone has the right to believe in their own person form of guidance. Some people don't have a clear moral compass. The bible and all of the obviously manufactured stories within it could, I suppose, offer some good ideas on conducting one's self in a better fashion.

Where I have to draw the line is how these christians and the muslims too for that matter insist that the rest of humanity subscribe to these obvious lies or suffer serious consequences even including death.

How many centuries was the knowledge of great minds like Galileo set back under threat of execution? Are we supposed to forgive the religions their tortures and murders thruout the centuries and land theft and genocide in the Americas? The nonsense HAS to be pushed back. That is all there is to it.

You continue to confuse Catholicism with Christianity, Huggy. The protestants never put Galileo on trial threatening to have him put to death. That was the Roman Catholic Church. And what of Pope Alexander VI who bought and bribed his way into the papacy, and personally ordered the murder of Savonarola who was innocent? Or Michelangelo who although being a devout Catholic for most of his life was eventually condemned by the RCC because he dared to suggest that one could commune with God without the Roman Catholic Church playing the role of a go between - a medium between a person and God?

What a stunning doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church! You cannot commune with God directly! You can only commune with God through the Roman Catholic Church - only through a priest! It's blasphemy to teach such things! This new Pope Herod who is seated in Rome is teaching the exact same doctrine of hell today! The RCC is a cult that is seeking to control the relationships people desire to have with Jesus Christ free of their doctrines of demons! To know Jesus Christ and the joy of salvation one must depart from this satanic religion.

It is difficult to say which is nearer to Satanism! The One True Faith (sarcasm) of the Roman Catholic Church or Islam.

Again! The truth is that whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! Not Mary, Not dead people, not statues! Jesus Christ! The difference between Christianity and Catholicism is as wide as the ocean is from one shore to the other and then some!

You cannot lay the blame on the doorstep of the true church (born again Believers who reject any part of Catholicism) for the work of Satan (Roman Catholicism is the work of Satan). Learn the difference and stop making a fool of yourself, Huggy.

Dubya is a born again. He claimed god told him to run for POTUS and become a war president. How many people died so Georgy Porgy could fulfill his little chat with the almighty?

The catholic god or your god. It's all the same. It's all made up nonsense that easily gets out of hand with millions of like minded people more than willing to co sign these so called "divine" revaluations. As someone said on this thread OWTTE... "If any individual started saying that he or she was being guided by "spirits" and was directed to arrange the murder of someone based on these special conferences with the spirits" we would lock them up in a padded room for their's and the public's safety. Without the added murder allegation the same individual would be directed to seek a mental health professional and be prescribed anti psychotic medication.

I have no doubt you and others that firmly believe they talk to jesus and believe with all their heart that these communications are as real as anything they see and hear in what I like to call REALITY. The problem is that they are NOT REAL. They are at best hallucinations. That is true whether it is one of you or 100 million of you.

It is mass insanity, just like the followers of Jim Jones in Guyana which is where the saying "drink the Kool Aid" originated from.

I may be a fool. But I know the difference between what my mind dreams up and what what my eyes see and my ears hear.

I know how human beings under the influence of hallucinations act. It is disturbing. They fight tooth and nail attempting to defend the existence of what only they can see and hear. That's not just foolish, it is dangerous.

Jim Jones was a Jesuit agent of Rome on assignment and willing to die - as the Jesuit oath requires - for the sake of destroying the reputation of Christianity. There was no trace of Christianity in Jim Jones. He was a Catholic through and through posing as something else. Yet more evidence of just how far the Roman Catholic Church is willing to go. Rivera was an ex-Jesuit who converted to Christianity. He knew personally of Jim Jones and that he was on assignment from the Black Pope - Jesuit General. The rest of your post makes no sense. George Bush? That came out of left field somewhere - it's not even in the ballpark of this discussion. Get it through your mind - Catholicism has nothing to do with Christianity. This thread is about Christianity. Not the Cult of Catholicism. Thanks.

See file below for truth about Jesuit Jim Jones. The day will come (sooner than you think) when the world will suddenly realize that the Roman Catholic Cartel & their Jesuit thugs were behind & orchestrating both sides of wars, World Wars, child sex trafficking, kidnapping and every horrific thing you can imagine including communism and Islam. It is the ultimate evil and anyone who knowingly stays in after seeing such evidence can expect only hell in the hereafter.
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Jim Jones - Jesuit Connections

Alberto Rivera Stated that Cult Leader Jim Jones was a Jesuit under the Jesuit secret oath. This web page is a result of myself putting Rivera's words to task. What I came up with were some fascinating results!

To start with, in the FBI files made public through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), there is testimony that Jim Jones often repeated a section of what is alleged to be theJesuit Oath and alleged to be a maxim of the Jesuits used to justify any and every evil act:"the end justifies the means". Below is the sceen shot from the web site:


Jim Jones and the People's Temple (PT) also had some endorsements from Influential Catholic Leaders. One was a Jesuit and the other, an American Franciscan friar. Source Link



Father Alfred Boeddeker, O.F.M ~INFO LINK

The Jones Massacre was the brainchild of the Jesuit General - carried out by Jesuit Jim Jones - faithful Catholic son of Rome.

Jesuit Catholic Murderer - Jim Jones - took assignment to pose as a "Christian Pastor" in order to use it as grounds to call Christianity (especially home churches) as breeding grounds for "cults". That is why the Vatican uses their people to rerun this story again and again decade after decade..........
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More evidence:


Jim Jones and Jesuit trained Jerry Brown when Brown was governor. Jerry Brown actually trained to be a Jesuit Priest. Jerry brown is the current Attorney General of California (11/18/2008).


"Jerry and friend Frank Damrell (now federal judge) join their fathers at Sacred Heart Novitiate. Jerry spends four years of silence, prayer, manual work and study of the classics." ~Source

Check this out for more Jerry Brown - Jesuit info and Pictures.

According to ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera 98% of all Jesuits who qualify as spies and infiltrators into politics, protestant churches are NOT priests. Most people around them have no idea they are trained Jesuits.
Jim Jones preaches on steps of catholic Church in Guyana

"Once he arrived in Guyana, as best as can be determined, Jones never left his jungle empire. He had drawn a crowd with religious proclamations on the steps of a Georgetown Catholic Church when he first arrived, had met with people in the Guyanese capital, and then had left for the interior and Jonestown." ~Source


(Picture taken from the book, "JUSTICE, The Struggle for Democracy In Guyana 1952-1992")
MI6 Agent/Jesuit Priest Allows Jim Jones to hold services at Catholic Church

"Jones had sent some staff members to his commune site, and he visited and tried to publicize himself by giving a sermon in Guyana's capital city, Georgetown. Members of Jones' staff looked for a place for Jones to preach, and in town was a Catholic Church. Jones' staff was aware of the enthusiastic ecumenism of Father Andrew Morrison (SJ), and they asked Morrison if they could use his Sacred Heart Church to give a service, without being candid about the nature of Jones' preaching. Father Morrison and his perish council agreed. Jones' appearance at the church was well advertised. Father Morrison was present at the service and was appalled. In the days that followed, Morrison apologized publicly for what he called a blatant hoax and fraud having taken place in his church. Some people in Georgetown saw Jones as having imported cheap tricks, and Jones was disappointed that techniques that worked in Indiana and California had not worked in Georgetown, Guyana. And Jones wondered whether he was losing his touch." (All i know is that a Jesuit let this methodist "minister" peach at his Catholic Church. They could say whatever after that but i don't buy it -TR) ~Source

"Tribute to Andrew Morrison SJ" (The one who let Jim Jones preach at the Catholic Church):
What is the missing link that the source couldn't rap their minds around? That Jim Jones was a Catholic Jesuit on assignment! No place like hiding in plain sight. Listen, Jones openly stated the end justifies the means - that is the Jesuit Motto! Hello? Jim Jones was NEVER a Methodist Minister - he was only "posing as one" in order to destroy the reputation of Christian churches who were not part of the RCC.
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Alberto Rivera - ex-Jesuit explaining who Jim Jones was:

Alberto Rivera's Words:





So do not be surprised that Jim Jones was also into the occult - the Pope seated in Vatican right now is too. Most of the top leadership in the RCC that are Jesuits are open worshipers of Lucifer.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today is the day of Salvation!

You people are insane. Seriously!

If one person were to say there is an invisible, supernatural, magical, all-knowing, all-seeing, completely powerful creature that created everything BUT could not offer any evidence or proof of this being's existence, that poor person would be put in a padded room.

What makes this bizarre and utterly unbelievable myth seem reasonable is that we've been hearing variations of it for thousands of years.

Yes, this belief is indeed a form of insanity.

I believe everyone has the right to believe in their own person form of guidance. Some people don't have a clear moral compass. The bible and all of the obviously manufactured stories within it could, I suppose, offer some good ideas on conducting one's self in a better fashion.

Where I have to draw the line is how these christians and the muslims too for that matter insist that the rest of humanity subscribe to these obvious lies or suffer serious consequences even including death.

How many centuries was the knowledge of great minds like Galileo set back under threat of execution? Are we supposed to forgive the religions their tortures and murders thruout the centuries and land theft and genocide in the Americas? The nonsense HAS to be pushed back. That is all there is to it.

You continue to confuse Catholicism with Christianity, Huggy. The protestants never put Galileo on trial threatening to have him put to death. That was the Roman Catholic Church. And what of Pope Alexander VI who bought and bribed his way into the papacy, and personally ordered the murder of Savonarola who was innocent? Or Michelangelo who although being a devout Catholic for most of his life was eventually condemned by the RCC because he dared to suggest that one could commune with God without the Roman Catholic Church playing the role of a go between - a medium between a person and God?

What a stunning doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church! You cannot commune with God directly! You can only commune with God through the Roman Catholic Church - only through a priest! It's blasphemy to teach such things! This new Pope Herod who is seated in Rome is teaching the exact same doctrine of hell today! The RCC is a cult that is seeking to control the relationships people desire to have with Jesus Christ free of their doctrines of demons! To know Jesus Christ and the joy of salvation one must depart from this satanic religion.

It is difficult to say which is nearer to Satanism! The One True Faith (sarcasm) of the Roman Catholic Church or Islam.

Again! The truth is that whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved! Not Mary, Not dead people, not statues! Jesus Christ! The difference between Christianity and Catholicism is as wide as the ocean is from one shore to the other and then some!

You cannot lay the blame on the doorstep of the true church (born again Believers who reject any part of Catholicism) for the work of Satan (Roman Catholicism is the work of Satan). Learn the difference and stop making a fool of yourself, Huggy.

Dubya is a born again. He claimed god told him to run for POTUS and become a war president. How many people died so Georgy Porgy could fulfill his little chat with the almighty?

The catholic god or your god. It's all the same. It's all made up nonsense that easily gets out of hand with millions of like minded people more than willing to co sign these so called "divine" revaluations. As someone said on this thread OWTTE... "If any individual started saying that he or she was being guided by "spirits" and was directed to arrange the murder of someone based on these special conferences with the spirits" we would lock them up in a padded room for their's and the public's safety. Without the added murder allegation the same individual would be directed to seek a mental health professional and be prescribed anti psychotic medication.

I have no doubt you and others that firmly believe they talk to jesus and believe with all their heart that these communications are as real as anything they see and hear in what I like to call REALITY. The problem is that they are NOT REAL. They are at best hallucinations. That is true whether it is one of you or 100 million of you.

It is mass insanity, just like the followers of Jim Jones in Guyana which is where the saying "drink the Kool Aid" originated from.

I may be a fool. But I know the difference between what my mind dreams up and what what my eyes see and my ears hear.

I know how human beings under the influence of hallucinations act. It is disturbing. They fight tooth and nail attempting to defend the existence of what only they can see and hear. That's not just foolish, it is dangerous.

The Bush Family are Catholics. Not all of them admit it but look at the fruit. You cannot miss it!


Jeb kneeling before his Pope.


George Bush as Catholic Mass
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