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JESUS never condoned sin neither should His belioevers!

then why do you judge, daily.

you seek to ridicule, and judge.


What's wrong with judging exactly?

Exactly my point. Gizmo, Avatar and other holier than thou's actually believe they have the right to sit in judgement against others.

Their god would not have done that but they believe they know better than the god they SAY they worship.

Its sick stuff.

Except you are the biggest holier than thou on the thread.

Again, we are given a brain to make judgements. What's wrong with doing so if we do so righteously like the scriptures command? Why is it you guys claim to like people thinking until they think something you don't like?
Whats a "belioevers" ?:eusa_whistle:

Possibly a corrupt communication. Which is a sin according to the scriptures. Never occured to me before now that spelling errors could be corrupt communications. Ill have to ponder that.

I'm pretty sure you have no sense of humor so you'll never get why that is damn funny.

Yeah, you go "ponder".


I usually find funny things to be funny.

And pondering is a good thing to do. You learn when you think.
Funny. I never mentioned it. I asked you what was wrong with judging.

Yes, and if I said "the bible says blah blah blah"

you'd reply "no it actually says blah blah blah"

I don't care. Religion is brainwashing on a mass scale to me, I find it detestable. Not its believers, a distinction with a difference.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here. So you care to some degree.

But if you are going to give him a hard time for judging, shouldn't you use the standard the scriptures provide since he supposedly believes in the scriptures. After all, he shouldn't have to be held to your standards, though even you are judging him so what exactly is wrong with it? God gave us a brain, we should be able to use it.

Im not sure why you are so angry. There is no reason to be. Christ could help you, but I know you aren't interested.

Your dorky wannabe jesus response is lost on me.

I have a mind of my own.

I'm not angry.

I have an opinion, I share it.

I do care, to the extent that I despise mass manipulation.
It really is no wonder that people turn away from christians and christianity.

It's the Christians who are UNFORGIVING who send the wrong message,
completely contradicting the point.

Of course people respond in different ways:

1. some people reinforce unforgiveness by getting angry and hateful at rejection, and giving back to Christians what they see wrong which is unforgiveness in return. So this makes matters worse, sends and reinforces "retribution and revenge" -- the very OPPOSITE message than in Christianity (which is basically "charity" where forgiveness is the greatest act of charity and the most meaningful acts of forgiveness are neither earned and least deserved)

The worst part is when this is blamed on Christianity (at the same time believers blame nonbelievers as the problem),
so the person does not even accept responsibility for their part of the conflict but remains a victim of hating others they blame.
This vicious cycle has no end; only forgiveness can break people out of this deadlock.

2. Some recognize the hypocrisy and forgive it to some degree, but then go on their own rampage denouncing the wrongs and claiming to be better and have authority to fix others.

When this is done in unforgiveness, it causes more of the same problems.

3. Others can forgive themselves and others equally, so this "proselytizing" about Christianity does compel interactions that lead to corrections and understanding.

How ironic that when people preaching forgiveness in Christianity are not forgiving themselves,
they "force people" indirectly to HAVE to be "forgiving" to deal with them!

It is like teaching patience to people "indirectly" by making such a huge ruckus or mess,
that people "have to be patient with you" to undo all the damage you are causing!

By not being patient or productive, you force others to learn this anyway because you aren't.
By being hateful and unforgiving, you force others to learn to forgive where it isn't deserved because you are the one who has it backwards.
Totally ironic, isn't it?

Either way, the process of sharing, albeit faulty and imposed backwards,
can lead to corrections and restored relations as the abuses and issues are resolved.

And yes, it does take forgiveness on the part of the perceiver of injustice and hypocrisy.
Indirectly, the message in Christianity of forgiveness and correction to restore peaceful relations and justice
is still pushed to the forefront to be received and understood by resolving the conflicts that come up.

The process is not always in the way the evangelist thinks, but often the opposite,
where they are sometimes the one who ends up "receiving rebuke and correction"
to learn the true meaning and fulfill these very laws. In the opposite way they may have intended.
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Good News for sinners=confess and repent and be forgiven and washed clean.

The Bible completely condemns homosexuality, but does it condemn homosexuals for an unforgivable sin? No! Homosexuality is not unforgivable. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 gives such bad news, but verse 11 gives such great hope. It says, "And such were some of you. But you were washed and you were cleansed." So some Corinthian Christians were former homosexuals just as some were formerly sexually immoral and drunkards. God forgave them and cleansed them of their sin. Let God forgive and cleanse you too.

Some may have the false idea that they must clean up their life, and cleanse themselves by their own power before they can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and become a Christian. Re-read 1 Cor 1:6-11. It does not say the Corinthians cleansed themselves; rather God cleansed them. Have you ever seen a pig cleanse itself? -neither have I. All of us, both straight and gay, were and always would be as unclean to God if it were not for the special cleansing, called sanctification, done by the Holy Spirit in lives of believers.

Since you do not cleanse yourself prior to coming to Christ, can you be unconcerned with your sins? Look again at 1 Cor 6:9-10. It talks of these wicked sinners and says such were some of you. Php 2:12-13 says "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, to will and to act according to his good purpose." We do not "work in" to save ourselves, but those who are truly saved "work out" the salvation within them as God works in their lives.

So if you have sexual pervert desires, yet really want to dwell with the Holy God forever, what can you do? To all, straight and gay, in Acts 2:37-40 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call."

So repent of sexual pervert actions, words, and fantasies just as you must repent from all other sins. As God’s holy child, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you must resolve never to engage in gay activity again. 1 Peter 2:11 says, "...abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."

Do not try to fight this struggle alone! Fight the good fight with the encouragement, prayers, and accountability of your brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are all one. God may choose to instantaneously cleanse your mind of homosexual thoughts. On the other hand He may not. An ex-gay Christian brother and beloved friend of mine still had some gay thoughts and temptations. God did not take away all temptation, but he was given strength to successfully resist temptation.

Our Attitude Towards Gays: Love

Jesus died and rose so that homosexuals could be forgiven and sanctified, just as surely as He died and rose for you and me. We want to give our full support and pure love to true Christians who struggle with this awful sin. Jesus Christ came to this wicked, sin-filled world to make a holy people for Himself, and let us praise God, who transforms sinners into His saints.
Good News for sinners=confess and repent and be forgiven and washed clean.

The Bible completely condemns homosexuality, but does it condemn homosexuals for an unforgivable sin? No! Homosexuality is not unforgivable. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 gives such bad news, but verse 11 gives such great hope. It says, "And such were some of you. But you were washed and you were cleansed." So some Corinthian Christians were former homosexuals just as some were formerly sexually immoral and drunkards. God forgave them and cleansed them of their sin. Let God forgive and cleanse you too.

Some may have the false idea that they must clean up their life, and cleanse themselves by their own power before they can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and become a Christian. Re-read 1 Cor 1:6-11. It does not say the Corinthians cleansed themselves; rather God cleansed them. Have you ever seen a pig cleanse itself? -neither have I. All of us, both straight and gay, were and always would be as unclean to God if it were not for the special cleansing, called sanctification, done by the Holy Spirit in lives of believers.

Since you do not cleanse yourself prior to coming to Christ, can you be unconcerned with your sins? Look again at 1 Cor 6:9-10. It talks of these wicked sinners and says such were some of you. Php 2:12-13 says "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, to will and to act according to his good purpose." We do not "work in" to save ourselves, but those who are truly saved "work out" the salvation within them as God works in their lives.

So if you have sexual pervert desires, yet really want to dwell with the Holy God forever, what can you do? To all, straight and gay, in Acts 2:37-40 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call."

So repent of sexual pervert actions, words, and fantasies just as you must repent from all other sins. As God’s holy child, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you must resolve never to engage in gay activity again. 1 Peter 2:11 says, "...abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."

Do not try to fight this struggle alone! Fight the good fight with the encouragement, prayers, and accountability of your brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are all one. God may choose to instantaneously cleanse your mind of homosexual thoughts. On the other hand He may not. An ex-gay Christian brother and beloved friend of mine still had some gay thoughts and temptations. God did not take away all temptation, but he was given strength to successfully resist temptation.

Our Attitude Towards Gays: Love

Jesus died and rose so that homosexuals could be forgiven and sanctified, just as surely as He died and rose for you and me. We want to give our full support and pure love to true Christians who struggle with this awful sin. Jesus Christ came to this wicked, sin-filled world to make a holy people for Himself, and let us praise God, who transforms sinners into His saints.

Yes, and if I said "the bible says blah blah blah"

you'd reply "no it actually says blah blah blah"

I don't care. Religion is brainwashing on a mass scale to me, I find it detestable. Not its believers, a distinction with a difference.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here. So you care to some degree.

But if you are going to give him a hard time for judging, shouldn't you use the standard the scriptures provide since he supposedly believes in the scriptures. After all, he shouldn't have to be held to your standards, though even you are judging him so what exactly is wrong with it? God gave us a brain, we should be able to use it.

Im not sure why you are so angry. There is no reason to be. Christ could help you, but I know you aren't interested.

Your dorky wannabe jesus response is lost on me.

I have a mind of my own.

I'm not angry.

I have an opinion, I share it.

I do care, to the extent that I despise mass manipulation.

You're not angry? Really? Could have fooled me with all the insults you've been flying.

No one said you didn't have a mind of your own. But you seem to feel that if someone believes in God and tries to live their religion, they don't. Why? Isn't it just as likely that they've had different experiences and have made different choices than you?

And no one said you can't share your opinion. But why do you expect to be immune from the opinions and facts others have?

And who is mass manipulating anyone?
Good News for sinners=confess and repent and be forgiven and washed clean.

The Bible completely condemns homosexuality, but does it condemn homosexuals for an unforgivable sin? No! Homosexuality is not unforgivable. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 gives such bad news, but verse 11 gives such great hope. It says, "And such were some of you. But you were washed and you were cleansed." So some Corinthian Christians were former homosexuals just as some were formerly sexually immoral and drunkards. God forgave them and cleansed them of their sin. Let God forgive and cleanse you too.

Some may have the false idea that they must clean up their life, and cleanse themselves by their own power before they can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and become a Christian. Re-read 1 Cor 1:6-11. It does not say the Corinthians cleansed themselves; rather God cleansed them. Have you ever seen a pig cleanse itself? -neither have I. All of us, both straight and gay, were and always would be as unclean to God if it were not for the special cleansing, called sanctification, done by the Holy Spirit in lives of believers.

Since you do not cleanse yourself prior to coming to Christ, can you be unconcerned with your sins? Look again at 1 Cor 6:9-10. It talks of these wicked sinners and says such were some of you. Php 2:12-13 says "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, to will and to act according to his good purpose." We do not "work in" to save ourselves, but those who are truly saved "work out" the salvation within them as God works in their lives.

So if you have sexual pervert desires, yet really want to dwell with the Holy God forever, what can you do? To all, straight and gay, in Acts 2:37-40 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call."

So repent of sexual pervert actions, words, and fantasies just as you must repent from all other sins. As God’s holy child, with the help of the Holy Spirit, you must resolve never to engage in gay activity again. 1 Peter 2:11 says, "...abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."

Do not try to fight this struggle alone! Fight the good fight with the encouragement, prayers, and accountability of your brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are all one. God may choose to instantaneously cleanse your mind of homosexual thoughts. On the other hand He may not. An ex-gay Christian brother and beloved friend of mine still had some gay thoughts and temptations. God did not take away all temptation, but he was given strength to successfully resist temptation.

Our Attitude Towards Gays: Love

Jesus died and rose so that homosexuals could be forgiven and sanctified, just as surely as He died and rose for you and me. We want to give our full support and pure love to true Christians who struggle with this awful sin. Jesus Christ came to this wicked, sin-filled world to make a holy people for Himself, and let us praise God, who transforms sinners into His saints.


YES!!! LOVE THE SINNER BUT HATE HIS SIN,LOVE THEM enough to warn and give them the truth!!
It really is no wonder that people turn away from christians and christianity.

It's the Christians who are UNFORGIVING who send the wrong message,
completely contradicting the point.

Of course people respond in different ways:

1. some people reinforce unforgiveness by getting angry and hateful at rejection, and giving back to Christians what they see wrong which is unforgiveness in return. So this makes matters worse, sends and reinforces "retribution and revenge" -- the very opposite message than in Christianity (which is basically "charity" where forgiveness is the greatest act of charity and the most meaningful acts of forgiveness are neither earned and least deserved)

the worst part is when this is blamed on Christianity, so the person does not even accept responsibility for their part of the conflict but remains a victim of hating others they blame

2. some recognize the hypocrisy and forgive it to some degree, but then go on their own rampage denouncing the wrongs and claiming to be better and have authority to fix others.

When this is done in unforgiveness, it causes more of the same problems.

3. Others can forgive themselves and others equally, so this "proselytizing" about Christianity does compel interactions that lead to corrections and understanding.

But it is often ironic that the people preaching forgiveness in Christianity are not forgiving themselves, while they "force people" indirectly to HAVE to be "forgiving" to deal with them!

It is like teaching patience to people "indirectly" by making such a huge ruckus or mess,
that people "have to be patient with you" to undo all the damage you are causing!

Either way, the process of sharing, even faulty
can lead to corrections and restored relations if the abuses and issues are resolved.

And yes, it does take forgiveness on the part of the perceiver of injustice and hypocrisy.
Indirectly, the message in Christianity of forgiveness and correction to restore peaceful relations and justice is still pushed to be received and understood.

Just not always in the way the evangelist thinks, but often the opposite, where they are sometimes the one who end up receiving rebuke and correction to fulfill these very laws.

I completely agree. Those who should be the most forgiving can often be the least. It's sad. It's not what Christ wanted.
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here. So you care to some degree.

But if you are going to give him a hard time for judging, shouldn't you use the standard the scriptures provide since he supposedly believes in the scriptures. After all, he shouldn't have to be held to your standards, though even you are judging him so what exactly is wrong with it? God gave us a brain, we should be able to use it.

Im not sure why you are so angry. There is no reason to be. Christ could help you, but I know you aren't interested.

Your dorky wannabe jesus response is lost on me.

I have a mind of my own.

I'm not angry.

I have an opinion, I share it.

I do care, to the extent that I despise mass manipulation.

You're not angry? Really? Could have fooled me with all the insults you've been flying.

No one said you didn't have a mind of your own. But you seem to feel that if someone believes in God and tries to live their religion, they don't. Why? Isn't it just as likely that they've had different experiences and have made different choices than you?

And no one said you can't share your opinion. But why do you expect to be immune from the opinions and facts others have?

And who is mass manipulating anyone?

I did fool you, then.

Good, too. You're starting to see a pattern with yourself.


Fooled by internet posts.

Fooled fooled.

Religion is a mass manipulation.
It is also a canard to ask someone who disagrees with the veracity of Religion to say something like "shouldn't they be free to think blah blah blah"

Yea, cuz anywhere at all I even suggested they should not be "free" to do Anything.

They're also free from these sorts of conversations. They are not sanctioned to be here. Nobody is forcing them.
YES!!! LOVE THE SINNER BUT HATE HIS SIN,LOVE THEM enough to warn and give them the truth!!

Loving them is more than just yelling at them to follow you.

To love someone you show kindness.

To love someone you show gentleness and meekness.

To love someone you speak with them from a position of humility rather than pride.

To love someone you are willing to suffer with them as they go through struggles.

To love someone you are willing to give your life to them.

If you want to bring people to Christ, you need to prepare your heart. Simply speaking with no preparation is meaningless. The Spirit has to be present. And the fruits of the Spirit are: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance:"

You need to learn how to talk with people instead of at them. Let go of the fear. People may disagree. They may be disrespectful. They may be unkind. The call of Christ is to rise above that and love them even if they despise you.
YES!!! LOVE THE SINNER BUT HATE HIS SIN,LOVE THEM enough to warn and give them the truth!!

Loving them is more than just yelling at them to follow you.

To love someone you show kindness.

To love someone you show gentleness and meekness.

To love someone you speak with them from a position of humility rather than pride.

To love someone you are willing to suffer with them as they go through struggles.

To love someone you are willing to give your life to them.

If you want to bring people to Christ, you need to prepare your heart. Simply speaking with no preparation is meaningless. The Spirit has to be present. And the fruits of the Spirit are: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance:"

You need to learn how to talk with people instead of at them. Let go of the fear. People may disagree. They may be disrespectful. They may be unkind. The call of Christ is to rise above that and love them even if they despise you.

:lol: ok democrat and liberals are evil blah blah blah
I did fool you, then.

Good, too. You're starting to see a pattern with yourself.


Fooled by internet posts.

Fooled fooled.

Religion is a mass manipulation.

Did you fool me? Or simply yourself?

Doesn't matter anyway. We are all fools. In fact, the first step in learning wisdom is recognizing that.

We can deny the truth, but the truth always wins in the end. You criticize Mormonism because you think it's an easy target. But that's only because you don't truly understand it. If you understood the Restored Gospel, you would have a very different attitude. Unfortunately, there are alot of voices that try to distract and distort it. You may not be ready to actually study it today. But I hope that someday you will read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and consider it. The invitation is always there and you can get one for free at any time. No commitment needed.
YES!!! LOVE THE SINNER BUT HATE HIS SIN,LOVE THEM enough to warn and give them the truth!!

Loving them is more than just yelling at them to follow you.

To love someone you show kindness.

To love someone you show gentleness and meekness.

To love someone you speak with them from a position of humility rather than pride.

To love someone you are willing to suffer with them as they go through struggles.

To love someone you are willing to give your life to them.

If you want to bring people to Christ, you need to prepare your heart. Simply speaking with no preparation is meaningless. The Spirit has to be present. And the fruits of the Spirit are: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance:"

You need to learn how to talk with people instead of at them. Let go of the fear. People may disagree. They may be disrespectful. They may be unkind. The call of Christ is to rise above that and love them even if they despise you.

:lol: ok democrat and liberals are evil blah blah blah

Are they?
Jesus never condoned sin. Jesus does not approve or sin. He died for the sins of mankind. If sin could have been condoned, He wouldn’t have died. The New Testament Bible teaches that the wages (salary, payment) for sin is death. It cannot be condoned but, rather, a price must be paid in death to nullify mankind’s sin. Jesus paid that price with His own death.

However, Jesus did not condemn those who sinned. He offered them grace and freedom from sin by dying on the cross for the sins of the world. His redeeming blood paid the price for sin.

The first chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament shows that Jesus came into the world to reveal the darkness of mankind – to shed His light on the sinful state of man. Sin cannot be hidden from God. He condemns sin but He does not condemn the sinner who turns to Him to receive His forgiveness.

When the adulterous woman was caught in her sin, Jesus did not condone her act. He forgave her sin but asked her to sin no more: "And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more." (John 8:2-11 NKJV).

Jesus forgave sin.
Loving them is more than just yelling at them to follow you.

To love someone you show kindness.

To love someone you show gentleness and meekness.

To love someone you speak with them from a position of humility rather than pride.

To love someone you are willing to suffer with them as they go through struggles.

To love someone you are willing to give your life to them.

If you want to bring people to Christ, you need to prepare your heart. Simply speaking with no preparation is meaningless. The Spirit has to be present. And the fruits of the Spirit are: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, and temperance:"

You need to learn how to talk with people instead of at them. Let go of the fear. People may disagree. They may be disrespectful. They may be unkind. The call of Christ is to rise above that and love them even if they despise you.

:lol: ok democrat and liberals are evil blah blah blah

Are they?

You might recall some of the things you post on these boards over the years when your partisanship takes control over your biblically expressed guide to loving
Faith is the opposite of thinking and there's no way to deny that.

But, as I've said about a million times, people are and should be free to believe whatever hocus pocus they need to get them through the night.

All I've ever demanded is that you keep it in your tax-free churches. Don't try to force it on me or my kids or my government.

I did fool you, then.

Good, too. You're starting to see a pattern with yourself.


Fooled by internet posts.

Fooled fooled.

Religion is a mass manipulation.

Did you fool me? Or simply yourself?

Doesn't matter anyway. We are all fools. In fact, the first step in learning wisdom is recognizing that.

We can deny the truth, but the truth always wins in the end. You criticize Mormonism because you think it's an easy target. But that's only because you don't truly understand it. If you understood the Restored Gospel, you would have a very different attitude. Unfortunately, there are alot of voices that try to distract and distort it. You may not be ready to actually study it today. But I hope that someday you will read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and consider it. The invitation is always there and you can get one for free at any time. No commitment needed.

No, I don't criticize it for the reasons you imagined/made up/invented out of whole cloth.

And yes, I fooled you. You admitted it the post before brah.

U need coffee.

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