Zone1 Jesus Tempted By The Devil / Satan

The Bible predicted that there would be a “great falling away” from the church. This may sound ominous to many Christians, but it's actually a good thing. It's often necessary to trim the dead wood from a healthy tree. Fewer branches allow more nutrients to flow through the tree unhindered by the deadwood.

Christianity has been around for more than 2000 years and still have a powerful presence. It's not going away, even if the left wants it to.

You're a futurist. Don't you believe what it says in the revelation letter?
You're a futurist. Don't you believe what it says in the revelation letter?
I do believe what Revelation says. And since much of it has not occurred yet … it must be in the future. We're actually seeing it unfold before our eyes.
Jesus did start a new religion. It is on earth today. They teach-Every utterance from God without fail.
Christ's religion is pure and untainted by the additions or subtractions of man. Men have a tendency to create traditions that aren't necessarily sanctioned by Christ and the Apostles. But the Bible says that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst of them. It's not biblically necessary to attend church in a building on Sunday. You can hold church in a car as you drive to the mountains on Tuesday.
I do believe what Revelation says. And since much of it has not occurred yet … it must be in the future. We're actually seeing it unfold before our eyes.

Revelation says it will happen soon.. within a generation. If you were a serious scholar, you'd know more about 1st century history and the first abomination of desolation.
Christ's religion is pure and untainted by the additions or subtractions of man. Men have a tendency to create traditions that aren't necessarily sanctioned by Christ and the Apostles. But the Bible says that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst of them. It's not biblically necessary to attend church in a building on Sunday. You can hold church in a car as you drive to the mountains on Tuesday.

That's why the Catholic church had traditions of worship long before there was a Bible.
Revelation says it will happen soon.. within a generation. If you were a serious scholar, you'd know more about 1st century history and the first abomination of desolation.
What "mark" was required to "buy or sell" during that time? When did Jesus return with His angels and cast "the tares" into a fiery furnace? The Bible says that Christ's return will be like it was "in the days of Noah."
That's why the Catholic church had traditions of worship long before there was a Bible.
Catholic tradition is not the Word of God, and most of those traditions weren't taught or required by Christ.
What "mark" was required to "buy or sell" during that time? When did Jesus return with His angels and cast "the tares" into a fiery furnace? The Bible says that Christ's return will be like it was "in the days of Noah."

The mark was the image of Caesar etched on Roman coin. It was the currency of the entire Roman empire. The Jews hated it with a passion.
Christ's religion is pure and untainted by the additions or subtractions of man. Men have a tendency to create traditions that aren't necessarily sanctioned by Christ and the Apostles. But the Bible says that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst of them. It's not biblically necessary to attend church in a building on Sunday. You can hold church in a car as you drive to the mountains on Tuesday.

Actually satan attacks Jesus' real religion relentlessly. He gets bad teachings in as the book of Peter shows and the book of Titus-he had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The wise make corrections if errors are found. There is no perfection in imperfect men. Paul had to correct Peter on an occasion. One must be taught by the teachers( Matt 24:45) who Jesus is with, or they remain in darkness. Jesus taught listening to those was the same as listening to God and Jesus, or vica versa-Luke 10:16
You mean that in literature there is proof of Satan yet there is no physical proof in reality. No guy running around in a red suit with a pitchfork and a pointed tail...No God running after him trying to strike him down with lightning bolts. There is no Satan to fear because Satan is not real he is a character in a book.
They used slang terms and symbolism/imagery to keep the authority from knowing they were being talked about, especially during the revolts.
According to their texts, I think John of Patmos in Book of Rev described Devil as simply being the power of Death, the adversary at that time was Rome which John described in such code. Rome did indeed wield that power over them and their description in later generations of the symbol of the 2 horn scarlet color devil represented the 2horn(power) system of Rome-the political authority hiding behind the religious, red being their colors especially of their army which yielded that power of destruction and death.
Satan meaning adversary was Rome which offered the figure in the story popularity, fame, etc and in the story upon refusing, that adversary still made the figure popular and famous through plagiarising the Baal death scene and claiming the figure rised and defeated death and thus made him a Martyr & god (where they now could speak behind the curtains for and collect taxes(tithes) on and invade many kingdoms through without insurrection. In other words they swallowed and used the image to try and defeat the revolters, claiming Paul converted was used to try and convert the revolters to accepting Rome's authority now in the guise of Religious authority (the other horn that masked the true authoratative political power).
Once you grasp this, you might recognize today's global subversive emulation is not one world religion masking political authority, but the Global warming climate change cult globalist agenda masking the true subversive political authority.
Taxes still being collected and countries invaded under the guise of the global initiative in the same manner Rome used a religious icon claimed needed to save humanity. Even Rome's fall due to open borders, enemies destroying Rome within, liberal stances on social constructs, failed governance, spreading military to thin, etc is all being emulated around the globe, especially here in the U.S. where some see us in an era of collapsing.
Actually satan attacks Jesus' real religion relentlessly. He gets bad teachings in as the book of Peter shows and the book of Titus-he had to be left behind to correct error teachings that got in. The wise make corrections if errors are found. There is no perfection in imperfect men. Paul had to correct Peter on an occasion. One must be taught by the teachers( Matt 24:45) who Jesus is with, or they remain in darkness. Jesus taught listening to those was the same as listening to God and Jesus, or vica versa-Luke 10:16
Satan does attack Christ, Christians, and Christianity on a routine basis. It's one reason why faith in Christ is so important.
Action Jackson wrote, in part, that, "There are several passages of Scripture that prove that Satan is a real and present danger."

Trump proves that Satan in him is indeed a danger not only to the US but the entired world.
That is utter nonsense. No wonder Christianity is failing.
No, he has a base in the word of God. You can't "see" the Christian heart, so you're thinking it doesn't prevail. You have a set pattern for dissociating yourself from those who believe in the Lord. And you're telling more about yourself than you are telling about Christianity. Christ's life is within those who believe fully in him. And that truth does not appeal to you. Someday, you will see it.
No, he has a base in the word of God. You can't "see" the Christian heart, so you're thinking it doesn't prevail. You have a set pattern for dissociating yourself from those who believe in the Lord. And you're telling more about yourself than you are telling about Christianity. Christ's life is within those who believe fully in him. And that truth does not appeal to you. Someday, you will see it.

It's not literalism and myth. It's far more profound than that.
It's not literalism and myth. It's far more profound than that.
What is profound in the Bible is Christ being ridiculed as he was having nails driven through his hands and feet with ten penny nails with sledgehammers, and a spear for killing him when observers started spoiling their party with pitiful screams and vomiting. With all that going on, Christ prayed out in his pain saying, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.:" The Jewish people who loved to listen to Christ's sermons became followers because he explained Jewish scriptures from God's perspective to teach them how to love other people including people who act insanely hateful towards yourself. What's even more profound is that some people get to understanding Christ's words were in accordance with the truth. One man's blood became the sacrificial lamb for sin, and no more would believers be forced to purchase calves, lambs, and pigeons in God's House to be forgiven of their confessed sins. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoso believeth in him shall have everlasting life. Love, beautress
You mean that in literature there is proof of Satan yet there is no physical proof in reality. No guy running around in a red suit with a pitchfork and a pointed tail...No God running after him trying to strike him down with lightning bolts. There is no Satan to fear because Satan is not real he is a character in a book.
Evil is a human construct. "Killing is evil", unless of course it's the killing of chickens and pigs, in which case, it's not evil. Why? Because we're humans and we don't want to be killed, but we want to eat pigs and chickens, so it's okay to slaughter them en masse, trillions die every year.

It's all very convenient

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