Zone1 Jesus Tempted By The Devil / Satan

But Marxist Democrats don't believe the Bible.

I am sure some due

So how can you reject the tenets of the Bible then use the Bible to defend your narrative. Choose one or the other.

I am neither a Marxist not a Democrat nor do I reject the tenets of the Bible.

You might want to read up on the part about bearing false witness.

I do not like the association it brings.

Then people assume I am a far right wing nut like all the people on here that are the loudest at proclaiming their Christianity, but one could never tell they are Christians by the rest of what they post on here.

As Gandhi once said "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians."
I do not like the association it brings.

Then people assume I am a far right wing nut like all the people on here that are the loudest at proclaiming their Christianity, but one could never tell they are Christians by the rest of what they post on here.

As Gandhi once said "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians."
Most people don't know what a "Christian" is. One thing they're NOT is "doormats" or whipping boys. Christians should be warrior poets. Kind, generous, and charitable while strong, courageous, and willing to defend himself, his family, his community, and his country. Turning to Christ does NOT mean you turn to a bowl of jello.
I do not like the association it brings.

Then people assume I am a far right wing nut like all the people on here that are the loudest at proclaiming their Christianity, but one could never tell they are Christians by the rest of what they post on here.

As Gandhi once said "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians."
Perhaps you and Gandhi should remember that many in Christ's day did not like him. Jesus pointed out that if he was mocked and criticized, his followers should expect the same. We should ask ourselves, "What group best fits our own attitude? Are we ones who are criticizing Christians, or are we the ones being criticized?

Many in Jesus' day flat out found him wanting and disassociated themselves from him. It appears you find followers of Christ wanting (because they are not perfect) and wish to disassociate yourself as being a follower of Jesus.
Most people don't know what a "Christian" is. One thing they're NOT is "doormats" or whipping boys. Christians should be warrior poets. Kind, generous, and charitable while strong, courageous, and willing to defend himself, his family, his community, and his country. Turning to Christ does NOT mean you turn to a bowl of jello.

These are the Fruits of the, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

We are told by the Bible that people will know Christians by their fruit.

Do you think that your post on this forum display any of theses?
These are the Fruits of the, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

We are told by the Bible that people will know Christians by their fruit.

Do you think that your post on this forum display any of theses?
The enemies of Christianity and freedom are real and present. Every Christian is given a different gift and talent. Some are more patient and nurturing than others. Some, like myself, feel a sense of urgency and a desire to protect the innocent. I fight for the rights of the unborn (something that most Marxist/Democrats abhor). I fight for the rights of little children to be little children instead of experiments for some Frankenstein to operate on. I fight to their right to avoid Drag Queens and pedophiles. I fight to the working man who's struggling to make ends meet while the Marxists steal his money in the name of taxation and give the money to inner city gangsters and illegal aliens who didn't earn it.

So you can make of that what you will. But I align myself with the Founding Fathers who killed and were killed in the fight for freedom. The vast majority of them were Christians.
Seems you should align yourself with Jesus if you are a Christian.
I do. He whipped the "money changers." He stood toe to toe with the Pharisees (one of the ruling powers of His day) and called them "children of your father the devil" and a "den of vipers."

And when Christ returns ... He and His angels will exhibit wrath not seen since the time of Noah (the flood). According to the Bible ... He and His angels will gather all things that offend and cast them into "the lake of fire." The very idea of evil being wiped out brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face.
I do. He whipped the "money changers." He stood toe to toe with the Pharisees (one of the ruling powers of His day) and called them "children of your father the devil" and a "den of vipers."

And when Christ returns ... He and His angels will exhibit wrath not seen since the time of Noah (the flood). According to the Bible ... He and His angels will gather all things that offend and cast them into "the lake of fire." The very idea of evil being wiped out brings joy to my heart and a smile to my face.

I hope you are not in a for an unpleasant surprise.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

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