Zone1 Jesus Tempted By The Devil / Satan

There are several passages of Scripture that prove that Satan is a real and present danger. He beguiled Eve in the Garden at the time of man's creation (some claiming and believing that he was the father of Cain). He tempted the Old Testament Patriarch, Job, and caused great affliction. He deceived King David. And he sifted Peter like wheat. He was (and is) so bold that he even tempted Jesus Christ after Christ's 40 days of fasting.

How do we, as Christians, protect ourselves from Satan? Firstly, we learn from Jesus, Himself. As Satan tempted Him with great riches and power, Christ rebuked him using the “written” Word of God. Three times, Christ said, “it is written.” Secondly, we put our faith in Christ and don the full gospel armor. Christ is our shield and our buckler. Thirdly, we understand the nature of Satan, that great serpent the devil. He's called a liar, a murderer, a thief, and a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. But he's also a master deceiver who can appear as “an angel of light.”

James 4 tells us to “resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
The god of the bible created Satan so if you believe the bible then you have to believe Satan is real.
Marxist Democrats? Are you kidding me?

Not all Christians are uneducated... Not all Christians are Scofield literalists and fundamentalists or futurists.
I don't like the Scofield Bible and the rapture doctrine. But I'm not so blind as to not realize that there is still a "future." Clearly, Christ and His angels have NOT returned to earth, so anyone who's read the Bible knows that that's a future event.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking to understand the "fundamentals" of the Bible. In fact ... that should be the duty of any Christian.
I don't like the Scofield Bible and the rapture doctrine. But I'm not so blind as to not realize that there is still a "future." Clearly, Christ and His angels have NOT returned to earth, so anyone who's read the Bible knows that that's a future event.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking to understand the "fundamentals" of the Bible. In fact ... that should be the duty of any Christian.

Scofield heresy has infiltrated many Protestant Churches since Late Great Planet Earth... And some people don't know they are operating on Scofield. Billy Graham for example.
Scofield heresy has infiltrated many Protestant Churches since Late Great Planet Earth... And some people don't know they are operating on Scofield. Billy Graham for example.
I happen to agree with you 100%. I prefer the Companion Bible in the KJV, but I could easily live with a KJV with zero footnotes. I don't currently attend church. I live in southern Utah which is predominantly Mormon. But the handful of other churches either teach the rapture, or they have women "pastors," or they are more into tradition than the written Word, or they use the NIV or some other spurious version of the Bible. So finding a Bible based-church is nearly impossible in my area.
I happen to agree with you 100%. I prefer the Companion Bible in the KJV, but I could easily live with a KJV with zero footnotes. I don't currently attend church. I live in southern Utah which is predominantly Mormon. But the handful of other churches either teach the rapture, or they have women "pastors," or they are more into tradition than the written Word, or they use the NIV or some other spurious version of the Bible. So finding a Bible based-church is nearly impossible in my area.

Bible based churches rarely have educated clerics.
The god of the bible created Satan so if you believe the bible then you have to believe Satan is real.

Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a very real human archetype. If you don't believe me, and you don't believe in the Bible, all you have to do for proof that satan exists, proof of a living descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old, is to peek inside a church on any given Sunday and you will see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears some dude beguiling gullible people into openly and brazenly defying the law of God as if they were his puppets. Repeat after me. Stand up. Sit down. Get on your knees. Open your mouth. Close your eyes. o_O All for a nominal service charge... (10% of your income for life (and weekly spare change), your soul, the ability to think rationally, and all of your children)
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Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a very real human archetype. If you don't believe me, and you don't believe in the Bible, all you have to do for proof that satan exists, proof of a living descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old, is to peek inside a church on any given Sunday and you will see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears some dude beguiling gullible people into openly and brazenly defying the law of God as if they were his puppets. Repeat after me. Stand up. Sit down. Get on your knees. Open your mouth. Close your eyes. o_O All for a nominal service charge... (10% of your income for life (and weekly spare change), your soul, the ability to think rationally, and all of your children)
Satan does not exist and never has.

People are more than capable of being cruel without any imaginary demons to blame it on.
Scofield heresy has infiltrated many Protestant Churches since Late Great Planet Earth... And some people don't know they are operating on Scofield. Billy Graham for example.

Apparently so has the Heretical Preterist view.
Apparently so has the Heretical Preterist view.

Preterism and partial preterism are mainline traditional and based in the history from the 2nd century BC through the 2nd century AD. You know, starting with Antiochus IV Epiphanies and the maccabean revolt.
Preterism and partial preterism are mainline traditional and based in the history from the 2nd century BC through the 2nd century AD. You know, starting with Antiochus IV Epiphanies and the maccabean revolt.

Only in your head. Preterism is a small sect within the larger circles of faith. Very few people have ever even heard of it.
Nope, it denies the Supernatural power of God. Ask Surada

No it doesn't. I'm personally not big on the supernatural. If you talk about feeding the five thousand with a few loaves, I'm thinking spiritual food in the preaching.
Only in your head. Preterism is a small sect within the larger circles of faith. Very few people have ever even heard of it.

That's true .. since Hal Lindsey burst on the scene with the Christian Zionism of Scofield, futurism, the rapture and end times scenarios dominate.
Satan does not exist and never has.

People are more than capable of being cruel without any imaginary demons to blame it on.
Satan was from the beginning just a metaphor for a despicable human archetype that has been openly living among people on earth ever since there were people. The big bad wolf never existed but the people that metaphor represents are very very real and the danger is also very very real.

And I am not blaming cruelty on any imaginary being. Real people who display the clearly defined attributes of the talking serpent have been running amok worldwide like a plague for millennia.

If you don't believe me watch a TV preacher or a politician screwing up minds and lives by conning the gullible and cowardly in full view of heaven and earth and then tell me that satan never existed.

The Hebrew word is nachash, both a noun and an adjective, meaning serpent, brazen, shiny one, and/or one who practices divination, the magical arts, sorcery, what is now known as mind control.

The stars of the ancient world.
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