Jesus the Socialist

There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
The far right is going to argue with you that Jesus was not a government official.

Do you mean "Christians" are going to argue with you?

You do know that "the far right" is completely subjective, according to the time and the geography you are referencing...

And..I dunno, do you realize that "the far right" and "Christians" are not synonymous???
I do not call the far right "Christians".

I call them Protestants.

Big difference.
A radical who fought for social justice.

He was on the side of the Angels on pretty much everything and his message was as clear as it gets.

Anti War - Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Healing the sick - He didnt turn away people without cover.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. He didnt say "apart from fags".

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven
. - Co-operation not competition, we work together to build a better world.

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. - Apart from when its trannys who deserve to die !

Give to everyone who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. -
Strong supporter of welfare.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and so on, are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself. - No T and Cs on this. We are all neighbours and entitled. He doesnt exclude any group.

How have his teachings become twisted into hate by false prophets ?

How has he been appropriated by the Right ?

Dear Tommy Tainant if I hadn't answered this before
There is a DIFFERENCE between Jesus teaching
being enforced by FREE WILL through religious exercise, the church, the charities and individual FREE CHOICE
being mandated through govt which is in violation of
Constitutional laws against govt establishing religion.

People can believe in free health care by volunteering to help others through donations and charitable programs and teaching hospitals.

And that is completely separate from mandating this through govt and forced taxation.

Last I checked, Tommy Tainant, the liberals who preach "separation of church and state" did NOT want references to Christianity, crosses, God Jesus, creation, prayer or Bibles pushed through schools.
Individuals have rights to practice this but not public schools that are funded by taxpayers.

So which way do you want it?

If you want Jesus principles mandated through govt,
then you'd have to put up with religious beliefs in no sex outside of marriage, no abortions, no homosexuality etc.

Make up your mind.

Just be careful what you ask for; when you get the govt you deserve, you may not like it!
I teach separation of church and state because the last time the Catholics were in charge they gave us the Inquisition and torture. And the last time the Protestants were in charge they gave us the Salem witch trials and burnings at the stake. Do you think it is a good idea to have religion in charge of government? The Founding Freemasons did not think it was a good idea so they gave us the 1st Amendment separating church and state.

Dear yiostheoy

I interpret religious freedom and "no discrimination by creed" very openly to protect AGAINST all forms of imposing bias through govt whether
* religious beliefs
* secular beliefs
* political beliefs

Most interpretations today tend to focus on only "organized religions" as beliefs.

I propose to take this one step further and start recognizing Political Beliefs as a form of imposing religion or faith based biases through govt.

Are you okay with policing against both religions AND secular/political beliefs being mandated or endorsed through govt?

That's where I am with this, treating all beliefs equally whether religious, political, secular, individual or collective.
Where any faith based bias or belief
ought to be kept out of govt unless there is a consensus that represents all people of all beliefs who agree that the policy is neutral or inclusive enough to protect all people instead of discriminating, excluding or penalizing any person or group by belief/creed.
Stalin certainly never believed that socialism was based on Christianity:

"Stalin had a complex relationship with religion. He officially adopted the Russian Communist Party’s stance on religion, claiming atheism and continuing the tradition of teaching atheism in schools and propagating the idea that religion was only damaging to a perfect communist society. Stalin even took it further than his predecessor, Lenin, and initiated a nationwide campaign to destroy churches and religious property and even persecute and kill church officials.3 It is said that under Stalin, the Russian Orthodox Church went from 50,000 to 500 open and operating churches."

So where are the socialist leaders who praise Christ and repeat his ideology?

Joseph Stalin’s Religion and Political Views
What is your point with that quote?
It illustrates that he believed the rich should pay more. Its implicit.

I think it illustrates that the rich should give their wealth away - not specifically pay more to the government, but give it.
Don't forget that Jesus also said "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's".

Jesus was NOT anti taxation.

Jesus was ANTI ROME-----sorry folks ---your sunday school teachers lied
Where do you get that anti Rome crap.

Justify your false conclusion and claim.

easy---- I actually read the New Testament with some level
of knowledge of the TIMES. Jesus committed but ONE POLITICAL act in the entire book. He overturned the tables
of the "money-changers" in the temple courtyard------I would appreciate it---if you would try your best explain that action and who were the "money-changers" and what Jesus had against them?
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
The far right is going to argue with you that Jesus was not a government official.

Do you mean "Christians" are going to argue with you?

You do know that "the far right" is completely subjective, according to the time and the geography you are referencing...

And..I dunno, do you realize that "the far right" and "Christians" are not synonymous???
I do not call the far right "Christians".

I call them Protestants.

Big difference.

So you think Protestants aren't Christians?

And are you maintaining that all Protestants are far right (are we talking about in America, or in Wales...which is where the OP hearkens from?)
So you think Protestants aren't Christians?

And are you maintaining that all Protestants are far right (are we talking about in America, or in Wales...which is where the OP hearkens from?)
Stick to what you know KGirl -- Judaism.

You can tell us about Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism.

Leave Christianity (defined broadly as Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism) alone.
Stalin also let up on the Orthodox Church repression during the War going so far as to allow the church to be semi-recognized.
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

The far right has never claimed him, because most of us know he did not advocate any political ideology.

And he did not advocate obedience to authority, if authority required you to be disobedient to God. Leftist mushbrains can't grasp that. What he said regarding caring for and loving each other has exactly zero application to socialism, which isn't about caring for and loving one another, but killing and starving one another for the benefit of the "many" (and by that, they mean "the few" at the very top).

Christians and the Christian faith remains the biggest and most feared enemy that socialists face. Which is why you pigs always try to claim that Christ was a socialist.

The Far Right has long claimed him...the "Christian Right"....
It illustrates that he believed the rich should pay more. Its implicit.

I think it illustrates that the rich should give their wealth away - not specifically pay more to the government, but give it.
Don't forget that Jesus also said "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's".

Jesus was NOT anti taxation.

Jesus was ANTI ROME-----sorry folks ---your sunday school teachers lied
Where do you get that anti Rome crap.

Justify your false conclusion and claim.

easy---- I actually read the New Testament with some level
of knowledge of the TIMES. Jesus committed but ONE POLITICAL act in the entire book. He overturned the tables
of the "money-changers" in the temple courtyard------I would appreciate it---if you would try your best explain that action and who were the "money-changers" and what Jesus had against them?

He also defied political authority when he refused to answer Herod.
easy---- I actually read the New Testament with some level
of knowledge of the TIMES. Jesus committed but ONE POLITICAL act in the entire book. He overturned the tables
of the "money-changers" in the temple courtyard------I would appreciate it---if you would try your best explain that action and who were the "money-changers" and what Jesus had against them?
That had nothing to do with Rome, Bebe.

Looks like you need to re-read it more carefully the next time and google the words you don't know.
He also defied political authority when he refused to answer Herod.
Jesus did not defy Pontius Pilate therefore your rhetorical verbose argumentative response is a fallacy.

Stick to Judaism -- you're good at that.

You're not good at Christianity.
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

The far right has never claimed him, because most of us know he did not advocate any political ideology.

And he did not advocate obedience to authority, if authority required you to be disobedient to God. Leftist mushbrains can't grasp that. What he said regarding caring for and loving each other has exactly zero application to socialism, which isn't about caring for and loving one another, but killing and starving one another for the benefit of the "many" (and by that, they mean "the few" at the very top).

Christians and the Christian faith remains the biggest and most feared enemy that socialists face. Which is why you pigs always try to claim that Christ was a socialist.

The Far Right has long claimed him...the "Christian Right"....

No, that's the narrative the extremist left promotes. It has nothing to do with reality.

The CHRISTIAN right is another entity is the more religiously conservative members of the Christian population.

But when we're talking POLITICS, there is the far left..which would be commies and criminal progressives...and then there are those who defend and support the constitution...referred to by the traitors and scumbags as "the far right".

I think what we have established here is you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and the little twit with the stupid name is of diminished capacity, straight up.
Please someone, I'm begging a big socialist who praised Christ and declared socialism to be modeled on the precepts of Christianity.

The big "Socialists" were Communist dictators. But there is such a thing as Christian socialists: Christian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

No, there's not. Christianity and socialism are not compatible. So they are actually committing heresy, in addition to the treason they promote.
Please someone, I'm begging a big socialist who praised Christ and declared socialism to be modeled on the precepts of Christianity.

The big "Socialists" were Communist dictators. But there is such a thing as Christian socialists: Christian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

No, there's not. Christianity and socialism are not compatible. So they are actually committing heresy, in addition to the treason they promote.

Sure they are.

Socialism can be voluntary and communal. Actually....weren't the earliest Christian communities socialist?
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
The far right is going to argue with you that Jesus was not a government official.
They would probably be right !
I think its easy to get drowned out in the noise. Its about the big picture rather than the detail.
We live in a consumer society that celebrates , and worships, wealth , we hate minorities and believe that poverty is a judgement on our lazy and wicked ways.
Thats not Christianity and thats not socialism either.

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