Jesus the Socialist

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
What is your point with that quote?
It illustrates that he believed the rich should pay more. Its implicit.

I think it illustrates that the rich should give their wealth away - not specifically pay more to the government, but give it.
Don't forget that Jesus also said "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's".

Jesus was NOT anti taxation.

Actually, he was specifically pointing out the fact that paying TAXES and GOVERNMENT POSTURINGS have exactly zero to do with being a good Christian.

Which also blows a big hole in the retarded "Christ was really a commie, so Christians must stop protesting communism!" spasms.
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
What is your point with that quote?
It illustrates that he believed the rich should pay more. Its implicit.

I think it illustrates that the rich should give their wealth away - not specifically pay more to the government, but give it.
Don't forget that Jesus also said "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's".

Jesus was NOT anti taxation.

Jesus was ANTI ROME-----sorry folks ---your sunday school teachers lied
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.
A radical who fought for social justice.

He was on the side of the Angels on pretty much everything and his message was as clear as it gets.

Anti War - Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Healing the sick - He didnt turn away people without cover.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. He didnt say "apart from fags".

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven
. - Co-operation not competition, we work together to build a better world.

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. - Apart from when its trannys who deserve to die !

Give to everyone who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. -
Strong supporter of welfare.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and so on, are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself. - No T and Cs on this. We are all neighbours and entitled. He doesnt exclude any group.

How have his teachings become twisted into hate by false prophets ?

How has he been appropriated by the Right ?

He did everything through charity, not government.
He wasnt a government so your argument is flawed. He encouraged people to pay their taxes. Thats a left wing stance as only billionaires dodge their fair share.

Jesus telling people to pay their taxes has nothing to do with getting the rich to pony up and everything to do with not giving Rome any reason to think he wanted an insurrection. If he told the Jews to withhold their tax payments it would be no different than telling the Jews to rise up in revolt. So he told the Romans that the Jews would still give to Rome what was
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.

wrong again-----jewish law is very favorable to socialism----
the people who withdrew from Judea and ran to the desert
to get away from Roman oppression and live "perfect lives"---
set up entirely SOCIALIST little societies---ie the people called ESSENES, most notable of their settlements being Qumran----were entirely and completely SOCIALIST down to their socks
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

The far right has never claimed him, because most of us know he did not advocate any political ideology.

And he did not advocate obedience to authority, if authority required you to be disobedient to God. Leftist mushbrains can't grasp that. What he said regarding caring for and loving each other has exactly zero application to socialism, which isn't about caring for and loving one another, but killing and starving one another for the benefit of the "many" (and by that, they mean "the few" at the very top).

Christians and the Christian faith remains the biggest and most feared enemy that socialists face. Which is why you pigs always try to claim that Christ was a socialist.
Please someone, I'm begging a big socialist who praised Christ and declared socialism to be modeled on the precepts of Christianity.
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

I read the New Testament----I do not recall Jesus telling people to obey SECULAR AUTHORITY-----au contraire
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

The far right has never claimed him, because most of us know he did not advocate any political ideology.

And he did not advocate obedience to authority, if authority required you to be disobedient to God. Leftist mushbrains can't grasp that. What he said regarding caring for and loving each other has exactly zero application to socialism, which isn't about caring for and loving one another, but killing and starving one another for the benefit of the "many" (and by that, they mean "the few" at the very top).

Christians and the Christian faith remains the biggest and most feared enemy that socialists face. Which is why you pigs always try to claim that Christ was a socialist.

compared to the Romans----Jesus was VERY MUCH a socialist. "SOCIALISM" fails when it become TOTALITARIAN----as in Nazism, Baathism, Communism
A radical who fought for social justice.

He was on the side of the Angels on pretty much everything and his message was as clear as it gets.

Anti War - Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Healing the sick - He didnt turn away people without cover.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. He didnt say "apart from fags".

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven
. - Co-operation not competition, we work together to build a better world.

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. - Apart from when its trannys who deserve to die !

Give to everyone who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. -
Strong supporter of welfare.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and so on, are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself. - No T and Cs on this. We are all neighbours and entitled. He doesnt exclude any group.

How have his teachings become twisted into hate by false prophets ?

How has he been appropriated by the Right ?

Dear Tommy Tainant if I hadn't answered this before
There is a DIFFERENCE between Jesus teaching
being enforced by FREE WILL through religious exercise, the church, the charities and individual FREE CHOICE
being mandated through govt which is in violation of
Constitutional laws against govt establishing religion.

People can believe in free health care by volunteering to help others through donations and charitable programs and teaching hospitals.

And that is completely separate from mandating this through govt and forced taxation.

Last I checked, Tommy Tainant, the liberals who preach "separation of church and state" did NOT want references to Christianity, crosses, God Jesus, creation, prayer or Bibles pushed through schools.
Individuals have rights to practice this but not public schools that are funded by taxpayers.

So which way do you want it?

If you want Jesus principles mandated through govt,
then you'd have to put up with religious beliefs in no sex outside of marriage, no abortions, no homosexuality etc.

Make up your mind.

Just be careful what you ask for; when you get the govt you deserve, you may not like it!
I havent asked for anything Emily. Its just an observation.

OK Tommy Tainant
Do you make the distinction that the church teachings and authority apply to believers and followers of scriptural authority including church leaders and members.

And the workings of GOVT and public policy are supposed to be governed under the Constitution that is supposed to respect equal religious freedom and choice?
Nazis (also progressives and socialists) also harbored dreams of changing the definition of Christianity to Nazism, and replacing Christ with Hitler: " Nazis, such as Hans Kerrl, who served as Hitler's Minister for Church Affairs, believed Christianity could be Nazified into "Positive Christianity", by renouncing its Jewish origins, the Old Testament and Apostle's Creed, and holding Hitler as a new "Messiah". Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course it was ridiculous. Hitler was not a Messiah, Christ was not a Socialist, and no, He did not and still doesn't advocate for Socialism, the idea if repugnant and laughable at the same time.

Socialists are in fact quite cognizant of the threat of the church, because socialism and Christianity cannot abide together:

"Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1922–1991), Soviet authorities suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on the particular era. Soviet policy advocated Marxist–Leninist atheism, which consistently advocated the control, suppression, and the elimination of religious beliefs during its implementation in the Soviet Union.[1]

"The state was committed to the destruction of religion,[2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, and generally promoted atheism as the truth that society should accept.[4][5] The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.[6][7][8]"

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

The far right has never claimed him, because most of us know he did not advocate any political ideology.

And he did not advocate obedience to authority, if authority required you to be disobedient to God. Leftist mushbrains can't grasp that. What he said regarding caring for and loving each other has exactly zero application to socialism, which isn't about caring for and loving one another, but killing and starving one another for the benefit of the "many" (and by that, they mean "the few" at the very top).

Christians and the Christian faith remains the biggest and most feared enemy that socialists face. Which is why you pigs always try to claim that Christ was a socialist.

compared to the Romans----Jesus was VERY MUCH a socialist. "SOCIALISM" fails when it become TOTALITARIAN----as in Nazism, Baathism, Communism

by "socialist" do you mean "govt owning all production and property"

or do you mean charity as in people voluntarily sharing property and resources with neighbors among each other by free choice (not by force of law where govt controls everything).

by strict definitions, socialism refers to govt ownership; by American cultural terms, socialism has "come to mean" govt control and not necessarily ownership per se but injecting legislation from the federal level over what private citizens and businesses can or cannot do with our labor, resources, free choice, property, etc.
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
The far right is going to argue with you that Jesus was not a government official.
Please someone, I'm begging a big socialist who praised Christ and declared socialism to be modeled on the precepts of Christianity.
non sequitur.

false authority.

invalid analogy.

Not at all. You are the ones saying that Christ was a big socialist, and I was responding directly to the assertion that SOCIALISM was based on CHRISTIANITY.

It is, of course, a total lie and a flame...but let's pretend it's which case, I beg you to support that assertion. Provide a quotation from a well known socialist leader (one of the founders of socialism, perhaps! Stalin??? Pol Pot??? Mao???) who makes that claim.
There seems to be some confusion here.
Socialism is based on his teachings and not the other way round.

Wealth redistribution
Free healthcare
Love thy neighbour
Big tent.

Its all about fairness and social justice.
The far right is going to argue with you that Jesus was not a government official.

Do you mean "Christians" are going to argue with you?

You do know that "the far right" is completely subjective, according to the time and the geography you are referencing...

And..I dunno, do you realize that "the far right" and "Christians" are not synonymous???
Jesus gets politicized a lot - each faction wants to claim him. He wasn't a political revolutionary but he was a social one and he advanced a religious message that flew in the face of religious and social dogma at the time.

He told the people to obey the secular authorities. There was no rule of the people by the people, and he did not advocate that. He advocated obedience to God, obedience to authority, tolerance, love, and endurance because their reward would not come in this life but the one after.

But just as the far left can't totally claim him, neither can the far right. He told us to help our fellow people when they were struggling - not leave them on the roadside because we assumed a moral failing was the cause of their poverty. In fact, unlike many on the right - he attached no moral label to poverty.

I read the New Testament----I do not recall Jesus telling people to obey SECULAR AUTHORITY-----au contraire

Didn't he say render unto Ceaser etc?
Nazis (also progressives and socialists) also harbored dreams of changing the definition of Christianity to Nazism, and replacing Christ with Hitler: " Nazis, such as Hans Kerrl, who served as Hitler's Minister for Church Affairs, believed Christianity could be Nazified into "Positive Christianity", by renouncing its Jewish origins, the Old Testament and Apostle's Creed, and holding Hitler as a new "Messiah". Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course it was ridiculous. Hitler was not a Messiah, Christ was not a Socialist, and no, He did not and still doesn't advocate for Socialism, the idea if repugnant and laughable at the same time.

Socialists are in fact quite cognizant of the threat of the church, because socialism and Christianity cannot abide together:

"Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1922–1991), Soviet authorities suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on the particular era. Soviet policy advocated Marxist–Leninist atheism, which consistently advocated the control, suppression, and the elimination of religious beliefs during its implementation in the Soviet Union.[1]

"The state was committed to the destruction of religion,[2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, and generally promoted atheism as the truth that society should accept.[4][5] The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.[6][7][8]"

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After Adolf conquered France the Germans all thought he WAS their Messiah.

When he attacked Russia they began to have their doubts however.

Adolf was raised Catholic by bad parents who beat him. So naturally he did not grow up to be a very good Catholic.

Eventually his success went to his own head.

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