Jet Stream detour from GLOBAL WARMING

I'm not inclined to watch an hour and a half video, but the paper I led this thread with contends that the increased temperatures in the Arctic have caused the development of Rossby waves in the Jet Stream which are responsible for the large amount of Arctic air and snow coming through the US midwest and northeast.

No matter what the weather does, I'm dead certain some AGW quack on the government payroll will write a paper saying global warming caused it.
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

So global warming makes winters colder?

You're serious about this theory?

Remember when all the AGW nutburgers were saying that global warming meant there would be no more snow?.

Cold air moves further south based on the meteorological set up. What oldrocks is saying that temperatures within the areas further south are cold then the means and while some areas further north are warm on the means.

Not that it is 70f in the arctic circle. ;)
I thought the "Science" was "Settled"?

Did you not tell the Jet Stream about your "Settled science"?
I'm not inclined to watch an hour and a half video, but the paper I led this thread with contends that the increased temperatures in the Arctic have caused the development of Rossby waves in the Jet Stream which are responsible for the large amount of Arctic air and snow coming through the US midwest and northeast.

Dr. Jennifer Francis is a Phd Meteorologist from Rutgers, and explores the whole connection of Arctic Ice and the Jet Stream in this lecture.

And no one outside your Cult takes her seriously

What does she have to say besides "ManMade's on!!"
What do you have to say except what the fossil fuel industry's mouthpieces have fed you?
What do you have to say except what the fossil fuel industry's mouthpieces have fed you?

What's I've been saying since I seriously looked at the AGWCult rantings: Show me one repeatable experiment that demonstrates a wisp of CO2 driving climate or Shut the Fuck Up.

You keep telling us that AGW is for real because the "Settled science" proves that a wisp of CO2 swamps all other variables including the Sun and the Jet Stream, so again, show us how or Shut The Fuck Up
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

:lol: The desperation is amusing to say the least! Here's the best information on the Jet Stream and what causes it to behave in this manner. Please note, that unlike your cute little "study" that has no observational support, THIS study does....

"New Scientist, April 14, 2010

Brace yourself for more winters like the last one, northern Europe. Freezing conditions could become more likely: winter temperatures may even plummet to depths last seen at the end of the 17th century, a time known as the Little Ice Age. That's the message from a new study that identifies a compelling link between solar activity and winter temperatures in northern Europe.

The research finds that low solar activity promotes the formation of giant kinks in the jet stream. These kinks can block warm westerly winds from reaching Europe, while allowing in winds from Arctic Siberia. When this happens in winter, northern Europe freezes, even though other, comparable regions of the globe may be experiencing unusually mild conditions.

Mike Lockwood at the University of Reading in the UK began his investigation because these past two relatively cold British winters coincided with a lapse in the sun's activity more profound than anything seen for a century. For most of 2008-9, sunspots virtually disappeared from the sun's surface and the buffeting of Earth by the solar magnetic field dropped to record lows since measurements began, about 150 years ago.

Lockwood and his colleagues took average winter temperatures from the Central England Temperature dataset, which extends back to 1659, and compared it with records of highs and lows in solar activity. They found that during years of low solar activity, winters in the UK were far more likely to be colder than average. "There is less than a 1 per cent probability that the result was obtained by chance," says Lockwood, in a paper to appear in Environmental Research Letters."

The Heat Is Online

So, the heat is off. But with a neutral ENSO, a lower TSI, 2013 comes in as 4th warmest? We may see an El Nino this summer. If we do, expect to see the warmest year on record, barring a major volcanic eruption. If the ENSO stays neutral, just another year in the top ten. Now, Walleyes, old boy, that is some cooling.
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

So global warming makes winters colder?

You're serious about this theory?

Remember when all the AGW nutburgers were saying that global warming meant there would be no more snow?.

Cold air moves further south based on the meteorological set up. What oldrocks is saying that temperatures within the areas further south are cold then the means and while some areas further north are warm on the means.

Not that it is 70f in the arctic circle. ;)

Yeah, we've already seen the post hoc rationalization for the current weather condition that previous quack AGW theory failed to predict.

Any Voo-Doo witch doctor can come up with post hoc rationalizations.

"We didn't throw enough virgins into the volcano!"

See how easy that was?
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

:lol: The desperation is amusing to say the least! Here's the best information on the Jet Stream and what causes it to behave in this manner. Please note, that unlike your cute little "study" that has no observational support, THIS study does....

"New Scientist, April 14, 2010

Brace yourself for more winters like the last one, northern Europe. Freezing conditions could become more likely: winter temperatures may even plummet to depths last seen at the end of the 17th century, a time known as the Little Ice Age. That's the message from a new study that identifies a compelling link between solar activity and winter temperatures in northern Europe.

The research finds that low solar activity promotes the formation of giant kinks in the jet stream. These kinks can block warm westerly winds from reaching Europe, while allowing in winds from Arctic Siberia. When this happens in winter, northern Europe freezes, even though other, comparable regions of the globe may be experiencing unusually mild conditions.

Mike Lockwood at the University of Reading in the UK began his investigation because these past two relatively cold British winters coincided with a lapse in the sun's activity more profound than anything seen for a century. For most of 2008-9, sunspots virtually disappeared from the sun's surface and the buffeting of Earth by the solar magnetic field dropped to record lows since measurements began, about 150 years ago.

Lockwood and his colleagues took average winter temperatures from the Central England Temperature dataset, which extends back to 1659, and compared it with records of highs and lows in solar activity. They found that during years of low solar activity, winters in the UK were far more likely to be colder than average. "There is less than a 1 per cent probability that the result was obtained by chance," says Lockwood, in a paper to appear in Environmental Research Letters."

The Heat Is Online

So, the heat is off. But with a neutral ENSO, a lower TSI, 2013 comes in as 4th warmest? We may see an El Nino this summer. If we do, expect to see the warmest year on record, barring a major volcanic eruption. If the ENSO stays neutral, just another year in the top ten. Now, Walleyes, old boy, that is some cooling.

"4th warmest" is another way of saying "temperatures have been flat or declining." We've already seen through this con, so why do you keep trying to use it?
What do you have to say except what the fossil fuel industry's mouthpieces have fed you?

Whose "feeding" you, Abraham? Who do you work for? Since you're making all these sinister allegations about how skeptics of the AGW abracadabra make their money, it's time for you to spill the beans.
Shouldn't global warming make the tropics warmer?

It has. It's just had a greater effect on the Arctic. Surely you've heard this before. The temperature increase in the Arctic is greater than anywhere else on the planet. So the delta has been decreased.

Interesting that the greatest temperature increases are claimed to be happening where the least instrumentation is in place. Don't you find that strange...and suspicious....or do you just eat what you are spoon fed and regurgitate it in as many places as you can?
For those interested, here is a lecture from a Phd Meteorologist on this very subject;

Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube

I'm not interested in lectures by kookburgers on the government payroll.

Rutgers is a private university, Bri.

That doesn't mean that a large part of the professors income doesn't come from government sources. For one thing, most of the students are getting financial aid from the government. Then there's all the government money spent on paying professors to do research. The list goes on and on.

Government has captured the private universities.
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

I particularly enjoyed the snow on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico!

If the jet stream "got weaker" than that's great news for Tornado Alley. And the intensity of storms over the CONUS should be lessened.

But there are supposed to be more storms...extreme storms all the time...floods, fires, hail....dogs and cats living together...Biblical I tell you ...... Biblical. Or not.
Shouldn't global warming make the tropics warmer?

It has. It's just had a greater effect on the Arctic. Surely you've heard this before. The temperature increase in the Arctic is greater than anywhere else on the planet. So the delta has been decreased.

Interesting that the greatest temperature increases are claimed to be happening where the least instrumentation is in place. Don't you find that strange...and suspicious....or do you just eat what you are spoon fed and regurgitate it in as many places as you can?

The interesting part is where they come up with a new post hoc theory every time the climate doesn't behave according to their previous post hoc theory.
Also, Mike Mann should be headed to prison next to Sandusky for his fucking Tree Ring Fraud
If the jet stream "got weaker" than that's great news for Tornado Alley. And the intensity of storms over the CONUS should be lessened.

But there are supposed to be more storms...extreme storms all the time...floods, fires, hail....dogs and cats living together...Biblical I tell you ...... Biblical. Or not.

That's the problem with abracadabra. When the facts don't behave according to your previous abracadabra, your explanations start to collide with one another.
Warming Arctic May Be Causing Jet Stream To Lose Its Way : The Two-Way : NPR

"The strength of the jet stream is directly proportional to the difference in temperature between the poles and the tropics. When it's strong, the jet stream tends to take a straighter path, but when it's weak it meanders. As the Arctic is experiencing warming at faster rates than the tropics, that difference is getting smaller, so the jet stream is weakening along with it."

"Mark Serreze, the director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, was on the panel along with Francis. He says the idea that changes in the polar north could influence mid-latitude weather, was a new and lively area of research.

"Fundamentally, the strong warming that might drive this is tied in with the loss of sea-ice cover that we're seeing, because the sea-ice cover acts as this lid that separates the ocean from a colder atmosphere," Serreze says.

"If we remove that lid, we pump all this heat up into the atmosphere. That is a good part of the signal of warming that we're now seeing, and that could be driving some of these changes.""

So global warming makes winters colder?

You're serious about this theory?

Remember when all the AGW nutburgers were saying that global warming meant there would be no more snow?.

At this point, it amazes me that they can promote their failed hypothesis with a straight face.

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